A/N: hi guys! I finally got off my lazy but and decided to start writing! I can't believe it has already been a full week since I started writing this story! Anyway I just want to thank a few people for giving me some helpful suggestions!
Thank you to:
Yukimura Akira-Chan!
Yusuki Mazui!
And any others who might have helped me! I'm sorry if I missed you...but thank you! R&R!
Chapter 4
"G-GIRLFRIEND!" Sakuno shrieked..."M-me and Ryoma a-arn't dating!"
"Well that may be so..but I know my cousin and he has never been the "Lovey-Dovey" type. Therefore that must mean he has some feelings for you.."
"B-but!...no he.." she stopped for a second..thinking about all the things that had happened today...then she remembered her kiss! 'w-what if Ryoma does like me...that wouldn't be bad..right? I mean I have liked him for a very long time now..so really it would just be a plus for me! But..what if he doesn't like me and he is just going through puberty or something...either way there is just no way Ryoma could like me.' she thought to herself.
"Come on just stop moping already...you can come in my room too...unless you like it out there." Nananko said from inside her room.
"oh..sorry." Sakuno walked into her room and sat on Nananko's bed watching her look for a clip.
"AHA! She yelled as she pulled out a pink clip with three cute cherry blossoms on it. "This matches perfectly! I wore it on my prom day..i love this clip" she explained.
"oh well..then I could never wear it! If you love it so much!" Sakuno pleaded.
" No no..please it's okay! You can have it..i don't really wear clips anymore." Nananko said with a smile. "And I see the perfect place to put it!" Nananko walked over to Sakuno and grabbed a piece of her bangs and clipped them to the side. "There...now your bangs won't get in the way, and you look as cute as can be!" Nananko shrieked.
"T-thank you..Nananko..." Sakuno said with a quick blush. " No prob! Now go to your prince!" Nananko said with a smirk.
Sakuno didn't want to explain that she and Ryoma weren't together..so she just went along with it. "H-hai!" she said as she left the room.
Sakuno went back to Ryoma room and knocked on the door.. "Ryoma you ready?" she asked.
Then almost immediately after she asked the door swung open..it made her flinch as it scared her. "oh..hi." Sakuno looked at Ryoma..he was wearing a dark blue polo with a breast pocket and cream colored shorts that went just below the knee. His hair was all messy which made him look even hotter. She thought he looked so much more mature in this.
"Hi.." he replied back. "You ready?"
"Yup!" Sakuno said with a huge smile.
"Then lets go." Ryoma said while grabbing Sakuno's hand and bringing her to the front door.
They both stopped to put there shoes on when Ryoma's family greeted them farewell.
"So long my dear children. Have fun with Sakuno Ryoma." Nanjiro said with a smirk and a wink.
"Ryoma don't you dare do anything to hurt precious Sakuno..if you do I'm afraid I'm gonna have to kill you." Nananko said with a very serious face. And Rinko...she just stated, "Have fun you two, and be careful!"
Ryoma just rolled his eyes and grabbed Sakuno's hand again..then they walked out the door.
A/N: hey guys..sooo sorry I havn't uploaded in soooo long! i'm really sorry! Don't hate me!
Anyway..i didn't really know what to do in this chapter..i'm sorry it's sooo short too! I guess I just lost my writing skills over Summer! .
in the next chapter Sakuno and Ryoma will be going to the park where they run into a few regulars...and Ryoma gets jealous! Tata for now!