Chapter Three
"Baby, I'm a man and maybe I'm a lonely man who's in the middle of something that he doesn't really understand."
-Paul McCartney 'Maybe I'm Amazed'
"Close your eyes," he told her, taking one of her hands in the quiet alleyway.
She looked amused for a moment before acquiescing, closing her eyes slowly, feeling the rough of his palms in hers with a shudder. "Alright, but I'll have you know, Malfoy, if you try something funny, you'll be dead on the ground before you even have a chance to-"
Her sentence was cut off as the feeling of side along apparition gripped her navel and spun her through space.
"You didn't give me any warning!" she accused him as soon as they landed and wrenched her hand out of his.
He shrugged. "You wouldn't stop threatening me."
"You could have splinched me!"
"Luckily you weren't," he grinned; his teeth pearly white. "Are you ready for the best date of your life?"
"Where are you taking me?" The small alleyway they were standing in wasn't incredibly promising if the smell was anything to go by.
"You'll see."
"Where are we?" her tone was accusatory, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Granger, if I had wanted you to befall any harm, wouldn't I have succeeded by now?" he raised both his eyebrows and smiled. "Now, come along."
"Don't talk to me like a child, Malfoy."
"Stop acting like a child, Granger."
"I am not," she muttered under her breath but followed him anyway, reaching for the wand tucked within a fold of her dress. "Malfoy, do I have to remind you that you are the one who pursued me relentlessly for this date? If you plan on wanting a second, for future reference, it might be the best idea not to enrage your date."
"Well, Granger, it might be useful to note that threatening the life of your date is not going to attract you an increase in future suitors."
Her huffy retort died in her throat as they exited the empty and pungent alleyway and onto the bustling streets of a city she was unfamiliar with.
"Where are we?"
"Oh?" She could almost feel the smirk of arrogance burnt onto his lips. "You mean to tell me that the Gryffindor Bookworm doesn't know something?"
"Shove off Malfoy, how could I possibly know where we are?"
"We in Italy. Rome to be precise," he filled in for her as they blended into the busy evening street.
"Why are we here?"
"I'm taking you to dinner."
She hated to admit it but she was impressed.
"I'll take your silence as an indication of your admiration and awe," he beamed as they wove through the crowd. Shoulders and arms pushed into her as the pair negotiated their way through the heavy human traffic. Hermione tried to keep up with Malfoy but his legs were longer and stronger so, to avoid losing the git to the crowd, Hermione gathered a handful of his dinner jacket and held on, not willing to skip out on the date just yet.
"So what is the story with you and the Weasel?"
"You mean Ron?"
Before he had a chance to reply, he felt a sharp tug on his jacket and a sudden release. He turned to find Hermione with one of her heels caught between the cobblestones on the street, furiously trying to pull it free.
Draco let out a laugh which earned him a glare.
"Are you just going to stand there and be useless?"
The ghost of a smile drifted across his lips but nevertheless, he moved closer to Hermione, bent down and wrapped his hand gently around her ankle, lifting it easily.
He straightened up and the moment was awkward as they looked everywhere but at each other. It felt too intimate, too close and Hermione's neck began to prick with the feeling of embarrassment. Draco was motionless, the feel of her smooth skin still burnt onto his palm.
"Shall we continue?" she said and gently prodded him from his reverie.
"Yes," he said, his voice thick with embarrassment and turned abruptly to continue down the street.
Hermione found a cloud of confusion descended on her but pushed it aside, asking once again, "Why are you so curious about me and Ron?"
"I'm not."
"This is the second time you've asked about him. Correct me if I'm mistaken but you've never inquired this vigorously about him when we were in school."
"I'm just humoured by him, that's all."
"Yes, the ginger ape is interesting to observe. A bit like a tourist attraction."
Hermione felt outrage bubble up her throat.
"You haven't changed a bit, have you?"
He stopped walking and she halted beside him.
"What?" he asked, glancing down at her.
