Nightmare almost comes true

A.N: Hey. I'm so bored and it's two hot to do anything today so I decided to write. I know it's been a while but I've been busy with summer break so yeah, Also happy late 4th of July. Here's Nick and Bill to say the disclaimer.

Nick: Ready for our surprise Bill?

Bill: Yeah. -smirks-

Nick: I'm Just Me2 doesn't own anything except Jess and the plot. Enjoy.

Nobody's P.O.V

Jess exited the elevator into the lobby and was shocked to find it completely empty.

"That's weird," she said to herself.

Suddenly Kendall entered through the front door and she smiled.

She wanted to run over to him but felt like someone was holding her back.

"Oh man this is just like my nightmare,' Jess thought.

Suddenly, Aaron appeared from the pool area carrying a large knife.

"Hey Kendall," Aaron said.

"Aaron what do you want?" Kendall asked then he saw the knife in Aaron's hand and froze.

"Your girlfriend and if I can't have her than nobody can," Aaron said coming closer to Kendall.

Kendall backed up against the wall and said, "Look dude put the knife down and let's talk this over."

"No more talking," Aaron said still advancing as he raised the knife.

Jess tried again to run forward but someone tightened their grip on her.

The girl looked up at the people that were holding her back and saw it was Bill and Nick.

"I thought you changed Bill," she growled struggling to move.

"I lied," Bill grinned fire in his eyes.

"Nick I thought we were friends," Jess said looking at him.

"We were never friends. I hate you and after we murder your little boyfriend you're next," Nick said tightening his grip on her.

"I need to get away from these freaks and help Kendall" the poor girl thought.

Suddenly an idea struck her.

"Bill do you still want me back?" Jess asked.

Bill looked down at her and nodded.

"Than prove it and kiss me," Jess said.

Kendall heard that and looked over at Jess shocked.

"Okay," Bill said then he leaned down to kiss her.

Jess leaned up a little then suddenly slammed the back of her head into his rib cage.

"Ah," Bill yelled letting the girl go.

Before Nick could react Jess kicked him in the groin then turning around she grabbed him and pushed him at Bill.

The two boys collided falling to the ground.

Dusting her hands off Jess turned her attention to Kendall and Aaron.

Aaron stepped even closer to Kendall and raised his knife.

"Goodbye Kendall," he said.

Quickly, Jess raced across the lobby and jumped on Aaron tackling him to the ground.

"Leave him alone," Jess hissed.

"Get off me," Aaron said slicing Jess' arm with his knife.

He pushed Jess off him then got to his feet.

Jess stood up and instantly put her hand over the cut.

"I wanted to kill your boyfriend first but I think killing you will destroy him even more," Aaron said advancing towards Jess with the knife.

"Stay away from my girlfriend," Kendall suddenly yelled out racing forward.

He punched Aaron in the face and both boys began fighting.

James, Logan, and Carlos exited the elevator and were shocked to see what was going on.

"Call the police," Jess yelled at them the second she saw them.

James ran to call them and once Aaron heard Jess yell that he stopped fighting Kendall and started running towards the door.

"I got him," Carlos yelled running across the lobby. He jumped on Aaron tackling him and knocked the knife out of his hands.

Logan ran to get a first aid kit for Jess and Kendall kept an eye on Bill and Nick.

"You didn't need to do what you did," Kendall told Jess.

"Yeah I did. Nobody messes with my friends or boyfriend and gets away with it," Jess said.

The police arrived just as Logan came back with a first aid kit.

Ms. Knight, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Nate, Kevin, Joe and Katie were right behind him.

"What happened here?" The officer asked as Carlos got off Aaron and another cop grabbed him.

Kendall and Jess explained the story as Logan and Ms. Knight patched Jess' arm.

"What happened to your arm?" the cop who was holding Aaron asked. His name tag said Officer Sirius Black and Jess smiled softly since he was hers and Harry's god-father.

"Well Officer Sirius Black or should I say god-father when I tackled the man you're holding he slashed my arm with the knife he was holding," Jess said.

