Author's Note- Hello readers! Here's the inserted episode I've been starting. It takes place in season two after the "Lardner's Ring" episode and before "Walkabout."

Enjoy the Sheriff's plotting, Robin's heroics, and Guy's attempts to woo Marian. Just a regular day in Sherwood :) R&R!


Marian looked out from her bedroom window with a sigh, leaning her chin on her hand as it rested on the windowsill. Shaking her head, she couldn't believe that only yesterday, she had agreed to marry Robin, chuckling when she picture his proposal alongside a grave. How just like him. Cocky. Arrogant. Completely inappropriate. But that was what always made her smile when she thought about him. Looking down to her left hand lying on the sill, Marian studied the intricate brass work around the brilliant emerald that shone on her middle finger. With a huff and a disbelieving smile, she shook her head, wondering just what unsuspecting noble gave this as an unwilling donation to Robin's cause. Not that it mattered. Not anymore. It was almost as green as his eyes, smiling cheekily back at her, she thought.

A rapid knock at the door startled Marian out of her thoughts with a groan. It had to be Guy, again. Since he "rescued" her from the tree yesterday, Guy had done nothing but sniff around her, pleading for some sort of thank you, some show of gratitude. In some form other than words as well. It wasn't that she was avoiding Guy; she just didn't want to put on an act for him, not while she was still so happy about Robin. Maybe if she simply ignored the knock, he would go away.

The rapping only repeated louder. Marian turned and walked towards the door with a stifled groan. "Please go away, Guy. I told you earlier; I'm not ready to receive visitors now," she spoke sweetly, feigning calm despite her agitation, her fists clenched tightly at her side. At the second of silence after, she took a deep breath.

"Oh come on now, Marian, a sheriff is no mere visitor," a sarcastic voice echoed through the wooden door.

Marian's eyes opened wide in a split second of panic as she stared at the door. "Just one second, my lord Sheriff," she replied automatically, grabbing her dressing robe from the bed and wrapping herself in it. Taking a deep, steadying breath, she walked over to the door and grabbed the large handle with both hands, only to see Robin's sparkling ring on her finger. Her eyes darted around the room for a hiding place, but nowhere seemed safe. Slipping it from her left hand, Marian simply glided it onto her right ring finger, hoping it would seem common enough.

The heavy door opened with a creak, and there just outside her room grinned the Sheriff's scraggly, conniving face, his jeweled tooth catching light from the corner of his crooked smile. "Well," he raised his eyebrow, "aren't you going to invite your Sheriff in?"

Marian forced her smile and stepped back, allowing the man to enter her room. The Sheriff clasped his hands behind his back and began to chuckle, gazing around the small chamber. "You know, after your father died, I really never expected to see you here again, Lady Marian. Funny how things work out, isn't it?"

Marian closed the door and stood with her back towards its thick timbers, "What do you want, Sheriff? I'm sure you're far to busy to simply pay welcome visits."

"You always were perceptive. I just thought I'd drop in for a chat. Sir Guy tells me you've returned after he most daringly rescued you from the clutches of that fiendish outlaw, Robin Hood." The Sheriff's voice teased with sarcasm as he paced towards her open window. "He says you've seen the error to your ways and come home, as it were. You see, Marian, some are easily won over by your protestations of loyalty and honeyed words, but I," he turned to face her, "I believe that actions speak louder than words."

Relaxing her face, Marian braced herself. Having expected such an inquisition from the very moment she returned, Marian met the Sheriff's dark look, "I don't know what you're implying, my lord."

The Sheriff shrugged his shoulders and widened his grin. "Allow me to rephrase myself then. Let's take a hypothetical scenario, shall we? You disappear after your father's death for weeks, allegedly at a convent far away, and you leave the very day Robin Hood manages to steal my precious Pact of Nottingham." He began pacing before her, his smile twisting higher with each phrase. "Now you've returned in a most dramatic manner: a hostage rescued from the notorious Robin Hood." The Sheriff stopped in his tracks suddenly, spinning to stare at Marian straight in the eyes. "Your stories and excuses may win over certain handsome, leather-wearing, devoutly loyal imbeciles. Certain men may easily turn a blind eye to your strange disappearances and the myriad of rumors that surround you about your ex, Robin Hood," he raised a finger towards her unmoved face, "But I am not so easily convinced."

Marian breathed out heavily, "Then what would you have me do, Sheriff? What I say is true."

"You want what you say to be thought true, Lady Marian. However," he lowered his accusatory finger and tilted his balding head, "I will give you the chance to prove yourself to me. Just run a small errand. It should only take one, maybe two, weeks. And your favorite handsome imbecile will be accompanying you."

Marian closed her eyes, trying to hide the emotion building up within her. "I would have to know exactly what I am agreeing to, my lord."

"Tut tut tut, Marian. You are agreeing to not being imprisoned in the dungeons on suspicion of treason. You are agreeing to serve your Sheriff as your duty demands. And you are agreeing to assuage my fears and doubts about you and your pretty face." His dark eyes glinted up at her impassive face, "But you needn't worry. I will not compromise your honor or your morals. You will simply leave town for a few days on my behalf. Is that simple enough?"

Marian opened her eyes and nodded, afraid to open her mouth and let all her true thoughts out.

"Good," the Sheriff clapped his hands together as he grinned again. "You may even enjoy yourself. I know Gisborne will," he added with a chuckle as he waved for the door to be opened. Marian willingly obliged, aching to tell Robin this news, to see his smiling green eyes in the forest shadows.

The Sheriff paused on her threshold and spun around, "Oh, and if I were you, I wouldn't go leaving the castle any time soon. You wouldn't want to appear to be taking any sort of message to our mutual outlaw friend, now would you?" He smirked up at her innocent face, "Just remember, I'll be keeping my eyes on you. Gisborne will be around later with the details of your journey." Smiling wider, the Sheriff backed out of her doorway, pointing to his gleaming eyes—a subtle reminder as she closed the door.

Alone, Marian walked back to look out of her window once more, immediately and vehemently switching Robin's ring to its proper finger, looking longingly at the treetops in the distance. She knew exactly what she risked if she didn't maintain her cover, if she didn't follow the Sheriff's order now that he had backed her into a corner. She could lose Robin forever, and that would be as good as any execution. Twisting the ring tighter on her finger, Marian took a deep breath, convinced she could handle this on her own. She could protect herself, but Robin still had to know that she would be safe. Even though she'd be as good as a prisoner, perhaps even work against the Sheriff while under duress. She had to tell Robin somehow, wishing she had more details for him. For her sake and for his.

If she couldn't leave the castle, someone would have to. Someone who owed both her and Robin a great debt. Someone who had no inhibitions when it came to playing both sides.

She had to find Allan.