A/N: hey this is CosplayerMew and this is my first FanFic! it might be short or it might be really long..I'm not sure. I'm writing what comes to mind. Anyway R&R sorry if it's bad! RyoSaku!

Their Moments

Sakunos' POV(point of view):

I can't believe it..

"HEY SAKUNO..RYOMA COME DOWNSTAIRS AND EAT BREAKFAST!" a voice called from downstairs.

Ugh...five more minutes. Said a hoarse voice still tired with slumber.

HUH!(my body shot up with from my sleep) a..ano. I thought in my mind. "So..it wasn't a dream then"

I said while looking at the angle asleep next to me. An angle with soft,dark,green hair.

About two days ago my mother and grandmother were going away for a business trip for about a week.

Until then I had to stay with my long crush..Ryoma Echizen! I couldn't and didn't believe it until yesterday when I was packed and standing in front of the Echizen household. And now I'm here in the same bed as Ryoma!(because they don't have any blow up mattresses,says Nanjiro Echizen)

being so trailed in my thoughts that without realizing I began to blush. i wanted to touch his soft hair..'NO,Sakuno what are you thinking!

I thought as I slowly moved my hand to feel his hair.

I was only an inch away when I started to listen to my thoughts and I hesitated. Then without realizing I had woken up the sleeping angle.

"a..ano, sorry Ryoma." I said withdrawing my hand.

"What time is it." the grumbling Ryoma said.

Of course since I was blushing terribly and was so flustered I couldn't say a word. All I got out was an,"a...ano, um."

Ryoma looked around for a clock..i did the same. When we both found one it read 9:36. "I guess it's past 9:00...you want to get up?" Ryoma asked while looking straight into Sakuno's eyes.

I was blushing like crazy just looking at Ryoma's golden cat eyes. I some how managed to get out a "h..hai" and then we where on our way downstairs. But then I realized I really had to go to the bathroom and I wanted to freshen up.

"ugh, R..Ryoma? Can I go to the bathroom really quick."I said while looking at the floor.

"sure..sorry I didn't even ask. It's right by my room." Ryoma said pointing out the way.

"Arigato R..Ryoma-san!" I said as I started for the bathroom.

I got in and locked the door. I looked in the mirror and saw myself. I saw my messy braids and thought how annoying it was to sleep with them. I started to unravel the braids until my hair was free of any. My hair was really wavy and curly from the braids so I grabbed the brush on the counter and brushed my hair for a good 5 minutes. Then I came out of the bathroom and to my surprise Ryoma was right there!

"Ahh...Ryoma, ugh I..It's free now." I said feeling the blood rush to my head.

"Girls take a long time in the bathroom." Ryoma said looking at the floor.

Ryoma's POV:

"Girls take a long time in the bathroom." I said looking at the floor.

When I turned to look at her everything stopped. The world seemed like it had stopped spinning. All I could see was a rosy girl with long wavy beautiful hair and chocolate eyes that all just melted my soul. All of time and space could see how beautiful she was...WAIT...WHAT am I thinking! Me liking someone..nu-uh no way. My stomach started to hurt as my hormones started to act up.

Ugh..her skin and eyes... I just want to look at her all day! Her lips..look so..soft...

I started walking towards her with all these thoughts of her...her singing..her dancing..her hugs...kissing..her. I couldn't stop. Then I started thinking of things really bad like her in the shower!

Before I could realize what I was doing I was about an inch away from Sakuno's face.

"ugh..thanks!" I said while blushing. I ran in the bathroom as fast I could and closed the door behind me. I looked in the mirror and saw something I didn't recognize. I the prince of tennis was actually blushing! I couldn't believe what I was thinking..and then I was an inch away from Sakuno's face! Any second longer in that dream and I might have kissed Sakuno!

Then the thought of her in the shower entered my mind again. I couldn't believe what I was doing! I shook my head to try and straighten myself up. Okay Ryoma you're just going to go put there and pretend like nothing happened! Yeah, it'll work. Yeah!

Ryoma nodded his head yes and prepared to walk out the door.

Sakuno's POV:

A..ano, he was so close! Sakuno thought while blushing,replaying the whole thing in her mind. I could have..NO! I won't think that! But..if I wanted to...ugh what should I do! Sakuno slumpt down on the floor thinking of how Ryoma must feel right now.

Man I bet he is worse than me..oh, maybe I should talk to him...yeah I will suck up my courage and talk to him!

Sakuno was about to knock on the door when it flung open and Ryoma fell right on top of Sakuno!

