Disclaimer: Glee does not belong to me. Title comes from the song Blue Eyes, by Mika. It has something to do with the fic. Kinda.
The yellow post-it was glued to the refrigerator door, and all it said was:
i'm sorry
Finn was having trouble sleeping. He couldn't get Kurt's brightless blue (or were they green? he never knew exactly) eyes out of his head. His hands still felt cold, just like Kurt's body in the coffin. He kept remembering their moments together, their fights and kisses and hugs and promises and nothings (when they would just sit on the couch/bed/floor next to each other, their arms touching and their hands brushing slightly, saying nothing at all, all day long – Finn had liked their nothings more than anything); they were all just long lost memories now (just like Kurt, his long lost friend/brother/lover).
And to think Finn didn't love him in the same way he was loved. And to think it only took three seconds, one hour without Finn and four days out of antidepressants to everything was over.
And to think Finn thought he could save him.