Disclaimer I do not own harry potter, batman, x-men, fantastic four, stargate, teen titans, ironman, hulk, justice league .
Chapter one
Vernon Dursley was when thought about a family man even if he was overweight with narrow eyes and black hair and moustache, through if anyone knew the truth they would sat differently.
The reason many thought this was because to his wife Petunia and the son Dudley he was very loving and worked hard to provide for them. The one person that no one knew about was his freak of a nephew Harry Potter.
The Dursley home was very clean and tidy, but this had nothing to do with them it was all Harry. As far as the Dursley's were concerned Harry was lower than trash, and that is the way they treated the five almost six year old.
He was forced to do all the chores around the house, while they did nothing. If he failed, did something wrong or just felt like it, Vernon would beat, starve and humiliate him whenever possible.
Harry was forced to sleep in the cupboard while they slepted in proper beds with quilts and mattress ,and all he had was a small cot mattress and a blanket that was very light and thin. The cupboard door had locks on it so that he could not escape or get out; they had to let him out.
Now many people would be asking how anyone, let alone a family member could treat a child this way.
The answer is that they treat him this way for three reasons.
1st they fear what he could do.
2nd they where aloud to
And lastly he was easy to blame if anything went wrong.
Why would they two fully grown adults and a child the same age be afraid of Harry Potter? Simple Harry was not like the rest of his family, he was magical in every sense of the word, for Harry Potter is a wizard.
While Vernon Dursley was slightly overweight (as in big foot being slightly hairy) Petunia was the exact opposite. She was tall and skinny with a long neck and pouty lips with two large front teeth. She was pale white with dry brown hair, and cold blue eyes. The reason that she had a long neck was, she was a real nosy bitch. She liked to know who was doing what, what they were up to, when they got something etc. Now as the saying goes like father like son, this could not be truer for Vernon and Dudley he was the spitting image of his father weight and all. None of them would win any beauty competitions.
Harry was the exact opposite of them while small even for his age he was slim, with raven black hair, emerald green eyes but his most distinguished feature was a scar above his left eye brow in the shape of a lightning bolt. Harry got this when the dark lord Voldemort went to Godricks Hollow to kill him; it was the same night that both his parents died. His father James Potter was the first to die. He fought the dark lord in attempt to buy some time for Lily and Harry to escape. Lily was the second to die, she could not escape instead died protecting her baby. When Voldemort fired the kill curse intent on finishing the baby, the curse rebounded of him and back to the dark lord killing him instead.
Harry was a very bright boy for his age even if everyone else thought differently. He did not know way his aunt and uncle beat him, but he knew they would do so more if he did better than their precious Dudley so he faked being dum. Now Harry may not know why they did this to him but he knew that he was different from everyone else he met. He could make things happen for instance, when his aunt shave or as she put it cut his hair near bald he somehow made it all grow back by the next day. He only learned his name when he went to school, before that he had only been called boy or freak. Another example was when in school one of the teachers made fun of his hair and he somehow hade the teacher's hair turn blue. He also found out if he wanted something like a biscuit then he somehow got one or turned water into fruit juice, but he had to be careful that he did not get caught or he would get a beating.
When these things were happened he felt this kind of funny feeling that he was not sure what it was, but seemed to happen when he was emotional.
There was one person in his whole life that had showed him any kindness that he could remember, and that was Mrs Figg one of the people that the Dursley's would dump him with if they what to get rid of him. She was a kind gentle old woman who had one too many cats, but loved them all; she was the only one that treated him well.
At the moment Petunia, Dudley and Harry where at home, while Vernon was at work, and he love the job that he had. He worked for Grunning's a drill bitts company which he was a low level manger.
"Vernon" a man in his late thirties propped his head round the door.
"Yes" Vernon said "what can I do for you Mr Michael's "
Mr Michael's entered the room and sat down in one of the chair's facing Vernon, after shaking his hand.
"Well I'll get strait to the point, management has been very impressed with the way you handle you're self and those contracts. We are looking to expand are growth further into the states, as well as Eastern Europe. When thinking of whom to send to get the states contract, we thought of you."
"Me" asked Vernon completely shocked.
"Why yes you, the company that we are looking for to do this with is Wayne Industries in Gotham city. We know that you have a family, so we have arranged for you and them to go together, think of it as a working holiday."
"Thank you sir, it's a big surprise but I look forward to doing this. When would we be leaving for this trip" Vernon asked all reading planning on how to tell his family the good news.
"The tickets are ready at the air port, you leave in two days. We realise it is short notice but the faster we move the sooner we make money" kind of makes sense
"I understand sir and thank you" Vernon stood up to shake Michael's hand as he left.
With that said and done Michael's left Vernon's office. Vernon sat back in his chair stunned; he had been given a big opportunity by the bosses. With that dealt with he calls his secretary and told her the he had to go home and get things ready for the trip.
