Twilight chaos 10 evil aunt Nour, some peoples here know her, is helping me write this she gets half of the done..on with the chapter!

Nour: hi mental people of the world!

Aro: who the hell are you?

Me: she's your night guard!

Jane: our what?

Me; night guard! cause i started school, and while i'm at school there will be no one to watch guys might hurt yourselves while you're alone *smiles innocnetly*

Jasper: doesn't she have work?

Me; she does..but while she's at great grandmother Nada will take care of you

everyone : O.o

Nour: I'm jessie's favorite evil aunt

Me: you're my only aunt!

Nour: Demetri...

Demetri: *puts tape on my mouth*

Nour: good boy *gives him a bone*

Demetri: okay? thanks..i think...

Caius: my bone is better than yours!

Demetri: go die in a hole master

Caius: ok *starts digigng a hole*

Nour: you're let me introduce my self..I am Jessie's 'evil' and 'only' aunt...and i'll keep watch on you...hopefully everything will go smoothly, but only if you're good kids...oh and by the way..I'm not as sick and mental as she is...I am the wise one *smirks evilly*

Seth: *screams* The evil authoress's evil aunt has come! why must everything happen to me?

Leah: it's happening to us too...

Jack Sparrow: *walks casually in* hello Nour *winks*

everyone: *wonder how the hell he got in here*

Eddy: who are you?

Jack: I, strange dude, am the great..Jack Sparrow!

Me: evil pirate! *chases him with a flame thrower*

Demetri: where's the tape?

Me: Mimi took it off (he likes me! cause im an adorable lil angel XD)

Alec: who the hell is Mimi? *is jealous*

Me: he's my aunt's fiance (love of her life, her everything, her world, this list could go on and on and on...)

Alice: but how'd he get here?

Mimi: through the door...

Alice: strange...

Carlisle: *shakes his head* nice to meet you Mimi...

Nessie: is your name really Mimi?

Mimi: calls me idea why..she just does...

Nour: Mimi!

Mimi; *looks at jack and growls*

Jack: what?

Mimi; leave my fiance alone and stop stalking her!

Jack; i can't help myself! *looks like he's in love*

Mimi: *calls someone*

Me: evil pirate? stalking my aunt? how come no one stalks me? life is so unfair!

Gabi: ya i know!

Alice; you came through the door too?

Gabi: *nods*

Alice: strange...i must research! *stares at the door*

Door: staring is rude lady...

Alice: *faints*

Me; OMG! a vamp just fainted! awesome!

*knock on the door*

Me; if that's random guy 4...i'll kill Jasper!

Jasper: why is it always me?

Me: cause i'm an adorable lil angel *smiles*

Jane: liar!

Me: *thinks of an insult*


Me: *still thinking*


Me: *is thinking furiously*

Esme: what's wrong?

Me; school ruined my brain! I can't think of an insult!

Alec and Jane and Esme: *gasp*

Nour: *sighs* as if it wasnt' already ruined...

Eddy: *opens the door*

*an army of ninjas walks in*

Jack: ninjas? *girly screams*

Mimi: yes..the enemies of the pirates! *smiles evilly*

Me and Lorena (which is Jane 1..but typing Jane1 and Jane 2 is conufisng i'll just use her real name): Ninjas!

Nour: pirates are better than ninjas!

Mimi: that is true..well..except for that Jack dude..he sucks

Jane: yay! i am the one and only Jane again!

Seth: Jane! dear! there is a crisis! and all you care about is your name?

Jane:*stares at seth in shock*

Seth: OMG! i just called Jane dear!

Everyone: *stares in shock*

Me: It's not like i meant it or anything .. it just confused me .. but you'll always be Jane2 no matter what *smiles evilly* mwahahahahaaaa, isnt my evil laush better than Josh's?

Alec: ya ya..what ever makes you sleep at night...

Nour: Jessie! dear! Isn't it already ur bed time? you have school tomorrow in the early morning!or do i have to call ur mommy?

Everyone: "mommy" hahahahahaaaaaa XD

Me: it's 5:00 pm...

Nour: it is? weird...

Jack: don't worry Nour..i'm staying here with you no matter how many Ninjas come here *looks in love*

Nour: o.O but i still think u r awesome.

Mimi: *runs to Jack & starts to punch him in the face*

Carlisle: c'mon guys..don't can share.

Mimi: *starts to punch Carlisle too*

Me: i'm having the best time of my life *smiles really widely*

Nada (i'm too lazy to keep writing ' great grandma nada'): *starts break dancing*

Emmett: cool! *break dances with her*

Rose: *looks at the wall* do you think they're crazy too?

Wall: yep...