"I said," Hermione offered bravely. "That you haven't changed a bit since school. You're still the same conceited, judgmental little boy, aren't you?"
"Why change perfection? And you're as quick to judge as ever." He retorted.
"Excuse me? I aim to provide a high level of consideration and withhold all judgment from anyone that I meet until after I have met them."
"Oh really? That's not the story I heard about you and Trelawney."
Biting back a fierce reply, Hermione glowered. "You are mistaken."
"I'm never mistaken." He nodded and came to a stop outside a small shopfront, its awnings light blue and a sign announcing it as 'Giovanni's'.
"How lovely," Hermione mumbled, following Draco into the crowded restaurant. There was a small delay as Draco was greeted enthusiastically by the hostess as she noisily squealed her fervour at seeing Draco.
"Mr. Malfoy!" she gasped loudly, her cherry red lips parting into a perfect circle. "It's so nice to see you again!" Her arms were flung around his shoulders, her lips grazing both of his cheeks. "It has been too long."
Hermione looked away, a little embarrassed. So he's slept with her, it was obvious. Clearly she still harboured feelings for him but his distant demeanour suggested that the poor girl's feelings were destined to remain unreturned.
Hermione allowed herself a small feeling of triumph; the girl was taller than her and prettier, but no doubt Hermione was smarter and had help save the entire wizarding society. Now, Hermione had another attribute to add to her belt; she was on a date with Draco Malfoy; a man, admittedly, who was one of the most sought after in London.
And he was here with her, of all people, in Rome at this beautiful restaurant, about to sit down to a meal on their date.
A date! A date with Draco Malfoy of all people.
She permitted herself a slight smile of triumph as their waiter seated them, the woman standing at the doors giving her a curious glance.
"So, who is she?"
He cocked his head to the side. "Pardon?"
"Oh, it's useless playing coy with me. It's clear by her behaviour that you two have," she coughed, "History."
"History?" He took a sip of water. "Penelope and I don't have history."
"You call her by her first name and she calls you by your last. She's clearly very excited to see you and you can't even make eye contact with her. Tell me, was she another woman you've slept with who thought they could change you or someone who's blindsided into lusting after you by your last name?"
"None of the above."
Hermione was excited to notice a blush forming on the tips of his ears, slowly seeping into his cheeks.
"Then what is it?"
He coughed uncomfortably. "I'm not inclined to discuss that with you at the present moment."
She narrowed her eyes. "That bad?"
"Will you just order?"
She folded her hands in front of her, leaning her chin on them.
Oh dear Lord, Draco felt himself redden. Don't look down her dress. Or if you do, Gods man, don't make it obvious!
"I want to know what has the great Draco Malfoy in such a state of avoidance."
"It is of little importance. Can we order?" He clicked his fingers at their waiter who glided over immediately.
"Are you ready to order, sir?"
"Yes," he said with little hesitation. "I'll have my usual and the salmon for the lady accompanied by a nice '67 Merlot, I think."
Hermione frowned and after the waiter left, Malfoy turned to her.
"Is everything okay?"
"Please refrain from ordering for me in the future."
"I didn't-" He was stumped. Try not to offend her anymore than you already have. Changing tactics, he grinned. "Duly noted. Any other nuances we should get out of the way before this gets any further?"
The look of confusion on her face was enough fuel for him to continue.
"For example, I hate it when my tea is cold, I despise the colour orange and I secretly collect paintings of blackbirds." he winked.
"It's hardly a nuance. I prefer not to have a man think he can make my decisions for me, thank you."
She removed her chin from her hands. "And stop trying to change the subject. What is up with you and Miss. Italia?"
"I'd rather that information to be kept in the past –where it belongs."
Their wine was served, the waiter smiling at Hermione warmly.
"Oh come on, now you've piqued my interest! You must tell me."
"I might just save that gem of a story for another time."
He didn't want to gloat about her? He didn't even look too comfortable being in the same establishment as her. What exactly had transpired between them? And this date was, so far, quite boring that she found herself clinging to the relationship he wouldn't talk about simply for something to do.