With that said Vernon rushed home to tell his family the good news. About half an hour later Vernon pulled his black lexis into the drive of number 4 privet drive and opened the front door, to the shock of his wife and son. Vernon closed the door and met his family in the living room.
"What are you doing home" Petunia asked shock to see him home earlier than usual.
"Ya daddy" Dudley squealed
Vernon smiled as he told them the reason. "The reason that I came home early today is because the boss has asked me to go to the states for a new contract, and that I can bring you with me." He explained to them
Dudley jumped up out of the setae, well as much as a fat 6 year old could. He was excited about going with his parents, and of course of all the presents that he would be getting.
Petunia was both happy for her husband and also worried; she decided to address them in order.
"Vernon I'm very happy for you, I have no doubts you will be getting a promotion after this."
"Thank you sweet heart" Vernon replayed with love but noticed the rather painful expression on his wife's face. "What's the matter?"
"It's nothing really, but when do we leave and what about the boy" she asked with venom in her voice at the end when thinking of the freak.
Vernon lost his joyful expression at the thought or the boy, "speaking of which were is he".
"Why were all good little beasts belong, in his room" she said with a smirk.
Vernon smiled at that, good he thought just where it should be. "Well Michael said that we have to leave in two days time, and the tickets are at the air port just to be collected. As for the freak, I'm sure we can dump him on someone, or have Marge sit on him." At the thought of what his sister would do to the some he could not help but smile. "In fact I'll get on that right now", after saying this he went to hall where the phone was. He started calling different numbers asking if any of them could take Harry for a week or so. Some of the numbers he could not get connected to, others just flat out refused.
When Vernon phoned Mrs Figg, she was at home thinking about Harry. When she heard Vernon and was told that the family was going with him to the states, and they wanted her to look after harry. She smirked and told Vernon no and hung up before he could say anything else. Now if he so badly wanted to go he would have to take Harry with him. It would also certainly piss of a certain white bearded goat fucker when he found out.
The last number that Vernon dialled was for his sister, everyone else had refused so she was his only hope.
Ring ring...ring ring.. Please pick up Marge ring. "Hello" came a very familiar voice that he recognised.
"Hello Marge, its Vernon listen me and the family have to go to the states for a while on business for the company, and I... WE were wondering if you could watch the boy for us. It would be for about a week or so starting this Wednesday"
"Sorry dear brother but I can't am tied up in Aberdeen at a dog competition till the end of next week"
"Marge you are last hope everyone else refused to take the freak" Vernon was pleading with his sister to help them.
"So sorry dear brother but that's life. Man up and deal with it, so stop being a bitch" with that she hung up.
Vernon stared at the phone in shear disbelief and rage at what his sister had said to him. His face and head going redder and redder with anger. Petunia who had been in the kitchen came in when she heard Vernon hang up the phone to see if he had any luck.
"Any luck dear" she ask him
"None, not one of them would be willing to take him off are hands." He sigh's "I ges we have no other choice other than take him with us. I know what you're going to say, but I will not leave that thing here and we could not keep him locked up. For one I will not have him soil my clean house (Harry's thank you very much after all he is the one that cleans it), he probley would burn the house down while we were away (fat chance idiot). So that leaves taking him with use, that way we can keep an eye on him and he won't wreck the house. Don't worry I'll (talk) to the boy later. With that done the rest of the Dursley's went in for dinner made of course by harry.
Dudley was excited about going to the states, so after dinner he decided to ask his farther about it. "Dad what's it like there, were are we going, what's the food like there" and so on.
Vernon was not sure about most of the things his son had asked about as the family nor had he ever been state side. "Son I don't know much about it yet. The place we are going to is called Gotham city. The rest I will find out about later tonight and tell you tomorrow, but first I have to have to talk to the boy."
Dudley was disappointed about not finding out what he wanted to know, settled for knowing tomorrow. After all the talking at the table was done Petunia and Dudley moved into the living room. While Vernon went to get the freak out of his cupboard.
Harry was curled up in his cupboard, with his small blanket wrapped around his small body. He could hear his aunt, uncle and cousin talking but could not make out what they were saying. He could hear the footsteps of his uncle getting closer to the door, and praying that he was not going to get another beating. One way make sure that was not did not happen was to (A) be polite and (b) not look him in the eye or face.
Vernon was not looking forward to this but it must be done. So thinking the sooner he gets this out of the way the sooner he can forget about the freak that they were dumped with.
Harry was trembling when his cupboard door was flung open and he was ruffley yanked out by his uncle.
Vernon dragged harry into the kitchen and through him down. "Now listen here you little freak, today my boss has given me the opportunity to prove myself to the company. To do this they have asked me to go to the states and get a contract signed there. They are allowing me to bring my family with me for a few days vacation while I'm busy. Unfortunately we have to take you with us. None of the usual people want to take you, so we have to. This is to make sure you don't destroy the house while we are away, but I warn you now. You will behave, be quite or there will be consaquences and so that you don't forget." He took of his belt and began to beat young Harry about the upper body.
