I know! This chapter is really really short! I AM SO SORRY! Sorry for chapter shortness and for not updating. This story isn't really important to me. LAST CHAPTER
Disclaimer: I dont own the Cullens. I just own Daniel and Sophia.
Chapter 8
I woke up to see...wait. I woke up? I didn't know vampires could 'wake up'. Well anyway, I woke up to see the other Cullens passed out on the floor. What? I don't like being confused!
I feel like...like I haven't seen them in a long time. I wonder why we're all passed out?
Then it hit me. Everything came back. Sophia, Daniel (Ew), Carlisle, my dad. If I had never gone to Forks...
Edward groaned a bit.
"Edward! Wake up!"
"Five more minutes..." He said groggily, his eyes still closed. He is so stubborn!
"Wake up!" I kicked him
"What! I'm up!" He got up off the floor. He looked around, just as confused as I was.
"Why is-ooohhhh! I remember now!"
"Let's wait til the rest of the Cullens wake up."
When the rest of the Cullens woke up, they were confused, then they remembered. It took awhile to get us all sorted out, but about a half hour later, we were all sitting comfortably on the couches.
"So we were all taken to an alternate time line where Bella never came to Forks?"
We sat there while, just taking in what had happened.
I had had a boyfriend named Daniel? I can't believe it! I've never really wondered what would have happened to me if I never did want to go to Forks. What would have happened to me? Let's just hope the Volturi don't come back to hunt us down and kills us off.
But, now that I think, Renesmee wouldn't be here, I wouldn't be a vampire, I wouldn't be here, period.
But now, I know what could have happened, and wouldn't trade it any day. I love having my perfect husband, my loving daughter, and my caring family. I wouldn't trade it for the world.
But now, since I'm here now, I know what could have happened. Everything means a lot more to us now. But to all us Cullens now, time means nothing, because we're all going to be together forever. Because this is where we belong.
The End
Awww! I know. Over already? But yes. So sad. I just wanted to get this story through. So there. Be happy. Review!