"Evil twin sister?"
"Hated animals?"
"Not that I know of."
"Extra toes?"
"Definitely not. No, her body was very normal." For his part, he seemed quite entertained by her guessing.
"Her family didn't approve? Classic Romeo and Juliet type situation?"
He gave her a funny look. "Don't know who they are. Must be some funny Muggle thing? For the record, her parents adored me."
"Romeo and Juliet was a play by-" she glanced at his blank expression. "Never mind -was she secretly a man?"
"What? No!"
"A stripper you picked up from a street corner because you were lonely and then you fell in love with her?"
"What in the world is a stripper?"
"Okay, she had a terminal illness?"
"She looks fine to me."
She was still guessing by the time their food had arrived, her speculations nudging closer and closer to the line of ridiculousness.
"She was a mermaid, exchanged her tail for life on the land and decided that she liked it so much but could never be with you because you were both from different worlds."
"No." He took a bite of his usual; an extravagantly arranged platter of shellfish.
"You were both young and the only way you could communicate was through the mailbox at your lake house?"
"No," he smiled, taking a sip of wine.
Hermione took a bite of her salmon. "She volunteered to be your housekeeper but discovered your horrible secret; that your crazed wife lived in your attic?"
"What? What is that? Jane Eyre?"
She almost dropped her fork. "You know Jane Eyre?"
"Pansy had a copy of it back in Hogwarts. Read it for a laugh."
"A laugh?"
"Well, you know, to see how to Muggles lived and everything. Surprisingly well written."
"What is?"
"That you would ever compliment anything to do with Muggles."
She wasn't about to tell him that she found the salmon absolutely delicious.
"Oh no."
Oh, shit.
"Oh, please no."
"What is it?"
Oh, Merlin.
"I think someone's stolen my wallet."
"That was the most embarrassing moment of my life."
"Oh, come on, we've humiliated you plenty of times at Hogwarts, that couldn't have been the most embarrassing."
"He threatened to make me wash dishes to clear my debt."
"Thankfully my wallet was still safely in my bag."
"Who has the gall to steal my wallet?"
"You were probably pick-pocketed on the way here. The street was very crowded and it's very easy to just slip your hand into a coat and…"
She stopped talking at the look on his face.
Shame? Was that shame? And mortification?
"Hey, there's nothing to be embarrassed about? I'm sure it happens a lot."
"You don't understand –the way everyone was staring. Assuming that I had made up the story. These Muggles here don't understand that I'm a Malfoy and I could pay for everyone's meals and then buy the restaurant if I wanted. But they all looked at me like I was some filth off the streets trying to swindle a free meal."
"Come on," she nudged him. "I'm sure they weren't thinking that."
"You were there. Don't spare my feelings."
They started moving down the street. Hermione felt the cool spring night breeze graze her shoulders and pulled her coat more firmly around her.
"Trust me; I'm very rarely inclined to spare your feelings."
"I can't believe you had to pay for our meal."
"It's really no problem."
"Well," he moved a little closer to her. "I will see to it that I compensate you generously."
"It's not an issue –forget about it, Malfoy."
"Alright, since you ask so nicely. Come on," he turned into an alleyway. The smell hit her first and she crinkled her nose.
"Why do you insist on taking me to these smelly alleyways?"
"Because apparating in front of Muggles attracts a lot of attention and paperwork from the Ministry. Here, take my hand."
She looked at his outstretched hand before taking it.
"Prepare yourself."
He was learning fast, Hermione smiled as she felt the tug of apparition.
Her landing wasn't as smooth as she would have liked it. Instead of gracefully floating towards the solid ground, she found herself stumbling headfirst, her body refusing to keep in coordination.
An arm wrapped around her waist kept her from losing her footing and dignity.
"Thanks," she blushed as he removed his hand, stepping slightly away from her.
"So where are we?"
