False Alarm

Another offering from the fruit-bowl of my fruitcake mind. Naughty but hopefully nice - let me know what you think why don't you….?

Last of the smut for this story, I think.

Hope you enjoy.

I don't own anything - characters are the property of Kudos.

Each Peach Pear Plum.

Having exhausted herself searching through the bedside table for - What was it? Obviously not anything important - Alex lay back on the bed, letting herself luxuriate in gleeful anticipation of Gene's imminent visit, but heck - she realised as the phone crashed to the floor - she was still a little too drunk to co-ordinate her body properly... and what had she promised him? ...

To show him how much she loved him.

She'd need to sober up a bit to do that sentiment justice otherwise she'd just be drooling over him like some demented puppy. Not attractive at all.

So how should she sober up?

Water. Cold water to the face, or down her neck? Probably not the best idea to drink any more – it didn't do to be distracted by a full bladder whilst in the throes of passion. Perhaps some food to soak up the wine? Yes. Food. Good idea Alex.

Alex stumbled out of the bedroom and into the kitchen, her thoughts alighting for brief moments of clarity then drifting away like windblown fairy seeds. Bread, she decided. The staff of life. That was the stuff. On her way to the bread-bin she spotted a small person sized shape on the couch. Shaz. The blue honeycomb blanket rose and fell in time with Shaz's snuffly breath causing Alex to remember something about promising Gene to either find Shaz some headphones or get her to leave. She was half tempted to give Shaz a shake, but her young friend looked so peaceful Alex didn't have the heart. Something to cover her ears then. Her hand alighted on the bag of bread in the bread bin. Only two slices left. Crusts. Drunkenly she held them to her face sniffing to check their freshness and contemplating their thickness. Yes, ideal sound insulation. Bending down to the couch she prised Shaz's head up slightly with one hand and squeezed one slice under her with the other. Shaz shifted a little, but didn't wake. Alex held her hand over her face as she struggled to stem the tide of giggles rising in her throat. Carefully she took the other slice and balanced it over Shaz's other ear. There. A perfect Shaz sandwich.

Toilet. That's what she needed now. She staggered as quietly as she could across the room, accidentally bumping into the table and sending the fruit bowl flying as she passed. The bread insulation was obviously working well because despite the new commotion, Shaz didn't stir. Indifferent to the fate of her fruit, Alex reached the bathroom safely. Pulling her trousers and knickers down she sat heavily on the toilet seat and began to wee. There. One job over and done with. Still sitting she swung her legs like a petulant schoolgirl and focused on the jeans bunched at her ankles. When Gene came she wouldn't need clothes she grinned smugly – he'd just rip them off her. She might as well take them off now. She shuffled her feet through the holes and dangling them by a foot, kicked her lower garments into the wash basket. Goal!

Spraying water onto her face she strove to wake herself, only with the best of her co-ordination spent on scoring the a goal into the laundry she succeeded in not only wetting her face but thoroughly wetting her blouse too. Off it came. And her bra. Brushing her teeth she smiled a toothpaste frothed smile at her naked reflection. Naked. Just how Gene liked her. Or did he ? – perhaps he'd like something to unwrap. Something she could only find in the bedroom.


Gene strode purposefully out from CID, thoughts of her promise to him filling his mind and raising a little more than just his blood pressure. By the time he reached her door he was more than a little 'raised'. Positively standing to attention if truth be told.

He inserted his key in the lock and opened the door. First thing he saw was Shaz crashed out on the couch – a slice of bread covering most of her head. Must have been a good night he concluded as he took his boots off. Knowing how Bolly hated him getting into bed with his socks on, he peeled those off too and stuffed them into his boots. Now where was madam?

After eliminating the bathroom from his search and pausing to brush his teeth there with his own toothbrush, a smile stretched across his face as he realised there was only one place she was likely to be. The bedroom. God she really was perfect for him. He turned to tiptoe across the room – it would be a shame to wake Shaz now when he was so close – his foot collided with the upturned fruit bowl.

'What the hell!' he cursed – as quietly as any man could whilst nursing a bruised foot. Placing the bowl back on the table he checked the floor for runaway fruit. Last thing he wanted was a squashed satsuma between his toes. Two apples, a banana and a couple of plums. He fingered a plum. It was one of the smaller varieties. Dark purple with a bluish bloom that disappeared into shine as he stroked it. He'd always said Bolly had a plum in her mouth and this one was just the right size... he tossed it into the air and caught it... yes, just right.

