Author's Note: This is the prologue chapter to the story of Remus and Sosia's years at Hogwarts. It is rather short and probably won't be updated any time soon, but I simply had to post it. It is a sequel of sorts to "Errare Humanum Est", really it's more of a prequel, and will include the full Marauder gang, I promise.

The Latin translates to "fortune favors the brave".

Disclaimer: I'm putting it here and nowhere else in this fic—I don't own a single jot or tittle of Harry Potter. Not so much as a house elf. It is all the sole intellectual property of JK Rowling, who is a gracious and extremely talented woman.

Dedicated to Sosia Camillina who released this plot bunny into my fevered psyche (thank you).

Fortes Fortuna Juvat: Prologue

"Tell us!"

Two small round faces and two pairs of bright eyes looked pleadingly at their parents.

"Tell us, please, what Hogwarts was like when you were there!" Continued Alexander, his dark brown curls tumbling into his gray blue eyes. The six-year old climbed up to balance his father's knee, pushing aside the letter from Hermione Weasley that he had been reading to them, "Tell us, Papa, tell us about you and Mama and Uncle Sirius and Harry's papa."

"Tell us about meeting Mama." Implored four-year old Davina, red-brown curls bobbing as she too climbed into her father's lap.

"Yes, Remus, tell them all about our years at Hogwarts." Sosia's gray eyes sparkled with mischief.

Remus smiled at his wife of ten years over the heads of their offspring.

"You will of course assist me in this, wife." He replied pointedly, returning the grin she gave him.

"Naturally." Sosia delivered the cups of hot cocoa she had been brewing and picked up Alexander from his perch on Remus' lap. Davina took advantage of this and snuggled into the crook of her father's arm, cradling her mug of cocoa, magicked so that she could not spill it.

Remus sipped his own, leaning back in his comfortable chair in front of the leaping flames in the large fireplace and hugging his baby girl to him. He watched with a fondness and a passion undimmed by their decade of domestic bliss as his wife settled herself across from him with their eldest child on her lap and her own mug in her hand. She was still, in his opinion, the most astonishing thing that had ever happened to him—up to and including 'the bite'. His thoughts were interrupted once again by a young voice.

"Tell us now, please." Well, his son was remembering his manners at least.

This had all started when Hermione mentioned that Hogwarts, where she was a visiting professor this term, had no one to match the Marauders in the current batch of students. Remus privately thought that there wasn't much to worry about; the present generation of preschool age youngsters had more than enough mischief-makers to make up for any immediate lack. When Jem Potter and the Black twins reached the age of eleven, Filch would probably beg for retirement. Alexander had already perfected his look of perfect innocence when caught in the midst of disobedience. And once the new generation of Weasleys arrived, even the unflappable Minerva McGonagall might feel overwhelmed.

"Where shall we start, dearest?"

"The Hogwarts Express is where it all starts, love."

"Right. Remember last time we visited Harry and Ginny in London, when we took the train with Aunt Renee? Well, there is a scarlet steam engine called the Hogwarts Express that leaves from Platform 9 and ¾ at King's Cross station…."

Author's Note Part Two: I told you it was short. I will continue this once EHE starts wrapping up and NWEP gets going strong.