It is and always shall be that the darkness will seek out the light,

It will seek it forever through times and changes and even through the generations past and and yet to come in hopes of being able to glimpse the burning torch of heaven and await in hope that it will penertrate the dark abyss.

It is and always shall be that the darkness loves the light, for it has what the darkness has lost.

Why does the darkness love the light so ardently?When it's only wish is to overwhelm the light and slowly crush and smother it into nothingness, yes-the darkness enjoys in destroying the light. In those times past and gone the darkness has done that very thing.

It is and always shall be that from time to time the star can penetrate the shadows and burn it all away,yes-my dearest yuuki, you have in the past bathed me in your white light till no longer can a shadow exist within me.

It is and always shall be that In those times I have never hated you, believe me when I say I only have ever loved you!

It is and always shall be that I love you,...Love?I muse upoon that word,such a simple thing made up of mere letters, a word used by humans so casually in every day conduct,yet the force it has when spoken to the one you adore rises above any other expression.

I love you yuuki,...

I Lust for you,

I Obsess over you,

I commit Vendetta for you,

and I am in Ectasy when with you.

It is and allways shall be that I will gladly walk into your embrace and let you tear my skin, break my bones make the red crimson flow all to be held in your arms.I would relish in the burning torture of your light and simply sigh in bliss.

It is and always shall be that I plead to you 'dont heal me',...dont waste your tears on me,...those most precious tears the very elixir of your sorrow are too valuable to be shed over a fallen being like me.

It is and always shall be that you don't stop or turn away, even then as an enfant you touched my scars and healed me, not fearfull of staining your fingers ,'pain fly away' the memory calls to me,you call to me...

It is and always shall be that i bleed in sorrow for you, every beat of my heart,every pump of my wretched blood in my veins is like a scream of betrayl against you.

Shall we always be like this?

It is and always shall be that we Seek the other, wondering who will die by the others hand, forever captured in a bloody cycle without retribution,

It is and always shall be innevitable that darkness shall love the light,for the most shining king loved the Almighty,...that is why we are what we are,...why i am this

It is and always shall be that my existance contradicts my contradictions,

Angels should never have been created, we all fall in the end and those who don't simply turn their eyes from us their brothers and breed ignorance and lust for power.

They take our names and burn them,anoint and baptise us demons,yet we are still angels,...those oh so corruptible beings.

It is and always shall be that you yuuki, are one of gods beloved children,the creatures made of his own blood and flesh with so much promise.

Forever different,...forever out of reach,...forever forbidden.

I hope dearly that someday you will finally destroy me and I not you,dont hesitate in pushing the blade but let me lie in your arms for those last moments.

My dearest love – it is within these darkest hours of the night do I confess my truest thoughts to myself,it is in these hours that you sleep in a peaceful serenity far from this tainted world that I can confront these emotions, in these brief moments do I appreciate the darkness to hide myself from you.

I shut my eyes and let the ice of my heart lull me back into a numb oblivion yet your name shines forever burned in my memory, burning the darkness and burning my heart.