Y young at heart

Oh my God! I'm so so sorry that I didn't update! Honestly I kind of forgot about it for a while. I was just sitting there reading fanfiction when all of a sudden I was all like "Hey… I've got some stories on there. Oh crap! I've got stories on there!" and then I rushed to my computer. So anyways, here is the very late update of MACY.

Disclaimer: I don't own Jonas/Jonas L.A. or any of the characters. Song belongs to Taylor Swift

A/N: Listen to the song before reading the story!

"No way, that's too funny. I can't believe Kevin actually fell for that!" I giggled while licking my ice cream. Nick smiled down at me, an actual toothy smile, and proceeded to eat some more of his creamy, frozen dessert. He was wearing dark wash jeans, a blue plaid tuck shirt, rolled up at the sleeves, and ray bans. His right hand gripped his ice cream cone, but his left arm was wound around my waist.

We had been dating for about five years now; he had just turned 22 and I was 21. It was our anniversary, and we had gone to a fantastic Italian restaurant, then gotten some ice cream, and were now walking down the beach.

For my outfit, Stella had outdone herself. It was cute, comfortable, and casual at the same time. I was wearing a white halter top dress with a dark silver waistband, and silver Grecian sandals to match. My hair was in a cute up do and I had in diamond stud earrings that Nick had gotten me for our one monthaversary.

His hand slid down my waist and he twined his fingers with mine. I smiled and put the rest of my cone in my mouth. The sky was starting to turn darker, light blues clashing with oranges and pinks. The colors reflected on the ocean and made it look like a watercolor painting. He stopped walking all of a sudden and I shot him a confused look. He just smiled at me. Pulling his ipod out from his pocket, he set it to Taylor Swifts Crazier. I giggled.

"You have a Taylor Swift song on your ipod?" I asked him. He blushed and smiled.

"Dance with me?" He asked, gently putting one of the ear buds in my ear, the other in his.

"Yeah." We swayed gently on the beach for a few moments, my hands wound gently around his neck and his hands resting lightly on my hips before he cleared his throat.

"Macy Misa," he said gently before taking my left hand off his neck and kissing the fingertips gently. "Macy," he said gently while looking me in the eyes intensely. They were so filled with love and trust, it made me want to grab his face between my hands and kiss him till neither of us could breathe. "I know that we're both still young, but I love you more than the world, and I don't want to wake up feeling differently about you in the morning. I want to spend forever with you." I gasped gently.

This couldn't be happening! This must be a dream! I thought to myself. Never in a million years would I have thought this would actually be happening to me!

"Macy Nicole Misa" he breathed out, getting down one knee. "Will you marry me?" he asked me, pulling out a blue velvet box and popping it open. Inside was a medium sized square cut diamond on a plain silver band. It was simple yet elegant. It was perfect.

I could feel happy tears welling up in my eyes and I laughed softly.

"Yes! Yes a thousand times!" I cried. He grinned up at me, his eyes shining at me brilliantly as if I was the most amazing thing on the earth. Standing up, he slipped the ring onto my finger and then picked me up, twirling me around and around, all the while smothering my face with kisses.

"I love you Macy Lucas!" he laughed. I giggled at him and kissed his forehead.

"Eager are we?" I teased. "It's still Macy Misa." He pouted and mumbled something along the lines of; "Almost Lucas!" Before smiling at me.

"Love you Macy"

"Love you Nick"

And Done! I can't believe it! MACY is over! Ahh! Anyways, thank you kind readers for sticking through my readers block. I love you!