Me: *sings* aslaha btefre2 men wahda lewahda..fe wahda betensaha bewahda..wa wahda, !

Alec: my ears!

Me: i love my singing too!

Eddy: you call this singing?

Me: nope...i call it art..but only awesome peoples like me will understand it

Eddy: um..I'm not gonna comment...but i have a question...

Me; no one'es stopping you...

Eddy: what did you just say?

Me; i sang this stupid song that this dude i hate's in arabic...

Eddy; i didn't understand a thing..

Me: i didn't expect you to...well..maybe i did..i're like so smart and that's like..very annoying...

Eddy: hey! when you don't sleep you have lots of free time! i have nothing better to do!

Me; *starts to say something*

Eddy: *interupts her* no, Jess, Cameron Bright didn't exist then..

Me; *acts confused* what does he have to do with this?

Eddy: i know that you're gonna say *copies my voice perfectly* 'you could've stalked cameron bright!'

Me: grr

Nour: Jessie...there's a dog here! *stares at a dog that suddenly appeared*

Me; shut up woman! I'm fighting with the idiot!

Black Scary Dog: *woof woof*

Jasper: hey boy! where'd you come from?

Dog: *bites off jazzy's hand*

Jazzy: *screams*

Nour; *backs away* ok then...*stares at Jack*

Mimi: *stares at the army of ninjas that isn't killing Jack*

Army of ninjas; *play hide and seek*

Mimi: O.o

Jack: *has a swollen face cause Mimi punched him*

Gabi: weird family...*starts singing Ignorance by Paramore*

Caius: see! now that's a wonderful voice!

Me:'s art too!

Alec: this art is different than your 'art'... this art...people that aren't mental..can undertsand...

Me: you're just jelaous...

Alec: jealous?

Me: uh-huh...

alec: why?

Me; no reason..i just felt like saying that...

Nada: *stops break dancing* you guys are really boring...I'm not wacthing over you...I'm going to a night club..where peoples appreciate me...emmett, you are free to join me *winks*

Emmett: awesome!

Rose; *breaks a plate on his head*

Emmett: come on! it's just break dancing!

Rose; my monkey man is staying here!

Emmett: *is scared* ok...

Me: everyone sit in a circle! *sits on the floor*

Everyone; *join me*

Mimi: *sits beside Nour*

Jack; *sits beside Nour on the other side*

Everyone else; *stay as far as they can from me*

Me; now..since we'll be together for a long time...

Eddy: aka: for ever

Me: shut up or else i'll give you cheese!

Eddy: ok! *shuts up*

Alec: cheese?

Lorena: cheese is bad for the soul!

Alec: awesome!

Me; *coughs to get attention* we must share our lives!

Jasper: what the hell?

Me: *gives Jasper a pie* this, is the talking pie-

jasper: don't tell me this can talk too!

Me: of course it can't! it's a pie!

Pie: yo

Alice: *faints again*

Lorena: did she even wake up?

Me: no...

Lorena: creepy *hugs alec*

Me; *tries not to kill Jasper when she sees lorena hugging alec*

Emmett: someone say something!

Me:oh yeah! ever has this pie..gets to talk and share something..understand?

Everyone; yes

Me: ok..jazzy's first

Jasper: i..feel like eating this pie...

Me; no! *gives the pie to Edward*

Edward: i feel like..kissing Bella!

Me: no! *gives the pie to Demetri*

Demetri: day..i woke up..and I found that my pet tigradoodle, Dental Floss, was dead *dry sobs*

Everyone but rose and eddy: *gasp*

me: *pats demetri on the back* im sorry Demetri..i know how it feels to have a dead twin sister *glares at lorena* killed most of them

Edward: tigradoodle?

Rose: you woke up? we're vampires! we don't go to sleep!

Heidi: a tigradoodle is a creature that is half tiger half poodle..Hayley Hayley made it! isn't it awesome?

Me; totally!

Josh: i know!

Me: *stares at josh*

Josh: you okay?

Me: *keeps staring*

josh: what's wrong?

Alice: *wakes up* josh!

Josh: *is scared*

Alice; what's wrong?

Me: *screams and hides behind Alec*

Josh: what's going on?

Me: Josh and Nour are in the same room...

Alec: so?

Nour: Josh!

Josh: evil aunt of Jessie!

Me: someone kill me!

Lorena: i'm conffuzled

Me: both of them want to destroy me..or put me in a mental if you put the two of them together...

Aec: you're toast...

Seth; Toast cub meeting! *runs to my tent that's made out of bankets*

Me: *runs after him*

Josh and Nour: *shake their heads* freaks

Mimi: *drags jack and the ninjas out of the door* bye strange people! *walks out*

Me: what?

