A/N So this is the chapter un-beta-ed because I'm freaking lazy and tired lol so ignore the typos and the lazy page breaks. Also, remember that three dots are a time lapse not a PoV change. Next chapter will up as SOOOOON as I finish writing it. It's taking longer than I thought lol... sorry :(
I opened my eyes slowly and moved my arms along the bed where he'd been when I fell asleep. I shivered, missing his warmth. I slowly got up and walked to my kitchen expecting to see him sitting at the table again. He wasn't there. I checked the living room, bathroom, and all the rest of my house too. Nothing. Then, the truth dawned on me with horror.
He didn't stay.
I quickly fumbled through getting dressed, and then ran out my door and into town.
"Iruka-sensei!" I called, seeing him walking.
He turned. "Yes, Sakura?"
"Have you seen Kakashi anywhere?"
He frowned. "No... Why?"
"I can't find him." I said nervously. "I'm worried."
He smiled. "Oh, don't be worried Sakura, I'm sure he's fine."
I bit my lip. "I hope so..." I leaped to a roof. "Thanks, Iruka-sensei!" I yelled.
He waved in response and I continued going. Worry increasing, I landed in front of Naruto, who I can probably imagine was going to get ramen.
"Naruto!" I cried, flinging my arms around his neck, on the verge of tears. "Do you know where Kakashi is?"
He stiffened, lightly pushing me away. "You... don't know?"
"No." I said softly.
His eyes widened. "If you don't know, talk to Granny Tsunade. She might be able to help you."
"Yes." He said solemnly, and then perked up. "Hey Sakura! Did you want to come and get ramen with me? I'm meeting Hinata, and you could come along too!"
I half-smiled and said, "No, I'm gonna go see Tsunade." My eyes curved up. "Bye!" I left him standing there, dazed and confused on the ground as I leapt swiftly across roof tops on my way to the Hokage Tower.
The trip there was a blur; the next thing I remember was opening the door to her office.
I staggered over to her desk, strangely unbalance. She turned to face me.
"Sakura, what's wrong?" she asked.
"Kakashi," I breathed, short of breath. "He's gone."
She regarded me strangely. "Yes, I know." "Naruto said you might be able to help me."
"Why would I need to help you?"
"Because I don't know where he's gone... Naruto thought you might know."
"I do know..." she paused, frowning. "You mean he didn't tell you?"
"No," I said, distress becoming more and more evident in my voice. "Please tell me."
"Sakura," she said sadly. "I can't."
"Why not?" I cried.
"It's confidential to him and those he decides to share it with."
"No..." I whispered, realizing what was going on.
"He's on a mission." Tsunade said. "S-ranked."
I dropped into one of the chairs behind me and stared blankly at the floor for several minutes. "Do..." My voice died off. I tried again. "Do... can you tell me how long he'll be gone?"
She slowly shook her head. Her face was creased with guilt.
I bent my head down in grief. "Thank you." I said, getting up and leaving the office.
I left the Hokage Tower, heading for Ichikaru's Ramen. I entered, quickly walking over to the booth where Naruto and Hinata were. His eyes lit up the moment he saw me.
"Did you find out where he is?" he asked.
"A mission." I choked. "No idea how long."
"I know." Naruto said guiltily.
"You know." I couldn't force enough expression into my voice to make it a question.
"Yeah. He told me this morning." His voice was monotone.
I could feel myself breaking. "He didn't even say goodbye." I choked.
Naruto stood. "Sakura, I'm sorry."
"Not your fault." I managed to say as I stumbled away from the ramen shop, ignoring him as he tried to call me back.
I leap toward the dense forest, beating my way through the dense branches with my bare fists, covering myself with cuts and scratches.
I finally emerged on top of the Hokage carvings, walking on the stone monument from the top of which you can see the whole city.
My knees buckled and I tasted blood in my mouth. I felt my lip with my tongue and passed over a cut.
My legs and arms were stinging, and I curled up on my side on top of the monument, dimly aware of the pain I was feeling.
I don't know how long I lay there, but sometime before dawn I fell asleep.
I walked through the familiar gates of Konoha, inhaling the fresh air. I glanced to my left at Shikamaru, and then to my right at Chouji. Both of them looked as tired out as I was.
"I need to go have a shower." I said at the same time as Shikamaru said, "I'll file the report." And Chouji said, "I need to get some food."
