Here is the first Chapter to my new fic, No Mere Coincidence. It is more Chuck/Sarah centric than my other one, and it is quite AU. I hope you like it.
Found Love, Lost Life
Officer Chuck Bartowski was sitting at the police Station one Saturday afternoon, waiting for Bryce Larkin to show up. If he didn't show up soon, they'd be late for patrol duty, which was strange, because Bryce was never late for anything.
At the very moment that Chuck had lost all patience, Bryce walked into the station, "Hey Chuck, sorry I'm late man."
"Where have you been?" Chuck asked, exasperated, "If you had shown up two minutes later, you would have been in deep trouble!"
"Hey, I'm sorry, pal, it's just that, I met this amazing girl today and…" He trailed off.
"Yeah, great, good for you. Let's go." Chuck cut him off and headed towards the door.
"Just because you're still dating your high school sweetheart doesn't mean that you can't be happy for me." Bryce retorted as he ran after Chuck.
"Oh, so I'm supposed to jump for joy each time you meet a new chick and she's really great? Let's see, how many times has that happened in the past week? About a hundred! Do you get my point?"
"Hey, I get it man, but this girl's different."
"Really? How so?" Chuck asked as he got into the car.
"Her name's Sarah and I actually like her. She's sweet, and she has a gorgeous smile. I asked her out on a date."
"You actually asked her out on a proper date? Where'd you meet her? If I may ask."
"At the yogurt shop, you know the one on Burbank Boulevard, across from the Buy More that we worked at when we were in High School?"
"Dude! You got a date with Sarah the Yogurt Girl?"
"Yeah, why, do you know her?"
"Well, I've seen her. God, she is one heck of a woman! I'm happy for ya, bro, even if it ends up being a one-night stand," Chuck gave his friend a punch in the arm.
"I don't think that this is going to be a one-night stand, Chuck."
Bryce and Chuck had always planned on working together when they grew up, so when Bryce signed up for the police academy, Chuck did too, even though he had won a scholarship to Stanford University. They were now both Los Angeles policemen, and within another year, they would both make detective.
Even though they were best friends, Chuck and Bryce could not have been more different when it came to women. Chuck was still dating his high school girlfriend, Jill Roberts, who had actually dumped Bryce for him in the eleventh grade. They couldn't be happier; they had a house, and good jobs. Jill was currently working at a research lab downtown, as she had her PhD in Biomedical Engineering.
Bryce wasn't much of a dater; no he was a… what's the word… a philanderer, maybe? He was known around the station as "Officer Gets-around." He had never had a steady relationship, as far as anybody knew, and it was the general consensus that he never would. There was actually a bet going at work to see how long Bryce could keep each "girlfriend."
Three Weeks Later…
"Chuck, Jill, I'd like you to meet Sarah. Sarah, this is my best friend and partner Chuck Bartowski and his girlfriend Jill Roberts." Bryce smilingly introduced them.
"It's so nice to finally meet you!" Sarah exclaimed as she hugged them, "Bryce has told me so much about you!"
Jill pulled Sarah into the living room, and Chuck handed Bryce a bottle of beer, "That must be one special girl if she still likes you after three weeks."
"You know what the coolest thing about it is?" Bryce added.
"I think I'm in love with her, Chuck," Bryce said, smiling, "I think that she might be the one."
Later that night, Chuck and Jill were in bed.
"Jill, the world as we know it has come to an end."
"What do you mean?" Jill chuckled.
"Our boy Bryce is in love. Be afraid… be very afraid."
"Chuck…Sarah's a nice girl." Jill said, "We should be happy for Bryce."
"Oh, it wasn't that I didn't like Sarah," Chuck replied, "But I just don't get what a girl like her sees in Bryce."
"I do. Chuck, Bryce is a good guy. He's got a house, and a good job, and good looks, and…" Jill trailed off.
"Okay, okay, so he's dream boy. I'm worried about the week after they're married and he doesn't come home one night because he's at some stripper's apartment."
"Chuck!" Jill chided, hitting him on the chest, "He would NEVER do that! Come on, give the guy some credit. He's your best friend for God's sake."
Meanwhile, Bryce was walking Sarah up to her apartment.
"So, do really you think that your friends liked me?" Sarah asked as she cuddled closer into Bryce's chest as they walked up the stairs.
