Chapter 1
A.N: Okay so I really wanted to do a Big Time Rush story so here ya go. In here Jo doesn't exist and I don't own anything except for Jess because she's one of my roleplay characters that I made up. Enjoy. Oh and did anyone seen the new Big Time Rush episode last night? I did and I was amazed how the boys made an awesome video at the end and how the fashion designer turned out to be an awesome director. Anyway, here's chapter 1.
Kendall's P.O.V
"So what should we do today? Hit the pool or hit the arcade?" Carlos asked as we entered the lobby of the Palm Woods hotel.
"I'm actually thinking about hitting the rink" I said before I stopped in my tracks.
"Whoa" I said.
James, Logan, and Carlos looked to where I was staring and saw a girl with yellow almost gold hair with red streaks in it and green eyes that reminded me of grass checking in. She was wearing a white top dress with black under it and barely one finger straps. Her shoes were white strap heels.
"She looks like a model" Logan said.
"I think she is" I said.
"Kendall this girl is all yours" James said.
"Seriously?" I asked.
"Yeah. I have Crystal, Logan has Camille, and Carlos has Stephanie" James said.
I smiled at my friends and walked to the girl.
"Hi" I said.
The girl looked up and said "Hi".
"I'm Kendall" I said holding out my hand.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Jess Cyrus" the girl said shaking my hand.
"The model and Miley Cyrus' cousin?" I asked amazed.
"That's me" Jess said.
"Mr. Knight would you show Jess to her room?" Mr. Bitters said. (A.N: I think that's the manager's name in the show)
"I'd be glad 2" I said as I took one of Jess' suitcases.
Mr. Bitters gave Jess her room key and Jess and I set off for the elevator.
"What suite are you in?" I asked.
"4J" Jess said.
"That's across the hall from me and my friends" I said.
"I'd love to meet your friends" Jess said.
"They're right over there" I said gesturing to James, Logan, and Carlos.
"Cool" Jess said as I led her to my friends.
"Guys this is Jess Cyrus. Jess meet James, Logan, and Carlos" I said.
"Nice to meet you Jess" My 3 friends said.
"Pleasure" Jess said.
"Is that an accent you speak with?" Logan asked.
"Kind of. I'm a bit of everything especially Hawaiian" Jess said.
"I thought I heard a mix of British in there" Carlos said.
"I was born in London so yes you do hear a British accent" Jess said.
"See you guys later. We're going to hit the arcade" James said.
"See ya" I said.
"Nice meeting you" Jess said.
"Same" My friends said before they left.
"They're cool" Jess said as we once again started for the elevators.
"I love working with them" I said as we stepped inside.
I pushed the button and the doors closed.
"What do you guys do out here? I heard this hotel has singers, actors, and models" Jess said.
"Have you heard of Big Time Rush?" I asked.
"Yeah. I read it about them on Deke's blog. I can't wait for their album" Jess said.
"That's us" I said.
"I thought you looked familiar" Jess said.
I smiled and the elevator opened.
I led Jess to her new room.
"Thanks. It was nice meeting you Kendall but I should get un-packed" Jess said.
"It was nice meeting you 2. Hey if I'm not being 2 forward do you wanna go see a movie later?" I asked.
"Sure. That'd be great" Jess said as she opened the door to her apartment.
"Cool. I'll pick you up at 7" I said.
"See ya then" Jess said as she went inside and shut her door.
"Yeah see ya then" I said before heading down to the pool with a huge smile on my face.
A,N: How will the date go? Should I continue this or not? Review please.