We half-smiled at each other and our predictability as a group – some things never change. We nodded and split our separate ways, Shikamaru vanishing and Chouji jumping away. I simply walked toward the city.
Suddenly, I saw Naruto running quickly up to me, in a panic.
I rolled my eyes to the sky. "Ahh... it's been a nice, QUIET 18 months since I've had to hear one of your freak-outs, moron."
He ignored me. "Ino, Sakura-chan's missing!"
I was waking slowly, manoeuvring through my subconscious world. I had a slight recollection of some unpleasant events, but I wished they would have been a dream and I would wake up in my bed. I opened my eyes and the events of last night came rushing back. I pushed off the rock I was laying on and a blanket fell off me. I looked at it confusedly. I didn't have a blanket when I lay down...?
I scanned around me and my eyes followed the edge of the rock until I saw someone with their legs dangling off the edge casually she was watching the sun rise in the distance.
"Ino?" I asked incredulously.
She turned her head toward me and smiled.
"Hey Forehead. Didja miss me?"
"Wow." She breathed. "I knew you liked him, but I didn't know that much had happened. God, I go on ONE missing for 18 months and this is what I come back to? Jeez Forehead, what hasn't changed around here?"
"I know." I sighed. "Well now you're all caught up at least."
"Kind of. Although I did get more information out of Naruto than I got out of you. I practically had to beat the information out of you!"
I looked down at my lap. "Sorry." I said softly.
She wrapped her arms around my shoulders and laid her head on my shoulder. "It's okay. I know you probably don't want to talk about it."
My bangs fell in front of my eyes. "No." I whispered. I leaned my head on hers, allowing more tears to escape.
Ino stood, pulling us both up. "Help's here. Come on, Sakura, we'll take you home."
I looked to the forest and saw Shikamaru and Chouji emerge from the trees.
Shikamaru walked over to me and turned his back to me, looking over his shoulder to see me. I nodded and put my arms around his neck as he crouched, and then stood, lifting me off the ground. I lightly clung to him with my legs, but held tightly around his neck and buried my face in his back.
Shikamaru gently tried to loosen my hold from his neck. I could hear him mutter to Ino, "God, it's like she's afraid I'll disappear."
Ino patted my back and replied, "Yeah, well can you blame her? It's been happening to her a lot lately."
I could almost hear his eyes rolling as he stopped prying at my arms. "Aw man, what a pain."
I heard Ino call in a different direction. "Chouji, you'll let Lady 5th know we've found her, right?"
"Right." He replied and I heard him jumping off the edge of the Hokage rocks and toward the Hokage Tower.
Ino and Shikamaru took off with me then, and I could feel them both checking on me regularly.
We suddenly landed in front of my house and I heard Ino rummaging around for my spare key. After a few minutes Shikamaru called out to her.
"Did you find it?"
"Yeah." She said, coming from my backyard to the front to open the door.
They walked into my house and I felt Shikamaru lower me onto my living room couch. I clutched my knees to my chest and stared straight ahead as he sat beside me and Ino went into the kitchen.
Shikamaru awkwardly moved the blanket so it covered my shoulders better. I clutched at its folds tightly and held it to me, staring at the floor.
Ino came back over with some tea. "Here, have some."
I looked at it briefly and then clasped it in my hands, taking a sip of it and wincing at the heat that burned my tongue.
Ino looked sheepish. "Yeah, um, sorry about the heat." She laughed quietly.
"It's okay." I murmured, downing more of the boiling liquid.
We sat there in silence for a while, and then Ino put her arm around me. "So, what are you going to do today?"
"I need a shower." I said. "Then I'll probably just rest."
Ino gave me a look.
"I slept on a rock."
Shikamaru leaned back and put his hand behind his head. "So, what else happened while we were gone?" He asked in a bored voice.
"Well, I uh..." I said, trying to think of something. "Naruto and Hinata are going out." I choked.
Shikamaru chuckled and closed his eyes. "Knucklehead."
Ino giggled. I half-smiled.
I finished my tea and stood. "Well, I'm going to go now."
Ino stood. "Okay, we'll leave you alone." She grabbed Shikamaru's hand and they went out the door. Them too huh?
I closed and locked the door behind them. Then I sagged against it and sank to the floor – losing it all over again.