He straightened his jacket, brushing the collar. "Take a wild guess, Granger," he smirked.
She started to venture towards the busy street bustling with men, women and children, the excitement highlighted by the music in the air.
"Where are we?" She asked again, loving the atmosphere.
"You know," Draco laughed, "Your guessing skills are quite lacking. The entire point is to-"
But Hermione was already moving into the street, her feet clicking along the cobblestones.
"Wait up," Draco walked after her, his longer legs an advantage. He leaned towards her ear, "We're in-"
"Barcelona," Hermione breathed, finishing for him. "You've brought me to Barcelona." She was in awe, no doubt. He'd brought her to one of the most fascinating and culturally rich cities. "What are we doing here?"
He grinned. "I thought we could go for a drink."
"A drink? You've brought me to Barcelona and you just to have a drink with me?"
He shrugged. "Well, of course –this place is renowned for its night life, you know?"
"Night life, yes. But bar scene?"
He winked. "You just wait for where I'm taking you." He tugged on her jacket lightly before turning her down a small alley.
"Why-" Hermione panted, following him. "Why do we have to take these little alleyways and shortcuts for? What's wrong with the open streets?"
"These are faster," he said, a few paces in front of her.
The alley narrowed, clotheslines dipping low and he descended a few stone steps.
Hermione was struggling with the cobbles and her shoes were really beginning to annoy her; how did women wear these? How did they effectively execute everyday tasks in these Towering Shoes of Doom?
"Hey," she panted, holding onto a wall and trying not to twist her ankle and kill herself, "Hey, you're walking too fast."
But he hadn't heard her, perhaps the noise of the bustling street was too loud and his concentration cut out all abilities to multitask.
She turned the corner she'd seen him whip around just a few moments ago and it was-
Just where had he gone?
"Gosh," Hermione cursed under her breath. "This is just bollocks." Nevertheless, she pressed forward.
His last name was called, the sound ringing loud and true, and he stopped. Too engrossed in his navigation, he'd accidentally walked too fast and lost Granger.
"Granger?" He yelled back, hoping he hadn't lost her too far back. "Hey, Granger, hurry up!" He began to retrace his steps, taking him back to a very angry Hermione Granger, holding onto the wall for stability.
He grinned sheepishly. "I guess I should slow down."
She glowered. "I guess so," she bit back, her tone sharp.
"Err, sorry," his grin was still in place. "Come on, Granger."
He pronounced her last name with a sly smirk, a raised eyebrow. Gently, he offered her his arm and she threw him a look before taking it. It's only because I need help, she thought, only because these shoes are a death trap and I want to make it out of here alive tonight.
Slowly, they began to move through the maze of streets before emerging out onto the cobblestone paved and lit streets of Barcelona. "Where are we going?" She finally found to ask.
"A little bar I like to frequent," he replied, letting himself smile a little.
She saw the corners of his lips curve upwards and found it contagious as she offered her own. "Is there another one of your conquests working there? I just want to prepare myself, you know, for the glare they'll send me."
He shook his head. "No."
"You still haven't told me about that girl back at the restaurant. What's the story there?"
"As I said, I'd rather not talk about it."
The pedestrians on the street sent Hermione a few strange looks as she guffawed loudly. "Oh come off it, Malfoy! I bet it wasn't even that bad."
"It wasn't bad. It was just messy. Now, here we are-"
They were standing in front of a small bar, neon lighting the entrance and the smell of frangipani in the air.
"What is this place?" Hermione beamed at Draco before walking in behind him.
"I used to come here when life in London got a little tedious. Reminds me to let loose, you know. Have some fun," he winked at her, smirking.
She swatted his arm playfully. "If anyone starts throwing bills at me, I tell you, I'm leaving."
They found a seat at the bar and Hermione crossed her legs daintily, realising her dress was showing quite a lot of leg. For his part, Malfoy didn't seem to notice.
He opened his mouth, about to order two drinks before he remembered that she liked to order for herself.