Seth: we...wait for it..wait for toast!

Me: OMG! that's like the best idea ever!

Seth: i know right! *high fives me*

Me: *walks out and drags seth with her*

Seth: *munches on some toast*

Me: OMG! guess what peoples?

Jasper: *groans* now what?

Me: i..have a death note thingy! *takes out a notebook out of her pocket that has the words death note on it*

Jazzy: what's that?

Me: i just said it's a death note you not understand english?

Gabi; you weren't speaking were speaking Jessie-ish-ness-ese-tian!

Me; i know! ..AWESOME!

Alec: ..concieted!

Me: no i'm not!

Alec: yes you are!

Lorena: exactly

Me: *gasps* you think i'm concieted? but no one in the real world thinks that i'm concieted! *dramatically falls to the ground*


Me: *jumps up* I'm too awesome to be concieted! now..enough about me..back to the death note thingy...

Jazzy: care to explain?

Me: i was just about to do that! Patience!

Jacob: we're waiting...

Me: grr..freaks...ok..There's this epic anime called death note..

Eddy: how is it epic? you've only seen 3 episodes!

Me: since i like it..and i'm's epic! understand?

Seth: i understand!

Jacob: shut up kid

Seth: don't tell me to shut up! i..have a pure mind!

Jacob: you have a pure mind cause you don't even have one!

Me: huh?

Jake: i'm sure edward can't even read seth's mind! cause seth is so dumb and all

Me: go die in a hole Jacob...

Emmett: that would be so awesome!

Me: i was saying..this death note thingy-

Emmett: you didn't say anything!

Me: *ignores em* this thingy..has magic powers-

Jazz: let me can talk too?

Me; ugh! stop interupting me! it's rude! and jazz...just cause something can talk doesn't mean it has magic powers..since nearly everything here can talk...

Jazz: true..

Me: you write a person's name in this thingy..they die! isnt that just awesome or what?

Aro: no it's not..we can kill people when ever we want to...

Me: ya..but you don't have a note book that can do that..see where i'm going? *starts nodding like when peoples say 'see where i'm going' and no one gets it*

Caius: *stops digigng the hole and runs towards me* like OMG! this death note thingy is awesome!

Me: i know right!

Caius: like totally *hugs me*

Me: *hugs Caius*

Everyone else: O.o

Me: don't ruin the moment peoples!

everyone else: *start whistling awkwardly*

Me; ugh..too's ruined

Caius: *runs away* the devil woman hugged me! ugh..i have to burn these robes now!

Me; yeah! and they looked awesome!

Alec: awesome?

Nour: ignore her...

Josh: ya..Nour and I were planning on sending her to a mental hospital anyways...

Seth: she's too awesome to be put in a mental hospital!

Me: yay! I have fans! *does a happy dance*

Caius: let's try the thingy out!

Me: sure! *looks at Josh and Nour* hmm..i know whose name's we should put in here...

Gabi: don't! no one's that heartless!

Josh and Nour: what ever...

Me: what? but i thought putting the names of evil aliens that hunt pies and eat them should die..aren't they the heartless ones?

Gabi: oh..ok..try it then...

Caius: *writes a random name*

Me: *dargs the evil alien that hunts pies and eats them whose name's is now in the thingy into her room*

*nothing happens to him*

Marcus: you do notice that this is a regular note book witht he words death note on it..don't you?

Me; it is? *the words death note fall down*

Caius: it's fake?

Me: yeah...awesome!

Caius: i know!

Nour: gonna be a LONG night...

Me; yep *smiles happily*

Gabi: bye wonderful peoples! *waves*

Nour: don't forget to review...and you know this chapter was epic..I was in could it not be epic?

Me: shut up woman...

Carlisle: review review review!

Sam: yes! review!

Jake: please! *gets down on his knees and starts begging* review!

Me: huh?

Jake: you have the evil Death Note thingy! it's scary...

Jared: very..

Me: OMG! that rhymes!

Esme: bye bye kids

Nessie: so long!

Jane and Lorena: you do notice that we've just spent fives minutes saying good bye, right?

And the really long chapter ten! Thank you everyone for your epic reviews! i just wanted to say..i do not own Death sad..i's a great anime by the way for those that watch anime... my aunt's fiance..he does not know that i call him mimi..and he also does not know that he has the honor of being in my story! (yes it is an honor! don't give me those looks...grr) neither does my great grandma Nada know... Jack Sparrow is the really awesome- but not as awesome as cameron- Jhonny Depp from the Pirates of the Carrabean (idk how to spell it) done

bye peoples!

love y'all

Jessie~ the owner of da death note thingy XD