A/N: this is my second Nacy fanfic and I think I'm starting to get the hang of it. Might turn out to be longer than 1 chapter, but we'll see.




Setting- back in new Jersey, summer after Nick and Macey graduate High School. (Just because, Nick turned 19 right before school got out, Macey turned 18 5 months before he did)

Disclaimer: I don't own Jonas/Jonas L.A. the song, the truck and an open road quote (That's from Keith! Amazing movie!), or Crest toothpaste.

Nacy Road Trip

A/N: Very important! Read the Authors note at the top before you read the story!

She rolls the window down
and she
Talks over the sound
of the cars that pass us by
and I don't know why
but she's changed my mind


Macey laughed over the sound of the cars that flew by them on the small two lane highway after I finished my joke. I hadn't thought it was very funny but her eyes twinkled with delight, and I was beginning to get lost in the chocolate brown pools, which was not a good Idea since I was the one driving.

We were currently somewhere in South Carolina, where? I wasn't sure. Macey had suggested that we go on a road trip, just the two of us.


"It'll be fun!" she promised me. I asked where we'd go, but my only answer was bright, excited eyes, and tight lips. Rolling my eyes, I got up from the couch and made my way upstairs. "I'm packing Misa!" I called over my shoulder. "I expect you to have a bag and be back here in 20!" (A/N: I know this sounds harsh and non gentleman like, but we're pretending that they live next door to each other).

Macey grinned. Jumping off the couch and practically bouncing across the floor she bounded out the door, closing it with a small snick. I chuckled to myself and continued up the stairs, taking them two at a time. A road trip…I hadn't been on a road trip in… wow, I couldn't remember.

In my bedroom, I shuffled past Joe, who had his nose stuck in a teen gossip magazine. On the cover was a picture of Miley Cyrus, striking a dramatic pose with a big smile plastered on her face. (A/N: Pretend they've never met, let alone gone out) She was pretty, but not as pretty as Macy. No, I don't have a crush on Macy; I just think she's pretty. Anything wrong with that?

I threw my jacket on my bed and then got down on my hands and knees. Feeling around, my hand finally made contact with a canvas material. I grabbed it and dragged it out from under the bed. It was a camping bag; I had used it once on a sleepover. It was light enough to carry easily and fold down, but big enough to hold about a week and a halves worth of clothes. I opened it and put it on top of the bed. At the sound of the zipper, Joe put his magazine down and looked at me with a confused expression.

"Going somewhere?" he asked


"Oh. Where?"

"I dunno"

"How can you not know where you're going?"

"Because! Macy decided she wants to take a road rip"

"Oh…" he lifted the magazine back up to his face.

"Tell Mom and Dad I'll be back in about two weeks" (A/N: Nick is like 19 now & Macey is 18)


I was about to grab several pairs of jeans when my phone buzzed in my pocket. I checked it; a text from Macy

From: Macey

To: Nick

Forgot 2 tell u! grab a sleepin bag and lots

of shorts and tshirts. Gonna be Hot! : )

I sighed and put all but 1 pair of the jeans back in the closet. I crouched down to the shelves where I kept my summer clothes and instead pulled out 6 or 7 pairs of shorts and 9 clean t shirts. I pilled them into my bag and checked my phone again; 4:15. I still had 15 minutes left. I slipped it back into my pocket while when I reached the bathroom. Opening my drawer, I pulled my blue and white toothbrush, some crest toothpaste, in a travel sized tube, and felt around for some travel sized shampoo and conditioner. I knew I had some; we always brought home the hotel shampoo bottles. I found it, along with a small bar of unused soap and my brush. I threw it all in a Ziplock bag and shuffled back to the bedroom. Tossing my toiletries into my bag I passed it, I made my way over to the dresser where I pulled out underwear, wife beaters, socks, and my pajama pants. I put then in my bag along with my iPod, cell phone, and chargers. I zipped the bag up and threw it over my shoulder, before sliding down one of the fire poles. I set the bag by the front door, after unzipping it, putting tennis shoes in it, and re-zipping it.

I grabbed an old backpack from the coat closet and took it to the kitchen, filling it with several water bottles, some granola, and other on-the-road snacks. I slapped my back pocket before groaning lightly. My wallet! It was still upstairs.

"Joe! Grab my wallet and toss it down to me!" I hollered. I heard a whine and shuffling before my brown leather wallet fell from the second floor. I opened it and checked inside. I had about 100 in cash, but I also had my credit card. Even though it had been Macy's idea, I knew that I obviously had tons of money to spare so I decided that I'd pay for most of the trip.

I'd just finished putting my wallet into the backpack when the doorbell rang.

"See ya!" I yelled up to Joe before opening the door. Macy stood in flip flops, jean shorts, a orange tank top, and hair pulled into a high ponytail, with her bangs swished over to the side.

"Hey!" she greeted me with a warm smile.

"Where's your stuff?" I asked her. She gestured behind her and I saw a big silver pick p truck in the driveway. My mouth popped open and she giggled.

"You didn't think that we'd be taking your cute little mini cooper did you?" she teased me. I grinned and shrugged.

"I don't know" I answered, "I've never been on a road trip." She gasped at me with mock shock.

"Never been on a road trip! Outrageous!" she reprimanded me. Her face and voice were serious, but there was a teasing light in her eyes. I grinned back at her before slipping my flip fops on and following her out the door. When we reached the truck, I tossed my stuff in the back with Macy's bag. She dangled the keys out at me and I grinned before grabbing them and getting into the drivers seat. (A/N: it's like one of those trucks with only three seats in front and two doors. It also has one of those removable lid things to put in the back. The inside of the truck has grey felt seats and grey material, there's a GPS system and It also has that piece of equipment that allows you do listen to your iPod in the car. The car is so clean; it looks and smells brand new.)

Macy climbed into the passenger seat and slipped her flip flops of while I started the car. As we pulled out of the drive way, she pulled out iPod and plugged it into the stereo and set it softly to some sort of country song. The sun was still out and it was light out so I pulled out of the subdivision and started towards the highway.

"Where to Ms. Misa?" I asked her when we stopped at a stop sign.

"I don't know" she answered while turning and smiling at me and propping her feet up on the dashboard. "Pick a place. We're here in a silver pick up truck with a road in front of us and nothing but opportunities."

Ooh, I left you guys with a cliffy! I think it's a pretty good story so far, but that might just be me… I'm probably going to work on another chapter, but I don't know if I want to post it or not. If you guys think I should, tell me and I will! Review Please!