"What are you in the mood for?"
Her eyes found his. "Tequila," she pronounced, the atmosphere of the bar and the smell of the place making her feel a little wilder.
He grinned, showing his pearl white teeth. "Two tequila's," he said to the bartender with a nod.
He turned to her. "So Granger, tell me, what is someone so clever like yourself working in such a dead end job in the Department of Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures? Is it to further your 'spew' thing?"
"It's S.P.E.W," she retorted with a frown. "And it's not a dead end job."
"My apologies but I must disagree. You're merely a paper pusher when major laws are overturned by your superiors –you don't really get a say do you?"
Instead of angering her, like he was sure he was about to, she sighed.
"I'm actually slowly working my way up. Where I want to be is the Department of Magical Law Enforcement."
"Law enforcement? Well, if you've got your sights set on it, you'll be head in no time."
She found herself staring at him. It was probably the nicest thing he'd ever said to her.
"Thanks," she said, slightly confused.
Before anything else was said, their drinks were delivered and a slice of lemon placed next to it, the salt shaker passed down.
Hermione licked her hand, pouring the salt and picked up the little shot glass of white liquid. "To your wallet, Malfoy. May it be found and returned to you."
He grinned, doing the same.
"To my wallet." He raised his glass before downing the liquor at the same time as Hermione. Her eyes widened for a moment before she bit into her lemon when it was replaced with a content expression.
"Wow," she breathed. "I'd forgotten," she thought for a moment. "I'd forgotten what that was like."
He laughed and ordered another.
Soon, shot glasses were lined before them, lemon slices littering the bar top and Hermione was giggling.
"You know what though," she laughed. "I never thought someone like you would be working for the Department of Mysteries. I mean," she leaned in closer to him. "Are you good at keeping secrets?"
He blinked back, finding her giggling extremely humorous. "Secrets? I'm excellent at keeping secrets."
"Really now?" She raised an eyebrow. "Because I think contrary."
"If only there was a way for me to prove all this to you," he grinned.
"You're right," she started before she was interrupted by a loud exclaimed,
They both swivelled in the direction of the voice to see Pansy Parkinson starting towards them, an intent look on her face.
"Draco! I thought it was you!"
He looked frantic for a moment, his eyes meeting Hermione's and he stood to greet Pansy. She laughed before pulling him into a hug.
"Draco!" her laugh was loud and Hermione found herself jealous of their intimacy. "It's been a while," she said, her hand still on his shoulder.
He nodded, his arms lingering near her waist. "When was the last time? Theo's wedding was it?"
"Too long!" Pansy laughed again before she noticed Hermione.
"Well, if it isn't Bookworm Granger herself," she laughed. Her tone was light, even flirtatious, and Hermione found herself floored by the girl's friendliness. "I haven't seen you in-"
"It's been a while," Hermione smiled, the alcohol stretching her grin wider than it should be. "How's things?" Her tone, although icy, was at least an attempted nicety. "I heard you and Zabini are engaged? I supposed congratulations are in order?"
Pansy laughed. "Merlin, is she drunk?" She elbowed him gently in the ribs. "You sly dog!" She laughed before leaning closer into Hermione.
"Want to know one of his secrets?" she giggled, jerking her thumb in his direction.
Hermione leaned towards her. "Sure," she said, her eyes lighting up slightly.
"Please don't," Draco groaned but Pansy was already whispering in her ear.
"He sleeps with a teddy bear. Hi s name is Professor Tickles."
Hermione's eyes widened and she choked out a laugh. "You're joking!"
"You're joking," Draco rolled his eyes, pulling Pansy's arm towards him. "Please stop."
She grinned, sticking out her tongue. "Come on, Draco, all in good fun!"
"Oi, Pansy!" Came the call from across the room. The brunette girl looked over at her friends waving her towards the exit.
"And, that's my cue to leave! You kids have fun now," with a wink at Hermione, a kiss on the cheek for Draco and a small wave, she was making her way towards the door.