"Sarah, come on, get serious!" Bryce chuckled, "They loved you! Why would you even think otherwise?"
"I don't know, I mean, you and Chuck and Jill have been friends since High School. I kinda feel like the odd one out."
"Sarah," He took her by the shoulders and stood in front of her, "This isn't high school. They adore you, I promise." He kissed her, "And if they ever tell me something else, I swear I will stop being their friend."
"Aw, you'd do that for me?" She crooned as she kissed him again.
"You bet I would."
Six months later…
"Sarah Walker, will you marry me?"
"Oh my god, Bryce, Yes!" Sarah squealed. Bryce picked her up and twirled her around.
Chuck and Jill were standing about five feet away. Chuck leaned down and whispered, "I can't believe we just witnessed that."
"Bryce Larkin proposing—I never thought I'd see the day." Then he raised his voice to get Bryce's attention, "Bryce!"
Bryce stopped making out with Sarah and looked up, "Yeah?"
"Congratulations, Buddy, I'm happy for you, but we need to go to work." He turned and kissed Jill. "I'll see you later."
"How late will you be working?" Jill asked as she kissed him back.
"Probably all night. I'll see you in the morning."
Later, at the station, Chuck was filing some papers. A female officer came up to him, "Hey Bartowski. Big drug operation. The chief wants you and Larkin to go along on the bust."
"Yeah, okay. Thanks Mariah." He finished filing the papers and then turned to see Bryce behind him.
"Dude! This is the best day ever!" Bryce's eyes were wild with excitement; first, my girlfriend accepts my proposal, and now, a drug bust! I heard that the big guns are gonna be ther too, like the FBI. I swear, if this day gets any better, I'll die."
Bad choice of words, Officer Larkin.
Chuck decided to call Jill before he left the station.
Hey honey it's me.
Hi sweetie, what's up?
Oh, Bryce and I are going on a drug bust, so I'm not sure when I'll be home.
Okay, well, I'm with Sarah, we're shopping. You and Bryce stay safe okay?
Marry me, Jill.
I'm sorry; I wanted it to be more romantic. I even have the ring in my top dresser drawer. It's just, my line of work is dangerous, and I couldn't wait another minute. Will you marry me, Jill?
Yes, Chuck, of course. I love you!
Bryce was still standing near Chuck, and he looked like a lovesick puppy. He was staring at his "lucky picture" of Sarah. "Was that Jill?" He asked.
"Yeah, she's with Sarah. They're shopping or something." Chuck replied, still shocked at Jill's acceptance of his proposal.
"Really? She's with Sarah? Did Sarah say anything about me?" Bryce prodded, "Oh congratulations on finally popping the question to Jill."
Chuck smirked and punched Bryce playfully in the arm, "Shut up."
"She's with Sarah? Did Sarah say anything about me? Oooh I'm sooo in looove." Chuck mocked, faking his best girly voice.
"Okay, now, YOU shut up!" Bryce punched Chuck in the arm, "I didn't sound anything like that."
Chuck just snickered and put his hand on Bryce's shoulder, guiding him toward the door.
The drug bust was a disaster. Gunfire was flying in every direction, and three cops were killed outright. Suddenly, Chuck saw someone pointing a gun at him. Just as the person was about to fire, Bryce jumped in front of Chuck, taking the bullet.
"NOOOO!" Chuck cried, "Bryce!" He dragged him into a safe corner.
"Get back in there, Chuck," Bryce groaned, "You don't need to stay with me. I'm already dead."
"Come on, come on, stay with me," Chuck begged. "You can't die. You just proposed to Sarah. You're gonna get married and live happily ever after and it'll be great."
Bryce drew a sharp breath, "It never would've worked. You know that. We never would've lasted."
"Hey, hey, that's not true. She needs ya man! She loves you!"
Bryce clenched his wound and looked at Chuck painfully, "You take care of her." He whispered as he drew his final breath.
"No Bryce, no, no no!" Chuck cried as he watched his best friend's head droop to the side. He fought back the tears as best as he could as he released the body and watched it fall to the floor. There was no time for mourning at this very moment though; Bryce was dead, there was nothing he could do about it, and there was other work to be done.
There you have Chapter 1. Since I'm not really a police officer, I don't actually know how these things go down, but don't bombard me with a ton of information on the subject. Just roll with it, please.
Reviews are appreciated.