Road trip
Disclaimer: I don't own Jonas/Jonas L.A. or any of the characters.
A/N: Wow! I got tons of reviews for this story, and from the feedback I got, I decided to continue the story. It picks up from where I left off last time, in the Pick up truck waiting at the stop sign. Starts out Nick's POV then switches to Macy's. Please forgive me if I have grammar or spelling mistakes, I wrote this at 11:00 p.m. right after I got back from camping. Umm… I think that's It. I'm trying to include all I need you guys to know at the top since apparently it got on some peoples nerves (*cough cough, Epicfroggy cough cough*). =) just teasing, I don't mind. All it does is help my writing. Anyway, now I'm just rambling so on with the road trip!
interesting fact time (IFT!): so I was actually born here, and yes, I did live there for 3 years =) . Amazing place to go!
Nicks POV
I stared at her incredulously. "You don't know where you want to go?" I questioned, a hint of laughter in my voice.
"Nope" Macy giggled. I rolled my eyes. "But I want to go East. You know Tennessee, Mississippi, and Alabama…? It's so beautiful there…" her eyes got this dreamy look to them for a moment, before snapping to mine. "You ever been to Tennessee?"
"Maybe" I mused, trying to think back. "I might have had a concert there once." She looked at me, eyes dancing excitedly.
"Put the truck in gear boy!" she teased me, "We're going to Tennessee! There's so much I can show you! Memphis, Graceland, Nashville, The Pink Palace museum, The Zoo! Oh! the Baptist memorial Hospital!" I put the car in drive and started toward the interstate while she talked.(A/N: 1)
"Wait, a hospital? What's so special about that?" I asked her. She looked at me shyly through her dark eyelashes.
"I don't usually tell people this, but I was born in Memphis." She shot me a grin when she said this. One of those beautifully heart stopping smiles, which, annoyingly seemed to only work on me and not my brothers, or anyone else for that matter.
"No way" I told her disbelievingly. "Memphis? You don't even have an accent!"
"Talk about stereotypical" she teased me. "I lost my accent a while ago. We moved here when I was three." After she said this, she slapped her thighs and pulled her feet off the dashboard, crossing them on the seat. Reaching into the glove department, she produced a road map. Unfolding it across her lap, she traced it with her pointer finger while biting her lip endearingly. I was forced to look away. Partly because I was driving and partly because watching her bite those plump, pink, soft looking lips was not I repeat not helping my crush.
It had started halfway through the year. One day she was just Macy; Smart, athletic, best friend Macy, and then suddenly, POOF! She becomes Macy; Secret agent goddess from heaven, sent to steal my heart. I groaned inwardly. I knew those stupid vampire romance novels Stella forced me to read were going to affect my brain!
I was startled out of my reflections when Macy snapped her fingers in front of my Face. "Nick! Nicholas! Earth to Nick! Hey Lucas!" I shook my head and looked over at her.
"This is our exit!" she smiled at me. Keeping her eyes on me, she leaned back and murmured quietly;"I'm glad that you're with me Nick."
I just grinned at her like a love struck Idiot.
Macy's POV
Really Misa? Stupid! 'I'm glad you're here with me?' Way to be obvious! I thought to myself. Sighing slightly, I tried to force the blush off my cheeks and looked up at him. The setting sun cast a glorious sheen on his pale skin, and lit up his curly hair. I resisted the urge to reach over and bury my fingers in it. His hair looked so soft. Instead, I laced my fingers together and focused my attention back on the road map in my lap. I groaned and wrinkled my nose in distaste. Nick looked at me questioningly.
"What's the matter?"
"It takes about 18 hours to get there" I complained. He took in my expression and chuckled, which earned a small smile from me.
"That's ok Mace; we have like two weeks before we have to be home."
I grinned to myself. Two whole weeks? In a car with Nick? I think I could handle that. "We have to take this interstate for a while" I informed him "We'll be driving for several hours on it." He smiled and reached across the middle seat to grab one of my hands. I smiled at the warmth and comfort it brought. What he did next was unexpected though. He laced his fingers in mine. My breath hitched softly in my throat. You see, there's two kinds of holding hands. The hand grab, which is nothing, its what friends do, but then there's the finger lacing. That's what guys do with their girlfriend or someone they like. I looked up at Nick and saw him giving me an amused look. My face heated up. "I was thinking out load, wasn't I?" I asked slowly. Inside, I was mentally slapping myself, hard. He chuckled and nodded at me. From the corner of my eye, I saw him take a deep breath. I looked directly at him. "May may," he started. He paused, his features scrunching up adorably, as if he was looking for the right way to word something. "I do like you. I have for a long time." I smiled at him, no, beamed up at him, I was so happy.
"I like you too Nick." He grinned and let out a deep breath. Then, keeping one hand on the wheel, He leaned in and so gently, ever so gently, placed a sweet kiss on my lips. I was just starting to kiss him back when all of a sudden –
"Macy, Wake up" a soft voice reached my ears. My eyes flashed open and I saw Nick unbuckling his seatbelt. Yawning and stretching my shoulders a bit, I sat up from my slumped position and saw that we were parked at a gas pump. I rubbed my eyes and followed nicks example, unbuckling my seatbelt I arched my back forward and felt it crack in several different places. I screwed up my nose at the sound. I reached for the handle of the car only to find that Nick was already opening it for me.
"Common sleepy," he coaxed. I smiled and stepped out of the truck, and immediately shivered. "I'm going to get some more gas and maybe some snacks and water" he told me. I nodded and reached for my wallet but he stopped before I could produce the bills. "I'm paying" he stated simply. His tone had a ring of authority in it. I rolled my eyes playfully at him and swatted his arm lightly.
"While you do that, I'm gonna get our sweatshirts from the back kay?" he nodded agreeably then went inside the small store to pay for out gas and drinks and such. I walked quickly to the back and popped the trunk once he disappeared. I was finding it difficult to shake my dream from my mind. Yeah I liked Nick, but why would he ever like someone like me? He had told me earlier today, we were best friends. I was foolish to think that he'd want more than that. I snatched out sweatshirts, mine a forest green, his an older looking black one.
"How long was I out?" I asked when I heard approaching footsteps behind me.
"You crashed right after I took the exit." He told me. I blushed furiously but thanked my lucky stars that the rest had been a dream. Yeah I wanted him to kiss me, but the things leading up to that had been embarrassing.
"I'm so sorry!" I apologized while I tossed him his jacket.
"Mace, its fine!" He chuckled. I blushed again and got into the drivers seat.
"Here are some pillows" I told him as I tossed them into his lap. He seemed to sense my discomfort.
"Music?" he asked
"Yes please."
So that's chapter two! I'm sorry, I know that it's not very good, or in character, but I'm uber tired! The next chapter will be better, I promise! Reviews are extremely helpful! Gratzi!