They watched her leave, Draco annoyed and Hermione in awe. "She's different. She's nicer," Hermione commented. "It's-"
"Refreshing." She corrected, a dirty look thrown.
He threw his eyes to the ceiling. "Whatever –she's not as fun as she used to be." Frowning at himself, he wasn't exactly sure why he was speaking so much, so many things he wanted to say just jumping out of his mouth at an alarming rate. "She's gone and gotten engaged and that's just sucked the fun out of her, hasn't it?"
"Marriage doesn't suck the fun out of people," Hermione threw back, frowning. "If anything, it creates new opportunities for-for-" her face was suddenly very hot, her eyes blurry and her head heavy. "Oh," she sighed, leaning her hand onto her head. "Oh, I think I need some fresh air," she stood, stumbling, forgetting her train of thought.
An arm was around her in an instant before a warm body was supporting her, helping her manoeuvre herself towards the cooler streets.
She grinned, taking in the night, breathing the fresh air into her lungs.
"This is perfection," she breathed with an exhale. "This is the best night ever!" She proclaimed, grinning into him. She looked to her side, his grin greeting her, and she leaned towards him, misjudging, and her face swam closer to his than intended.
"So, what's next?" She whispered, sliding an arm around his neck to anchor herself. Her heels were suddenly too high and she found herself unsteady. "I mean, as much as I love this place, I can't wait to see what's next." The surprise of different countries was exciting and her grin didn't wane.
He chuckled, quite liking the way her body felt against his, her warm breath on his neck and her eyes sparkling into his.
"How are you so sure there's more?"
"Come on, Malfoy, the you I know hardly does things by half. I know you have one last trick up your sleeve," she grinned, placing a mental reminder to herself never to wear shoes this high ever again.
"Fine fine, you've beat me down, Granger, I've one last destination in mind. Come on," he led her towards a darkened alley before covering her eyes and whispering a quiet "Ready?" in her ear.
She nodded and at the last moment, realised the dangers of apparating while intoxicated but before she could voice her worries, they were already there, safe, sound and in one complete piece.
"You could have splinched me," she glowered, accusing.
"But I didn't."
She frowned. "But you could have."
"You fail to realise that I didn't."
She narrowed her eyes and he sent her a grin, full of teasing challenge. She couldn't help her laughter escaping before untangling her arm from his hand, reaching up on tiptoes to gently push strands of his fringe into place.
"There," she grinned, sighing and smiling. "All better."
His handsome face broke into a smile, a gentle and kind one, and she cocked her head to the side –he'd never given her a smile like that before and as unnerving as it was, she also found it nice and flattering and found herself offering him a similar one of her own.
"Granger," he started but found himself unable to say anything further, unable to collect his thoughts, unable to do anything beside stare down at the girl looking up at him, a smile tugging on her lips that threatened to burst at any time and her eyes lighting up into his.
Yes? Her face seemed to question up at him and he smiled, a movement that lifted up the left side of his lips in an amused smirk.
"Come on," he finally managed, stepping backwards gently, breaking the moment. "And you can guess which city we're in."
Excitement bubbled and burst in her throat and she let forth a laugh, exiting the dark alley they'd apparated into. Lights and sounds reached her senses; the lights dim and romantic, the cars slow without rush, the people laughing and enjoying whatever was on offer.
She took it all in before turning to Draco, her face excited like a child stumbling upon a candy store.
"Paris!" She declared. "We're in Paris!"
He nodded slightly before moving beside her with another wide grin.
"Once again, Granger, your perceptiveness and deductive skills are amazing," he teased, holding out an arm to her. "Come on," he nudged her gently. "Let's go."
"Where are we going?" Her eyes were still bright, her excitement pooling, and her mouth eager. He'd brought her to the City of Love, she mused, this man, she hiccupped, had brought her to the most romantic city in the world. Certainly, he had no ill intentions towards her at this point? Otherwise would he go to all the trouble? Would he have put in the effort if he were just to discard her?