Alex was stretched out on top of the bed when Gene opened the door. Despite being a little under the influence she'd managed to light a candle and slip on a shimmer of dark purple material that veiled her breasts and tied together at the centre of her chest with a ribbon. He took a sharp breath and smiled. She looked gorgeous, gorgeous and hot. Placing a small 'object' on her bedside table he held eye contact as he proceeded to tear off his clothes – tie, jacket, belt, shirt, trousers, pants - throwing them to the floor beside the bed. She wriggled to sitting in order to better watch him, the heat of anticipation spreading through her body as her eyes drank in the alpha power he exuded in spades.

Naked he sprung onto the bed, straddling her and crawling up her body until he was poised over her stomach. He knelt up, leaning back slightly to allow her to stroke his broad chest and stomach. She forced her hands to remain gentle as she teased his hardening nipples, knowing if she let lose her need she'd be grabbing and tearing at his flesh until she had totally consumed him.

'I see you dealt with Shaz.' He said laughing. 'Bread ear-muffs very ingenious, but pretty ineffective.' He bent to whisper into her ear, his breath sending tingles along her neck and down her spine. 'Your screams can pierce walls Bolls – think a little slice of white's going to stop her getting wakening of her life? Gonna have to think of some other way of muffling you.' Leaning over her he put his hand onto the wall for support. For a split second she wondered if he'd really put a pillow over her face just so they could have sex and whether in this already heightened state of arousal she'd let him, but then she realised he might be referring to something a little nearer to hand. Very near to hand and now rapidly approaching her mouth. She curved her hand through his legs and under his balls, lifting him and bringing his beautiful throbbing cock closer to her outstretched tongue. He allowed himself to come tantalisingly close to her, watching as her tongue poked out to taste him, but as soon as she was near he swung himself out of her reach, nudging teasingly at the sides of her mouth.

'Much as I love your lips around my cock Bols, I was thinking of putting another object in your mouth.' He reached over for the plum on the bedside table. Sitting back on his haunches he held the plum in front of her, allowing her to examine it and consider the possibilities of its use.

'You want me to put that, in my mouth?' She asked.

'Sweeter than my bollocks Bols, and none of those pesky hairs you keep moaning about having to spit out.'

'I don't moan,' she protested. ' – I love sucking your bollocks.' He grinned down at her mouth, replacing his cock with his thumb and caressing her cheek. It was the kind of thought that would earn him a slap but he was sure she was never prettier than when her lips were in close proximity to his privates. Looking directly into his eyes she continued stroking his scrotum, massaging his balls and licking her lips. He was half tempted to let lose and grant her her unexpressed but blatant wish, but he had needs too and whilst she had demonstrated quite admirably she gained exquisite pleasure from pleasing him, he wasn't a savage.

'But if we don't find something to quieten you down then I'm not going to be able to satisfy you in the way we both want.' She had to agree there was some sense to what he said, particularly because him shifting his weight and moving down the bed had created an influx of pressure spiralling to her groin. It was as if she could feel herself swell. Suddenly she had the biggest cunt in the world, only Gene, still toying with the plum, seemed intent, on ignoring its existence.

'So you think shoving that down my throat's going to work?' She asked, impatiently curling her legs round his and thrusting her hips towards him.

'Only one way to find out.' He smiled, managing to keep clear of giving her the friction she so obviously was seeking.

Tilting her head back she opened her mouth wide. 'Get on with it then.' She breathed, raising her legs even higher.

'Good girl.' Holding her jaw still with one hand he pushed the plum into her mouth, taking care not to break the skin as she struggled to accommodate it under her teeth.

'There. Wasn't hard was it?' He asked, checking her eyes for signs of distress.

Alex shook her head slightly, crinkling her eyes up at him to reassure him she was ok and squeezing her hands between their bodies to grasp his cock. Dipping his head to hers her ran his tongue round her stretched lips letting her take charge of guiding him into her centre.

He stilled himself to allow them both relish the gentle clasp of her muscles around him before joining her in gentle rocking motion punctuated with slow desperate grinds that ruffled the purple material trapped between them.

Alex crossed her legs over his buttocks, her heels massaging the hollows there, her head leaning to one side, her mouth deliciously full of plum. She closed her eyes and imagined her mouth was full of something else firm with taut smooth skin: a double penetration.

Her thoughts let fly escaping into erotic images full of Gene's powerful flesh, in her mouth, in her. She groaned, a trail of saliva escaping from her mouth. Her hands, suddenly freed from her gentle control unleashed their hunger. Her nails dug into his back, pushing under the skin, claiming her possession of him. Immediately she did it she knew it was wrong. Knew she'd hurt him even before Gene pulled away, leaving her whimpering through her nose. Leaning back he grabbed her arms and pinned them down.

'What do you think you're doing Alex?' He asked, his voice low and dangerous. His pain softening as he breathed in her fruity smell. She hung her head in shame, hoping he'd understand she hadn't meant to hurt him. 'Got carried away did you?' She nodded desperately as he tried turning to inspect the damage to his back.

