Legal stuff! I own nothing from the movie! The Genius Christopher Nolan does I believe! But anything new to plot & OCs are all MINE! So I've never writing a fanfic or anything other than a college paper so be gentle and helpful! I am writing this because I am in love with the character Arthur and writers are only writing about him and the lovely Ariadne. So I needed to create something for my enjoyment! Plus I think she and Ames would be cute together. Sorry if its long but I am so excited! Oh and SPOILERS! I don't know why you would read this if you haven't seen the movie but I thought I should warn you just in case! And as of right now it's M for Mature rating because it has cuss words! I will warn later if anything changes!
Imagine a place where whatever you wanted could come to life in an instant. Where you could bend your reality into anything you want. A place where gravity can be defied and laws that bond us… don't exist. It's in our dreams of course.
A hard concept to conceive but for people in my line of work, Extraction, it's our life… We know something other then reality. It's addicting and after awhile we can no longer dream and others forget their own reality and stay lost in their dream world.
Five minutes go a long way for dreams. 5 minutes in the real world is an hour in our dreams. Obsessed people have stayed sleeping for 10 hour more hours staying in a dream for what seemed like years.
My father, Miles Cobb, was one of the greatest at extraction. He had been hired by anyone from fortune 500 companies to jealous spouses. Basically anyone who was desperate for information and paid well. Needless to say growing up I never had to want anything. Then again it was hard living under the roof of a man who could invade my privacy once I feel a sleep. Though he never did the paranoia was always there especially when it came to sneaking around with boys.
Dream walking, as I like to call, became a sort of family business for my father, brother and I. Our family, The Cobbs, were… no are the best. My brother, Dom Cobb, was so great I believed he would be the one to master inception. Though now that I know he did I wish he didn't because with the ability to navigate through someone's at that level later brought unbearable pain and suffering.
Life was good for us we had money and in some way felt invincible with power. But after awhile my father became obsessed with it. He would go in and out of dreams for days. Because it was the only way to dream. Reality was plan and boring and he choose his "reality" over what was true and in front of him; my mother, brother, and me.
However, fortunately or unfortunately there was hope. It came in the form of my mother getting cancer. After a few close calls and intermissions and remissions he came back to us. I guess its true Love conquers all. It has been years since he's done any jobs. Now he just lives life as real architect and a professor in Paris.
The business was then left to my brother and me. Though now a days Dom isn't much help. Imagine being responsible for the suicide of the one you loved. Anyone would be pretty fucked up after that. Mal my brother's wife took her life. It left my brother broken and their children without a mother & father. You'd think that by having a previous history of extracting causing pain to our family we would have learned. But no we are addicted. They say addictions are genetic.
My brother and I are a part of a team. Typically the Dream team (A/N: get it?) include:
An Extractor (Dom & myself), a Point man (Arthur), an Architect (Nash), and sometimes if necessary a Forger (usually the ever charming Ames)
The extractor does the leg work. We are the ones that try to find out the secrets. My brother is great, but sometimes things just need… A female touch. And that is where I, Savannah Cobb come in. Men even in their dreams would do anything for a Sexy lady. At 5'7 with crimson hair, green eyes, pouty lips, curves to die for, and legs that go on forever… I usually get what I want.
Next is the point man. They are very important. Ours is Arthur and he is good at what he does. He organizes the jobs. He does background checks on the people who hired use and our Mark. He makes sure if we are doing something dangerous and illegal we don't end up too much in deep shit. He's been with the team even before Mal was. He grew up with us as kids. And I've been in love with him ever since. Good thing my subconscious hasn't tried to jump his bones.
….One time they came really close during a training exercise but I shot him (no in the dream world you don't die you wake up) effectively waking him up. I knew what they were going to do, but I faked that I thought they were going to hurt him. I masked it by saying I was angry at him for changing my favorite show. Yea him and Dom looked at me like I was crazy, but it made perfect sense as to why my subconscious would go after him. Arthur didn't need to know what they really wanted to do. However, later my brother would laugh mercilessly at me knowing how I felt.
Next is an architect. Back in the good ole days before Mal's death Dom was the Architect, I was the extractor and Arthur on point. After a couple of jobs it became more then obvious that we couldn't let Dom design the plans. Every time we stepped into any job almost immediately his Shade (a projection) of Mal were always there ready to shoot us and give away to the Mark (our target person) what we were doing and what we were after and why. Usually Mal would cause one of us pain not death… Death you can't feel but pain was the only real thing about dreams.
Mal would appear and blotch up a job. We have to leave Dom out of details because of it and had to hire another architect, Nash. Yea he's good at what he does, but he's a college kid. To me he's too inexperience, and hasn't been a part of this team long enough to trust. The architect creates the dream reality. They have to be very good at visualization and creation… eh I could do it but I lack details because… well I'm lazy and I don't want to try. I am a much better extractor and point man (better then my brother and Arthur. Heck I could be a one women dream wreckin' machine!)
Like I said if you're desperate and need someone really good at impersonating you hire a forger. That is where my best friend (Or as he prefers it my best gentlemen friend) Eames comes in. He can forge anything from the real world like poker chips and cash to dreams impersonating people from their mannerisms down to the last freckly on the face of a person. He can even do the opposite gender…though it is creepy when he copies females. Eames is very good and he has the best connections as well. Need something in the black market? Go to Eames! I've also gotten really cute fake purses and shoes in the past because of his connections. I met Eames at a shady auction years back. All though Arthur and Dom have only been involved in illegal activity only recently since Mal died let's just say I was an early bloomer in criminal activities and less then legitimate jobs. (A/N: Can you imagine a flash of mug shots of Savannah hahaha!)
That's our history and the team. We work in the business of Extraction. In extraction your mine is the Scene of the crime.
End! How was it? Please let me know if I should continue. If it's bad please be constructive! I really want to be good a fanfic because I read and critic so many I feel I should be writing one to be more active in the fanfic community! This story will go along with the movie but of course I will change things!