A/N: Sorry that I haven't written in ages but school has been crazy. Well here it is, the last chapter
The next few days after Stefan had left passed with no incidents. Elena had thought a lot about what he had said before he had left and the sentence, 'I will never move on from you,' lingered in her mind. She regretted the pain she had caused him but she had made her feelings clear and she hoped that these few days would be good for the both of them.
As the days went by she also found herself falling in love more and more with this kind, caring and human, Damon. He kept surprising her as she got to know him even better. He had given up his valued position as driver in order to sit next to Elena in the back seat and just hold her. When she asked him that night what had made him give it up he simply replied not quite looking her in the eye, "I know your hurting and I want to be there to comfort you." They went to sleep without saying another word.
Elena felt that those few days were like Heaven but the thought did loom over her, that soon the man she loved would disappear and she would be left with a cold, hard vampire.
Damon's POV
Tomorrow Morning we will arrive at the Witch's house. I haven't told Elena but I think she knows. She can sense the expectation in me and Sage and so has just been quiet and solemn. We both know why. Ever since we got together we have known that our time was limited and the purpose of our road trip was to make me a vampire and Stefan a human. Stefan has nothing to be human for anymore but I do. Elena needs a human so maybe if everything works out as it was originally planned then Stefan can be there for Elena.
Why does that thought tear me up inside? The thought that I might have to let her go. I am not sure that I could let her go in exchange for anything. This thought keeps going over and over in my head and I know I only have until tomorrow to decide.
We are in the car and Elena's head just slumped on to my shoulder so I wind my arm around her. I rest my head on top of her soft golden hair and breathe deeply. I know that she thinks there is no future with a vampire and so there can be no future for us after tomorrow. Or can there?
Elena's POV
We just arrive outside the witch's lair. Except that it's a two storey detached house in a suburb. There's a mailbox outside with the word Carter written in an elegant script. Its all to surreal after all the horrific things I've been imagining for the past few weeks. Damon looks at me with a slight smile on his lips that doesn't reach all the way to his eyes, "Her name is Emily Carter, did you think her name was just witch?" His half hearted attempt at teasing makes me smile a little too. We get out and Sage leads us to a run down black Ford and I see Stefan emerge from it. He gives Sage a handshake and then surprisingly gives Damon a handshake. He then turns to me and gives me a very light very brief hug. He then says to the group at large, "Are we ready?" Everyone in the group is still really shocked but Sage hides it well and says with compassion, "If this is still what you want." Stefan nods once then strides to the door. I start to find it hard to breathe but Damon tightens his hold on my waist and leads me forward. We are all stood on the porch and they seem to be waiting for something. That's when I notice there all looking at me and suddenly it hits me. They brought me here because I am so full of good magic so it had to be me asking the witch for a favour. I pluck up all my courage and walk forwards and ring the doorbell.
The doorbell was such an upbeat tune that it seemed out of place with how tense I was feeling. What made me feel even more bizarre was when I saw the woman who opened the door.
She looked to be in her mid forties and had her long brown hair with steaks of grey pulled back into a bun. She was wearing an apron and there was a light smattering of flour all over her. A gentle smile spread across her face as she looked at me and then it rapidly left her face as her eyes drifted to the three men stood behind me. A flame sparked in her eyes and she moved to slam the door in my face before I called out,
"Please just hear us out!"
She glanced at me and when she saw the pleading in my eyes she stopped closing the door. I felt relieved but that feeling plummeted when I heard the tone of her voice. "What do you things want?" she asked with severe vehemence. I took a deep breathe before plunging into my plea.
"Please Mrs Carter, I am begging you for your help, I'm in a desperate situation and I think that you are the only one that can help me." I stop to take a breathe and she drops her head into her hand and asks, without looking up,
" What do you need?"
I sigh in relief and carry on with my explanation, "Well the thing is that a good kitsune gave my…friend a flower to make him human but my… other friend turned human instead. We wondered if you could reverse the spell?"
She studied my face intently and it feels as if she is probing right into my mind. When the feeling starts to get too uncomfortable it is suddenly retracted as she stares away into the distance. I pull myself together again and realise that as she is a witch she probably was probing my mind. After several more minutes of silent contemplation she looks directly at me and she speaks as if I am the only one waiting on her front steps. "I cannot reverse the spell of another creature of good magic but I may be able to cast a new spell to turn that vampire into a human." I look around at him and he just looked stunned but finally manages to whisper out, "You would do that for an evil creature like me?" she looked at him properly for the first time and simply nodded before turning back into her house and motioning us to follow her. My heart leaps in joy but then I realise that she didn't say she could help Damon. However happy that made me I couldn't be filled with joy knowing that he would be upset. Ignoring these thoughts I walked into the witch's lair.
Stefan's POV
I followed Elena into the house, straight through a cosy little sitting room, into a little kitchen overlooking a large grassy garden. Mrs Carter is rummaging in some cupboards and preparing some in a small glass bottle. I feel really hopeful that she can make me human. Take me away from this evil monster I allowed myself to turn into. I look at Elena who is shuffling her feet and occasionally glancing at Damon. I know I only wanted this so I could be with her but now I can't have her I still don't want to stay this way.
Mrs Carter starts to suddenly walk over to me with a small container of thick red liquid. I can smell that its not blood but I still cringe slightly as she draws closer. She has a small smile playing around the edges of her lips as she says,
"Drink this and you'll be human."
I look at her for only a moment before gently taking the bottle. I down it in one. At once I feel a warmth spreading through me and giving me a prickling feeling. The light in the room seemed to be getting brighter and brighter until I fell into darkness.
Elena's POV
Stefan drank the potion all at once then put it down on the table. He looked slightly disorientated and I started to worry and then all of a sudden his chair slid back and he fell on the floor. I went to go to him but Sage held onto my arm. I turned in a fury determined to get to Stefan but all Sage said was, "Look."
I turned back and saw Stefan covered in a bright, white light. It started to recede a little and I saw that Stefan had a smile on his face and that his eyes were starting to open. He stood up as if nothing had just happened and said, "I've been given a second chance."
"The magic has worked, I can do nothing for your other friend young angel. If he truly wishes to give away his humanity then he must become a vampire again in the normal way." Mrs Carter said to me. After a few seconds when some of the shock had worn off I replied, "Thank you very much for all you have done. You've shown us all a great kindness." She gave us a warm smile and we moved towards the door. She gave us another warm smile before we left and then closed the door behind her. Stefan and Sage started to move ahead of us so I slowed down and looked up into the brooding face that I loved so much. He met my eyes, stopped and turned to face me and I did the same. We stood looking into each others eyes for what seemed like hours but must have just been a few minutes. He finally whispered so softly, "I love you with all my heart and if you'll have me, I want to be human with you." At the end of his declaration he looked down as if he was scared of what the answer might be. I gently lifted his head with my fingertips until blue met black. I drew him close to me and cupped his face with my hands before leaning in and whispering in his ear, "Always."
A/N : I hope you enjoyed reading. Thank you to everyone who reviewed.