'Please…' She gesticulated silently with her hands, bending them at the elbow and clasping them wrists together in front of her chest.

'Yes. Good idea.' He snapped. She was momentarily confused, but soon understood when he leaned over to the floor and pulled up his tie. With surprising speed he wrapped it securely round her wrists and attached her to the bedpost. 'There, no more wildcat scratching. Want to test your nails try them on that.' He held her gaze in stubborn refusal to let her off the hook. After a while she realised he must have accepted the apology in her eyes because he started to rock against her again pushing into her, giving her the friction she needed but refusing to be drawn into the speed her trembling cunt required.

His eyes dropped to her stretched lips and the moist tip of the plum poking out between them. Bending his head he allowed his tongue to begin a slow assault on her lips, his hands holding her head in place, as he kissed her unmoving lips, fingers tracing the outline of her ears before pushing gently into them, cutting off all sound apart from the thrum of their heartbeats under their skin.

She closed her eyes, concentrating on the building sensations between her legs and around her mouth. Teasingly he moved his tongue from her lips, but the pressure of the plum in her mouth seemed to increase - but the tickle of his hair assured her he hadn't changed position.

The explosion of sharp sweet juice spilling over her bottom lip caused her eyes to snap open. She looked up to see that between his teeth Gene held a piece of the plum. Somehow it felt he'd bitten off a piece of her.

He must have seen the worry in her eyes and mistaking it for concern over the spilling juice Gene raised her head and pushed the spare pillow under her head.

Assured that he did care and she wasn't going to choke on the plum juice escaping from its wound she continued to grind her hips towards him, releasing him from her cross legged grip and opening her legs wider and alternatively arching her neglected chest towards him.

'Tart.' Gene chuckled noting her desperation. Still holding the morsel of plum flesh between his teeth Gene took one end of the ribbon holding the purple material across her chest and pulled, releasing her breasts to the air. Flicking his eyes upwards he noted that the dribble of juice flowing slowly down her chin had collected in the hollow at the base of her the piece of plum out of his mouth and balancing it on her chest bone, he leant down and lapped the sticky juice from her skin.

'Tastes like you Bols. Sweet and tarty.' He so knew he was going to pay for that later, but for now he just licked his lips. Then lowering his hands he hooked his arms under her knees, raising the angle of entry, moulding his balls into her perineum.

She groaned at this new delight but he was still neglecting one part of her anatomy. Letting her gaze fall to her increasingly protruding nipples she fairly begged on their behalf for his attention.

Following her gaze he chuckled at her desperation and ingenuity. He bloody loved this woman, but he wasn't about to let her have things all her own way, not without a bit of fun of his own. Taking the morsel of plum with his fingers he squeezed the plump flesh, making it weep before applying it drop by drop to her nipple.

Alex shuddered as the cold juice hit, her nipple reacting almost painfully as the drops fell. She could swear she felt the crackling of sugar drying on the surface of her areola as he applied the wet flesh to her other breast, greedily sliding it over the curve of her as his mouth closed over the first breast to enjoy his attention, engulfing her enlarged tip with his tongue, his teeth grazing the length of it as he worked through his own desire.

Pulling on the tie holding her hands above her head, she wondered briefly what she'd do if he let lose his urge to suckle in the same way as she'd let free her urge to consume him earlier. She should have been scared, but all she wanted to do was to give herself to him so she pushed her breast closer her stomach tautening as his mouth opened wider and wider. In response her hips bucked against his. Bone crashing against bone.

Noting her growing impatience he abandoned her breast and lowered the hand holding the stub of plum, sliding it down until it was grazing her nub with its still hard skin. Her muffled groans told him he'd connected with the right spot. Sandwiching it between their bodies he took up his hold on her legs again. Chancing a look at her face he smiled wickedly. Sweat had dampened her hair creating tendrils around her face. Her stretched lips and hollow cheeks reminded him of how she looked when she sucked him off, and her eyes… Her eyes, darkened in lust, told him she was enjoying this as much as he was.

She kept her gaze on his as he increased his pace, pushing into her slickness harder and faster, slamming into her again and again. She felt her muscles tightening to the point of rictus.

Sliding his own eyes shut he sensed her straining on the edge. Breathing in the unique smell of plum and sex, he felt himself to falling into its spell until his head was spinning, until he was pumping blindly into her pulsing body, pressing the breath out of her, sending the plum shooting from her mouth and crashing into the wardrobe with the speed of a bullet. Searing into her pulsing body they exploded around each other, their foreheads meeting at the point all other sense of the world other than each other shattered like glitter around them.

Neither saw or heard the door open and slowly click shut.



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