Everyone, we have been struck with a story stealer again. Her name is ChannyLover343, and she has stolen storeys from Teddy lover, Ballsofsunshine, and Demi-fan-channy.

This behaviour is outrageous and I for one won't take another minute of it!

Please, report her, take her off of our site!

But, please don't review or pm her, she will soak in all the attention, this is why she does this. She wants the attention, and even by this note we are kind of giving it to her, but we had to get the word out to join together and stop this non-sense!

I will keep everyone updated on username changes and other stories that are stolen! I have added her to favourite author's so I can see if she changes her name, not because she is actually one of my favourite authors!

Let's stop this!

We banned together and got rid of the last two, now let's get stop this one!