So this is my second one shot. It very much sums up what's going with me.
So it's Sonny.
"When everything feels like the movies, you bleed just to know you're alive." Iris~ Goo Goo Dolls
The first time she did it, he'd just broken her heart.
((and it hurt like hell))
She didn't understand,
((she thought he loved her))
Why he would go near that other girl.
((that bitch))
She thought they were for forever
((so did the rest of the world))
But it wasn't for real.
((it was never real))
Somehow she found herself with a scissors in her hand
((so, so sharp))
And she ran the blade along her pale skin.
((so, so soft))
She pressed in,
((she loved the pain))
Easing the pain in her chest.
((too much hurt))
And the blood flowed.
((Red and fast))
She cried,
((fat, salty tears))
For him, for herself, for the mess they were in.
((for everything))
.S.L.A.S.H. .S.L.A.S.H. .S.L.A.S.H.
The second time, she's just seen them together.
((making out in the cafeteria))
She's a movie star,
((she's just a T.V. star))
She's beautiful,
((she's just not))
And rich.
((no gold digger))
And her fingers trace her wrist,
((the ever so faint scars))
While she bites her lip.
((and she tries not to cry))
It takes but a moment to reach her dressing room,
((she runs as fast as she can))
And trawls through the drawers.
((she finds the scissors))
Its quicker this time.
((and deeper))
This time it takes bandages.
((stark, white ones, soon stained red))
Somehow it stops hurting,
((for just a moment))
And she can fake that smile again.
((they all expect her to smile))
.S.L.A.S.H. .S.L.A.S.H. .S.L.A.S.H.
The third time, she can barely contain herself.
((they are taunting her))
She has the run from the red carpet.
((the paparazzi don't fail to notice))
She makes it to the ladies before the tears roll down her cheeks.
((fast, silent, sob less))
She roots through her bag.
((for that scissors she carries around))
She can hear Tawni and Zora, talking to one another outside the cubicle door,
((they're wondering where she is))
As she raises the scissors to her skin again.
((and presses into her wrist))
This time is different to the last two
((she doesn't really have much control))
And the last thing she remembers is the scarlet, as it stains her dress.
((after that its black))
.S.L.A.S.H. .S.L.A.S.H. .S.L.A.S.H.
Her mom rarely lets her out of her sight.
((she's afraid she'll do it again))
But she's still on the show.
((they look at her differently though))
She's still with her friends.
((she still doesn't have him))
When they pass in the hall
((she tries not to cry))
He catches her eye.
((he knows it's all on him))
He doesn't say a word,
((the silence kills her))
And just passes by.
((it's like she doesn't exist))
And when she gets home
((she can see the relief in her mom's eyes))
She goes to her room,
((she doesn't cry))
And pulls out the razor.
((her mom can't hide them all))
She feels the tearing this time round.
((but that's okay))
((it has to hurt to heal))
"The scar's a souvenir she'd never lose, the past is far away. And did you lose yourself somewhere out there? Did you get to be a star?" Name~ Goo Goo Dolls
Review? Tell me what you think?