Who needs K.C?
By Sarahsota
K.C ran through the halls at top speed, his orange and brown skateboard bag flopping over one shoulder. He crashed into a couple people, muttered a quick "Sorry!", as he earned some infuriated glances, but continued to speed around the hall, the green lockers passing him in a blur. That's when he finally saw her; his goal.
"CLARE!" He bellowed, and a startled auburn-haired Clare turned around from her locker, and K.C slammed into the locker right beside her own, forcing her to jump.
"K.C! Goodness, are you okay?" She asked, helping him off the ground he now became acquainted to.
"Yeah, I'm fine, well, I guess I am, or I'm crazy—who knows." he let out in huffs. Clare looked at him as if he was being preposterous; K.C rolled his eyes and tugged at her arm.
"Come, we've got to talk." The two went swiftly into a desolate space, and K.C looked at Clare, adoration from the past still in his eyes.
"Clare, you still look beautiful." He began, as Clare scratched her neck awkwardly. A blush didn't even redden her cheeks as it used to.
K.C was a little confused by the lack of the reaction, but continued. "Look, Clare, ever since I broke up with you and started with Jenna, things went all bad. First the thing with the coach, then cheating on the exam, and then I keyed Mr. A's car. I just feel so angry, all the time! I never was like that with you. We had are problems, sure, but it wasn't as bad at this. Things are getting better for me, I'm turning things around, living with my mom, and I think, that maybe…we should give it a go again." He looked at Clare, his eyes pleading, but Clare knew her answer.
Clare was a little involved with someone else at the moment, even if it wasn't official. "Um, K.C, look, you're really sweet, trying to mend things, but I..."
Suddenly a happy voice came from behind K.C, and Clare's face got brighter in glow.
"Hey, English partner, wanna go grab some lunch? Embarrass ourselves a bit in the process?"
Clare giggled a tad, and K.C turned around to see Eli. As Eli saw K.C, his grin faltered for a moment.
"Unless you're busy at this current date." Eli looked at K.C hard; Eli knew what happened between the two, so he didn't appreciate him much.
"Oh, no, of course not, Eli. Lunch sounds great." Clare smiled, nearly forgetting K.C had practically confessed his feelings for her. Eli walked up, put an arm around Clare (who involuntarily flushed at his touch) and looked back at K.C.
"And what are you doing?" He raised his eyebrows at an awkward-looking K.C.
"I was just..." K.C began, but faltered after not finding words in his thick skull.
Clare looked up at Eli, who didn't look too happy at the moment. Clare wanted to be the good person and let K.C down badly, so she had to get rid of Eli.
"Eli, I'll meet you in Morty, okay?"
Eli didn't take his eyes off of K.C, but finally let out a low, jagged breath, which was hard for even Clare to hear, even though she was pressed up right against him.
"Okay. I'll see you out there." Eli smiled warmly at her, making her cheeks turn pink. K.C watched the scene with a pain in his chest, disappointment attacking his face. Eli swung his black knapsack around his shoulder and continued to walk away. As he got to the door way, he turned back around, and smirked at K.C. He then continued to point at the backwards Clare, mouthing 'Mine'. After a quick snicker, Eli continued, a soft chuckle heard in the distance.
K.C wasn't sure if he should accept this or not. He was confused, hurt, and ashamed. How is it, a boy dressed in black and skinny jeans could take Clare, the girl with strong religious beliefs and amazing writing talent, away from him? K.C wasn't going to let Clare be the one who moved on. No way.
"Morty?" K.C snickered in defense, his ego suddenly growing. "Seriously, you're with emo kid?"
Clare crossed her arms on her chest, an accusatory glare upon her delicate features.
"Yes. Morty is the name of his car. It's okay to have a little silly nonsense in your life, okay?"
"Want kind of name is Eli, anyway? It sounds like 'he lies', like he is going to lie to you." K.C sneered at innocent Clare.
"Well, he can't lie any more than YOU did. Gosh, you're such a hypocrite!" Clare screamed back at him, K.C enjoying this much more then he should.
"'Look at me, I'm Clare Edwards, I'm dating an emo kid, but I can't even insult people with saying 'God', because I am too good for that! Little miss purity ring, dating an 11th grader, what do you expect with that'?"
"You know what, K.C? You are so NOT worth it. Eli and I are just friends at the moment, nothing official. I don't say God in a rude way because I respect Him. I wear a purity ring because it's my way of life, not anyone else's. So you can just screw off and leave Eli and me alone okay? Because I can get him to stuff you into the back of that hearse if I told him to!" With that, hotheaded Miss Edwards walked down the hall, leaving a confused, immature boy left behind.
"So, how'd that go?" Eli asked, leaning against his hearse. Clare grumped over to the car, straight to the door, ignoring Eli completely. Eli rolled his eyes and said sarcastically, "Oh Eli, it was terrible. Please listen to me so I can let my feelings of sadness out?"
Clare just sent him daggers and propped into the front seat. Eli came in, and looked at her with reasoning eyes. After a few moments of quiet, Eli spoke, "Come on, I'm here to talk."
Clare looked back at him, and let out a big sigh. "K.C decides that his life would be better with me in it and expects me to drop any guy I may like so I can get back together with him! After he ditched me for Miss Girlfriend-stealer Jenna! And then he goes, and..."
Eli put a finger up to her mouth, and she looked at him with questioning eyes. "What?"
"Any guy you may like? Meaning..." Eli looked at her nervously, his calm composure disappearing to a look of sincerity.
"Uh..." Clare said, looking at Eli nervously. She looked for anything other than him she could look at. Oh, there was a speck of dirt on the window, yes, look at that.
"Clare..." he said, his pale hand overlapping hers, returning her blue orbs his way, and again that pink colour returned to her cheeks, and her breath hitched in anticipation.
"I like you too." He muttered. "Probably more than I should." Clare's lips formed a huge beam, and sent an excited look towards Eli. Eli formed that signature smirk as his, the one that could make Clare die.
"Public humiliation?" asked Clare, her hand interlocking with his.
"Public humiliation." Eli agreed, giving her hand a quick squish before it returned to the steering wheel and he revved up Morty. As they car started to move, the Degrassi, and K.C, disappearing behind them, Eli said quietly, nearly in a breath,
"Who needs K.C?"
Like it? I hope so. This was my first Degrassi fic, so please review and I may write more!