Next chapter is up. Tell me what you think.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything of Twilight, even though I wish I did.


Third POV

Things in the Brandon house were never the same after that fateful day.

Mary's parents never really looked at her the same. And Mary wasn't as cheerful as she once was. Her parents acted as if she had some deadly contagious disease that they would get if they got too close to her. Her father just did not speak to her and her mother was down right scared of her. They both considered locking her away. But they couldn't 'cause they never saw or heard her have another "attack".

Mary noticed a change in her parents. She knew it had to deal with what she saw. But that vision was not the only one she had. She had many more that followed. She did not tell a soul, in fear that she would be punished. Although she had more visions, they didn't speak of disaster. They were small ones. Like who would wash the dishes after dinner or what the answers were on a test. But never of someone getting hurt.

Cynthia noticed that the family was strained. But she didn't know why. She acted as if everything were normal. She talked to her parents and adored them. She was the golden child now. And she loved every minute of it. She loved the attention she was getting now. She hated how everyone used to dote on Mary. She still talked to Mary though. She knew Mary would tell her the huge secret that everyone in the house was keeping. And she really wanted to know.

Mary's POV

I'll never forget the week that changed my entire life. The day Cynthia broke her arm and I had my vision of it. After my parents and I had our talk about it later. And days later when everyone stopped talking to me at school.

Everyone at school noticed that I really didn't want to talk anymore. And that I wasn't as fun as I used to be, they stopped talking to me. I became the loner at school. It was as if people wanted to be my friends when I has something to share. But when I was upset and down. The time I needed a friend, no one was there.

The only one I talk to now is Cynthia. And even than I don't tell her everything. She would hate me and be disgusted of my gift. Like Momma and Papa do when they think I'm not lookin.

But I'm not going to give up. I am determined to be free from this family and this town. I'm gonna go where no one knows who I am. And doesn't look down on me like I'm trash. Someplace where I can have a career in fashion.

Where my gift is accepted like I am. Yes, having these visions is a gift. Its something special. And I'm gonna use my gift to help people. To save lives. To move forward.

But I won't get that here. Not in this family. City. State. Or even this country. They fear people like me because they don't understand what I can do.

I'm almost to my goal. I need just a little bit more money to get out of here. And once I have it, I'm gone.

Cynthia POV

Everyone dotes on my older sister. Mary this, Mary that. No one ever treats me like that. Even when she's a social outcast. She's all anyone can ever talk about. Even when my parents shun her and don't talk to her, she's all they talk about. Something 'bout a disease.

I don't even get why they think she's so special anyway. There's nothing interesting about her at all. I get it when we were younger, but now she's so depressin'. Before she had a life and friends. She had something for people to talk about.

But there is one thing I know. Something happened the day I broke my arm, that no one is telling me about. She did something. And I'm gonna find out. She won't be the center of attention anymore.

And if its worthy enough of having her out of our lives.

So be it.

Then I'll tell the city. Lets see how she handles the attention than.

Tell me what you think. Leave a review. Even if its a bad one.