Dancing with the Devil, for Real


He knew Darkrai's favorite haunt, it liked to be near water and in a dark room; the seashore warehouses were one of its most favored. He heard rumors these days the Darkrai was keeping a companion with it, only on though.

No one really knows who Darkrai is, if it's a boy or girl, if it's a Natural or Half; they only know that its strength is that of a Legendary Pokemon, only even stronger. He shivered at the mere thought of it, Houndoom was a beast as is, Darkrai was supposed to be stronger than her?

He dug in his pockets, he was walking down the beach boardwalk, and he hoped that his luck would be about him as he searched for this shadow of a Mix.

He saw a younger Half swimming, a Magikarp. It's mother not to far away, the Gyrados was on the look out for any potential predators as they do when they are a Full Pokemon.

He saw a Milotic in the distance it was speeding towards him.

"AHHH!" It screamed her face one of horror. "OUT OF THE WAY!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. She burst out of the water in a cloud of mist.

He managed to duck just in time; he snagged her out of the air. He spun because of her momentum. He landed heavily on his back; the girl was curled into his chest. He gripped her tightly to make sure she didn't fly out of his arms when they made contact with the sand.

"Damn, been awhile since something like that has happened to me." He let her go and sat up.

"Did I hurt you?" She turned on him instantly. Her body lit up as she whispered, "Healing Wish" His bruise from protecting her vanished.

"Thanks." He rubbed his arms. "Ahh, odd question, but since you're a Pokemon Type that'll usually help someone, have you seen anything related to Darkrai in anyway?" He asked her flat out, he though she might know something it was a gut feeling.

"Yeah. Why? My sister told me to be cautious of people who asked of Naturals and Halfs, but you're a Half yourself…. So never mind!" She smiled brightly.

"Could you take me to Darkrai, I need help to get a friend back and Darkrai is the only one who can pull it off." He was now pleading; if Houndoom saw him, he was sure she would have killed him flat out.

"Ah~" her face scrunched up in thought. "Is she important to you?" She sat down next to him.

"Yeah, we've been together since the beginning." He got a glazed look in his eyes as her remembered all the times they had shared.

"WOW! I've had my family since I hatched, bit they had been together for far longer than that! You passed my test; I'll take you to Darkrai. Darkrai doesn't like it when I bring people who don't deserve help." She got up and twirled, her blue and red skirt fanned out around her. She pulled a folding fan out of nowhere, like it had been hiding in her skin. Her red hair flung out around her, catching the sunlight and refracting it in a million pieces. She looked stunning, 'No, don't be caught in it.' he shook his head.

He stood up, his tail covered with sand. A single swipe and it was clean again. He ran his hand through the tangle of hair on his head. His piercing blue eyes bore into her, sending his message of urgency.

"Let's go!" She grabbed his arm, her hand gripping her lightly. She smiled at him and bunched her legs up under her body. "Off we go!" She leapt into the air with him in tow. He nearly yelped with the force she used to push off. His eyes went wide; she was strong.

She flew through the air with him; he saw the landscape rush under them. "Your first time flying? Sister always took me up with her when Adie wasn't around." She smiled peacefully, like remembering happy days.

"Yeah, my friend and I prefer to stay on the ground; this is nice though…" He closed his eyes, his stomach churning at the speed they were going at.

"Here we are!" She called out a moment later. He opened his eyes to the sight of the ground rushing up at him.

"Ah hell!" He nearly screamed as the touched down. He stumbled out of her grasp and tumbled for a bit on the sand. He shook himself off as he stood up; only a few minor injuries marked his body from the landing.

He took him his surroundings. They were in front of some random pier; an old warehouse about ready to crumble was behind it. The sand looked old and worn; he didn't know how or why he knew that, he just did. It was littered with cans, bottle, and other sorts of trash, it just seemed a little sad.


"Hmm?" She spun to face him; her face was lit up with a lovely light.

"Never mind." He rubbed his head, "Let's go."

"Sure!" She jumped and started to race towards the warehouse.

'How did I know?' He shook his head and followed her, but only at a slower pace.

"Darkrai! I brought someone." She knocked on the door.

"Come in." The voice was only a whisper; the power behind it almost floored him.

"What's the matter with you?" She faced him; her red eyes were lit up with this power around them. "This isn't real power, only an illusion." She smirked. "I know real power." Her own started to flow out of her, he watched it as it was almost visible to the naked eye; it was like a mist. "You have it too, you just can't see it." She patted his head as the she leapt through the door. The darkness seemed to swallow her whole.

He gulped, and then decided to follow her example.

'Houndoom, you're going to owe me big-time after this.' He mentally shook his fist at her.


"So, you only want funding?"

"Yes, that would be helpful, anything can be used to the fullest" She folded her hands in her kimono. "We will take any amount." Her face was a mask of plaster, no emotion breaking the finely tuned lines of her moth and eyes.

"Hmm, you seem pretty confident." He crossed his hands.

"Of course I do, everyone thinks that. This is the best part of my life, I'm pretty sure I could overcome anything now; I've gone through hell and survived, how many people can say that?" She smiled but it didn't reach her eyes. "Now, for the donations." She went right back to business.

Sweat trickled down all of their brows, they had never dealt with someone of her stature; she was like a Tyranitar. They all moved in their seats, uncomfortable in being such close proximity to this beast.

"We'll give you any amount you need, just call us up."

"How sweet of you, my business is done." She bowed when she stood up. "Thanks for your help." She smiled sweetly as she walked out.

Everyone let out a sigh of relief, the monster had left.


"Yes?" She turned to face the young Wurmple she had taken under her wings, literally.

The red jumpsuit she was in was darling, her red hair tied into spikes. Her chunky shoes didn't match the speed she was able to obtain. The yellow earrings caught the light as she smiled.

"Good job! Shouldn't we call Charizard?" Her face so innocent, just like the was Silcoon used too.

"Sounds like a plan, can you get me my phone? It's in the bag in the car; I'm not ready to leave yet." She asked kindly.

"Sure thing!" Wurmple left at mach speeds, her feet just a blur under her. She was back in a second with the phone. "Here we are!" Her face lit up as she looked up at Dustox.

"Thanks." She patted Wurmple's head. She quickly dialed the number in.


"It's me."

"Nice to hear from you, how's your work?" Charizard asked.

"Not bad, I got another willing participant for funds."

"Great! Hey, if you see Lugia or Absol, tell them that I miss them." The phone beeped in her ear, Charizard had hung up.

"We've got more work to do. We've got to find some old friends, Charizard misses them."

"You mean Lugia and Absol? I saw them in the lobby; I wasn't able to tell you because you had to speak with her."

"It's okay, can you bring me to them?"


'Today is just full of surprises isn't it?' Dustox shook her head.

Seemed like a good place to stop, sorry about the lack of reviews, life ad other stories got in the way!