Ryoma's POV:

Ryoma slowly turned the door knob only to find someone in front of him..but it was to late. He was confident to walk out there and pretend nothing had happened that he forgot to slow down his pace. He fell right on top of Sakuno!

Oh crap,oh crap,oh crap! Ryoma thought angrily in his mind.

"a..ano. Gomen R..Ryoma. I didn't mean- she was cut off by Ryoma.

"No..sorry it was my fault! Ryoma protested.

'If I would have slowed down my pace and looked where I was going it probably wouldn't have happened." Ryoma said quietly.

There was a moment of silence between them while they stayed together like that. Ryoma was on top of Sakuno. None of them moved. Ryoma thought to himself..why isn't she asking me to get off. I would but she's not asking.

When Ryoma finally realized why it was because he was soooo close to her that only a finger could close the gap between there noses.

When Ryoma came to his senses and saw the poor girl blushing he asked,"Do you want me to get off?"

it was another minute before the girl answered,"h..hai"

Ryoma slowly rolled of her and sat on the floor feeling awfully sheepish.

All Sakuno could do was just lie there in shock.

Footsteps started coming up the stairs and both the love birds got up in shock.

"Hey what's takin' so long? Come on...wow,what happened to you guys?" Asked Nananko.

Nananko is Ryoma's cousin.

"um, nothing, gomen..we are on our way." Ryoma said with a very sluggish smile.

"uh,come on Sakuno." Ryoma said blushing.

"h..hai." is all the girl could say.

When Ryoma,Sakuno,and Nananko came down they could see the table was set with a Japanese stye breakfast and name tags too.

"Hey Nananko..what is with the name tags?" Ryoma asked confused.

"Well your father insisted..so I made them." she responded with a smile.

Ryoma looked around a little while to search for his name. He finally found his. And to his surprise Sakuno was right next to him.

"Uh, Sakuno what's wrong...can't find your name? I'll help you. Here." Ryoma said while grabbing Sakuno hand.

Sakuno blushed at the feel of his strong yet soft hand. Ryoma started to pull her but she wouldn't move.

"uh,Sakuno?"Ryoma asked softly.

"i don't need to move...i sit here..next to y..you."she said while blushing.

Dang I should have know. Duh the old perv would put us together. Ryoma thought in his mind.

Everyone sat down and began eating. Coincidentally Ryoma and Sakuno were the first to finish eating. They both cleaned their dishes and dried up.

It was Saturday morning and it was now 10:25. Sakuno remembered that her favorite cartoon was on at 10:30.

Sakuno's POV:

"a..ano. R..Ryoma? I just remembered my favorite show is on in a few minutes. c..can I watch it? I asked shyly.

"Yeah..um come on this way Is the living room."Ryoma grabbed her hand and lead her to the living room.

Ryoma and Sakuno both sat on the couch and Ryoma handed Sakuno the remote."Here,what channel is it?" Ryoma asked.

"Uh, 4..46 I think." she changed the channel and sure enough it was here favorite show(it can be any cartoon you want)

"Wow I didn't know you liked this show." Ryoma said admiring the T.V.

"Uh, yeah...do you like it Ryoma-san?" Sakuno asked gleefully.

"Yeah, I like it a lot." Ryoma said with a smirk.

They watched T.V. For about 5 minutes when Ryoma decided to put his arm around Sakuno.

Sakuno blushed when he did it..but she couldn't stop herself from liking she looked down she saw Ryoma lonely hand sitting on his lap. Sakuno,in return,decided to hold his hand and together they looked at each other with a little pink on there faces.

Oh..Ryoma is so handsome. I..I don't know why he wanted to put his arm around me but then again..i don't know why I am holding his hand now.

Ryoma's and Sakuno's POV:

she..she's so cute...her hand is so soft. Ryoma thought while staring into her chocolate orbs(eyes).

He lined in a little closer like he was going to kiss her. He waited for her reaction.

Oh gosh he leaned in. Is he going to kiss me? Why doesn't this bother me now? I'm not blushing? Why? Is all Sakuno could think.

Ryoma saw that she wasn't blushing and that she didn't seem scared. So he went in closer and pecked her on her smooth lips. Then he backed up..waiting for her response. But before he could get it a loud and obnoxious YAAAAHHH was heard behind the couple.

They both immediately turned around only to see who? Rinko,Ryoma's mother,Nanjiro,his father,and Nananko,his cousin.

A/N:that's where i ended it! hope you liked! :)