Hey, hey! Kuro here!

I'm so happy! Thank you everyone who commented, story 'alerted', and/or story 'favorited' this. It makes me SO happy. X3

-This is just to clear up some confusion.-

Katekyo Hitman Reborn Beta is a preview story. Meaning, all previews dor future stories will be here. Think of it was many different drabbles, if you will.

I've had writers block for the longest time and then, I got over it with the help of a friend. Then, this came to me; I didn't know whether to post it or not, so this preview story is to help me decide.

School starts in a week. If I feel like this story is truly wanted, I will hopefully have the first chapter posted that coming Friday.

Please spread the word about this new story; I really want to post it. XD

Thanks to:

Fairy Skull

jestie kiryuu



P.S. Just to let you know. Most of the time, I don't type the story. I actually write it on paper, 'cause I usually write my stories during class. XD So, my story punctuality is horrible. Hopefully, I can find a friend who types faster than me. *Sweat drops* XD Please be patient with me! *Bows*