Sirius gave Aaron to the other cop whos name tag said Police Chief Officer Severus Snape and stepping forward he hugged Jess softly.

Jess returned the hug.

Sirius let go of her then he hugged Harry, Ron, Hermione, Joe, Nate, and Kevin.

"Good to see you Sirius. It's been way two long," Joe said with a grin.

"Yeah it has," Hermione said agreeing with her brother.

"Do those two boys over there have anything to do with this problem?" Severus Snape asked pointing to Bill and Nick who were standing now and were just watching.

"They were my accomplises. They were supposed to hold Jess back while I killed Kendall then they were going to kill her," Aaron said speaking up at last.

"Sirius grab them and let's go," Snape ordered.

Sirius grabbed Nick and Bill and hand-cuffed them as Snape hand-cuffed Aaron.

"Thank you for this," Jess said.

"It's what we do," Snape said then he and Sirius led the three boys out of the hotel.

The gang watched them drive off in the police car.

Kendall wrapped his arms around Jess seeing that she was shaking a little.

Jess leaned back into his touch and Kendall kissed her forehead.

"I'm calling Miranda and Gustavo. See if they'll give you guys a little time off to calm down after all this," Ron said pulling out his phone.

"Thanks Ron," Jess said.

"That's a great idea," Kendall agreed.

"Hey may I?" Harry asked Kendall speaking up for the first time since they had gotten to the lobby.

Kendall nodded and let Jess go.

Jess went to her brother and Harry hugged her tightly.

She hugged him back.

"I'm so glad you're alright," Harry said.

"I'm just glad it's over," Jess said.

"I love you sis," Harry said.

"I love you two bro," Jess said.

"AW." Everyone said.

"Oh be quiet," The two siblings said together as they pulled away from the hug.

Everyone laughed and headed outside to get some ice cream.

-Six years later-

Jess walked into Rocque Records carrying a picnic basket and her mind was still on what happened at her modeling studio minutes ago.

She had just been fired. (A.N: Why she was fired will be revealed in a little bit)

"You guys are dis-missed and since I'm traveling for business later today you guys have a month off," Jess heard Gustavo tell the boys.

Soon the boys exited the back-room talking excitedly.

"Hey there's Ms. Kendall Knight," James teased seeing Jess since Kendall and Jess had gotten married almost two years ago.

Jess didn't say anything so James became serious.

"What's up? You always say something to my teasing," James said.

"Sorry just not really in the mood," Jess said.

"Well we have good news. We get a month off work," Carlos said.

"Great. I can spend it with you guys because I just got fired," Jess said.

"What?" The four boys asked shocked.

Jess nodded and put her hand on her stomach.

"You look a little green," Logan noticed.

"Wait hand on stomach, just got fired from modeling, looking green. Jess are you pregnant?" Kendall asked.

Jess nodded and after a moment of silence Kendall yelled, "I'M GOING TO BE A DAD."

"He was just telling us yesterday that he wanted to be a father and now he got his wish," James said as they watched Kendall run around in circles.

"Kendall you're making me dizzy by just watching you," Jess said.

Kendall stopped and apologized.

-A week later-

Everyone was hanging out in Jess' apartment when they heard a knock on her door.

"I got it," Ron said getting up from the couch. He went to the door and came back a minute later carrying a note.

"Jess this was outside for you," he said handing the note to Jess.

"What's it say?" Joe asked leaning forward from his spot on the couch.

"It says 'Jess I heard you were pregnant with Kendall's baby and I don't like it one bit. Either get rid of the baby or I'll do it myself. P.S if you don't than I'll just have to become your stalker and do something about that little thing inside you'," Jess read.

"I thought Aaron was in jail for life without a chance of bail or parole," Kevin said confused.

"It's not from Aaron," Jess said silently reading the signature.

"Who's it from?" Harry asked worried for his sister's safety.

"It's from Mitchie," Jess said and everyone looked shocked.

A.N: The end. I will do a sequal called 'Leave me alone you freak' or something like that. I'll probably post the first chapter probably Sunday because I have a busy day Saturday. Review one last time?

-I'm Just Me2