Doubt left her alcohol addled mind and she wasn't exactly sure what precisely had changed her mind of him; only that she wanted to go with the flow and for the moment, she was finding his presence quite enjoyable.
"You'll see," was all he offered her before she slid her hand into his arm, allowing him to gently lead her towards their unknown destination. "Not too far," he grinned as her feet refused to cooperate with her mind, stepping all over the place.
"I'm not usually like this," she mumbled. "It's been a while since my last alcohol experience, that's all."
He was quick to assure her, "Hey, hey, hey, Granger, it's me, Draco Malfoy –anything you can do, I can do better, including any alcohol induced experiences. Besides, I'm reserving judgement for tonight."
"Oh?" She gently turned her head to the side to observe him, their footsteps short and leisurely. "Reserving judgement? And why is that?"
"I've decided that judgement has been passed around enough," he grinned down at her, "Ever since that day," he took in a soft breath. "You know, the day of the Final Battle and everything –everyone looked at us like trash but no-one understood." He shook his head and bit out a sneering laugh.
"Understood?" She asked him, shocked by his sudden admission of information, by his openness in talking about that day. It'd been years and yet, it still replayed in her mind like it was yesterday, the smell of the rejoicing air, the sound of cheers and happiness resounding throughout the castle, the sight of love and relief and sheer gratitude for life permeating the grounds. It was something that she would remember for as long as she lived, she was sure –something that she would never be able to forget; the smell, sight, touch, taste and sound of complete triumph. But she'd never thought about it from the opposite end of the spectrum; of knowing you'd failed, of having life throw choices after choices that led to the eventual downfall.
"Is that what you want then? Understanding?"
He shook his head, a derisive laugh emanating forth. "Not anymore. Right now, I'd like nothing more than unassuming anonymity."
"You sound like a disgruntled celebrity," she grinned, giggling. Gosh, what was it about alcohol that seemed to bring out the most childish section of herself? Surely there was a way to stop this?
"I just want to atone for my mistakes and move on, is that hard?" His smile was hard, like his entire face hurt when it happened. "But people seem to have a hard time forgetting. Forgiving is easy when you know how to do it –it's the forgetting people have trouble with."
Sighing, she nodded in understanding. She'd never quite forgotten his teasing from school although she'd forgiven him quite some time ago.
"Is forgiveness important to you?" The question burst forth before she was able to register it in her mind. The fact that it was probably very intrusive question didn't seem to deter her from asking it. His silence lasted longer than comfort allowed and she found herself blushing, her neck, cheeks, and ears growing hot. With a sigh, she turned away from him, their pacing easy, her mind beginning to clear.
Finally, he spoke. "Does it seem strange to you that I possess a conscience?"
It was her turn to ponder. She thought about his question, mulled it over and thought the words multiple times in her mind. Did it seem odd that he had a conscience? Did it seem strange that he cared about forgiveness? With a horrible little twinge and a slight elevation of heart rate, she found the idea that he was positively human attractive. She winced. She pulled internal faces. She paused slightly. He was still waiting for her reply. She took a breath. Then another. She bit the side of her lip, the right bottom lip, let go and slid a sideways glance towards him.
"Not at all."
His face seemed to be disbelieving but for his part, he seemed to let it go for the time being. They had been walking alongside the river for some time now, Hermione deduced it was the Seine and she was mesmerised for a moment by the dancing lights atop the water, the rippled light and gentle. She smiled, hiding it with a turn of her head.
"Where are we going?" After the bustle of Barcelona, the quiet of Parisian roads at night was certainly welcome and she smiled, following his lead.
"Almost there."
True to his word, comfortable silence reigned for another few minutes before Draco slowed, reaching a set of stairs that led to a boat awaiting them at the shore. The water lapped at the concrete lining the side of the water and Hermione smiled, silently following him towards the small vessel awaiting them. She smiled as he offered a hand to help her into the boat –who would have known Malfoy would pull a move like this? He always seemed to surprise her.
"Confess," she said when they were seated. "You had help planning tonight, didn't you?"
"I did not!" He said –it was, after all, only half a lie. His mother had made helpful suggestions and he'd made all the arrangements. Draco grinned as the boat began to move, the singular man at the end of the small craft slowly beginning to steer the boat with soft paddles and slow strokes. For a moment, Draco's stomach made an uncomfortable lurch but he brushed it off; surely it was naught to worry about. He smiled, taking the chance the slightly move a little closer to her.
"So, Granger-" he started but before another word was uttered, he looked away, suddenly feeling the same lurch in his stomach again, only this time, much more intense. "Oh fuck," he swore softly, clutching his stomach.
Hermione, unaware of him for the time being marvelled at the night sky, the smell of the water, the soft sounds of trickling water beside her and she enjoyed the view and moment before she picked up on his swearing. She turned to him and was instantly greeted by his face, shocked and devoid of the vibrant colour tinging his cheeks only moments before.
"Are you alright?" She asked, placing a hand on his arm to turn him towards her.
"No, I'm not bleeding alright," he hissed as his stomach lurched again. "Must've been something I ate."
She looked to him worried before speaking to the driver to pull to the banks to let them off. "Come on, you feel like-"
Before she could finish, Draco had leaned over the side of the boat, emptying the contents of his stomach into the French river system. Hermione did her best to comfort him, running a hand up and down his back to steady his retching and she gave him a pat when he straightened again.
Draco felt embarrassed and stupid; throwing up in front of a girl? Not attractive by any means and he tried to avert his gaze from her imploring one.
"I'm fine," he said but nevertheless, he didn't shy away from her help out of the vessel. Muttering an embarrassed apology to the man, he let Hermione steer him towards a darkened alley to apparated the pair back to England.
"You probably just ate some shoddy seafood and now you've got mild food poisoning. Not to worry," she said, sliding an arm around his waist. "I probably have something sitting around for this kind of thing –come on," she moved into the dark alley. "We'll have you feeling better in no time."
He hated that she had to take care of him like an invalid but followed her. She sent him a nod before she apparated him. Landing with a slight thud, he was in an unfamiliar room and even amidst the unsettlement in his abdomen, he smirked.
"You'd think they'd pay you more there at the Ministry."
Hermione sent him a sharp glare deciding to ignore him before moving towards her bathroom. She rummaged about in her cabinet before finding what she was looking for. There, she thought with triumph before taking it back to the lounge room. She returned to Draco atop her couch, Crookshanks observing him, swishing his tail.
Draco pointed at the cat. "You still have that mangy orange thing?"
Hermione glared. "You're in my house and I'm the only one who can help you right now, are you sure you want to be throwing insults?"
Draco shut his mouth and took the offered vial. The effects were almost immediate –his stomach cleared its internal upset and he breathed easy again yet finding himself suddenly very drowsy.
Hermione noticed his drooping eyes and chewed her lip. "Oh dear, I wasn't sure of the effects of this potions mixed with alcohol. Will you be alright to apparate home?" Even as she said it, she was sure he'd be plenty unfit to operate a door let alone getting himself home safely. "Don't worry," she mumbled as he slumped in onto the couch.
Draco was vaguely aware of Hermione moving closer to him and as he tried to keep his mind clear and focused, in vain, sleep was beginning to cloud over and he found little comfort on her couch yet it was probably the best he was going to get for the time being.
"Granger," he said, catching her wrist in his hand. "Come here," he tugged gently.
Hermione, sobered up a bit since the European jaunt, moved to kneel beside him. "What is it?" She said, slightly concerned.
Draco watched her and moved his head slightly towards her, his lips parting.
Perhaps this wasn't to be the worst date ever after all.
Erm. I realise it's been nine months since I've updated this.
I'm sorry?
Thanks for reading if you haven't forgotten about this already! And thanks to all those who reviews the last chapter!
Until next time; enjoy!