All the time that his uncle was talking he kept his eyes on the floor, as he listened to what his uncle had said. He could not believe what he was hearing. They were going to take him with them to the states, he was slightly excited that maybe he would get to see some of the sights and other stuff. That feeling died a rather painful death as he processed what his uncle had said next, as his body exploded into pain. He did not cry out in pain for he knew that the beating would only get worse if he did so.
Vernon smirked as he watched the boy curl up into the fettle position, after about ten minutes he stopped. The only reason that he stop was that Harry had passed out due to the pain. With that dealt with Vernon fastened the belt back up, before dragging the unconscious boy by the hair and throwing him into the cupboard and locking it (out of sight out of mind).
With that done Vernon entered the living room to spend some quality time with the family. As he entered the room Petunia looked up for the couch and asks him, "Did you talk to it".
"I did" he reply's then adds "I also told him what would happen if he steps out of place".
Later that night after everyone went to bed, Vernon set down at the family computer to see what he could find out about the company that he was to be dealing with. The other things that he checks up on where what the city was like, as well as his sons questions. So with that in mind he began his web search.
"Ok, let's see what I can find out about Wayne Industries and its boss".
The information that he got was that it was a multimillion dollar company that was into everything for computers to medicine. There were a lot of smaller companies that work for Wayne Industries and traded under the name as well. The CEO of the company was a man name Bruse Wayne; he was a man in late twenties to early thirties. The company was founded by his late father and he seemed to be a play boy that likes to mix business and pleasure, but that he also took an active interest in running the company.
What he found out about the city was not very pleasant and had him debating weather he should be taking his family. Gotham city was cesspool of crime and violence, these criminals running around terrorising the city. They were just like the freak, in fact that was one of the terms used when describing some of the criminals. A more common term was Meta humans, more like freaks he thought.
Poison Ivy was able to control plant life, poison a person by kissing them eventually killing them, or being able to control a person using pheromones, not only that but her skin was green.
Bane a very strong hulk like freak, which has tubes sticking in to his body all over. These tubes were used to pump venom something like a steroid into his body and muscles increasing his strength and size.
If these freaks were not bad enough then this crime fighting hero batman was just as band in Vernon's option. Some masked vigilante running round doing what the police should be doing. This Arkham Asylum where they sent the freaks after the police and batman caught them was rubbish, it was not working. The freaks and the nut jobs would either escape or break out of the place, and start of where they left off continuing the terror. In Vernon's option the best method to deal with them would be to kill the lot of them had have done with it.
The last thing that he looked on the computer was what type of food they had and what it is like. He wants to know if there was anything these yanks had the he or Dudley could eat. To his joy and satisfaction there was, beef burger and chips, stake and chips, pizza, cola and of course plenty of fast food restaurants. They were defiantly were not going to any of those foreign type places, that served grass and snails or frog legs.
Vernon knew that he had two options. First was that he could try and talk Petunia and Dudley for joining him, talk his family out of going. The problem with this option is that he would have to listen to Dudley wail and complain about not getting to go. Option two well the only option was to take them and not go out at night, or go with them. Petunia had been on at him for a while now to take them on a nice holiday, to the likes of France or some were like that. So with that in he shut down the computer and making sure everything was switched of head off to bed.
Next morning after breakfast which of course Harry made for the again, Vernon told Harry to weed and water the back and front garden, as well as take out the trash and do all that before lunch.
Harry dragged himself out of the kitchen to get started on his chores, truth was Harry loved the outdoors it let him be free for a while not having to deal with his relatives.
After Harry left Vernon addressed his family.
"Ok hears what information I have found out. This business with Wayne Industries should not take too long; this yank will be easy to talk around. Dudley you will have plenty of food to eat there such as beef burgers and the likes, all the fast food restaurants are open from 6am to 3am. It would be wise not to go out at or get caught outside and night for any reason."
Petunia could not help but ask why they should not stay out late, she knew if he said it was because of the boy then she would have to punish him for it.
"Last night when I looked up information on Gotham, I found out that they have things that are just like the freak but worse. These things run rampant all over Gotham but mostly at night, and are not afraid to use their freakish powers to kill or hurt people. If we do not go out at night then we should be safe and sound.
Petunia's face paled as she haired this, thinking what these things would do to her precious little boy.
After a moment of silence Vernon continued
"I also phone the air port to day to find out what time the flight is at. It leaves at 5am from Heathrow, but we have to be there two hours early thanks to those new fucking terrorist laws. Anyway I'll phone a taxi later to take us there as I'm not going to pay to leave my car parked there. However we will need to pack enough cloths for a week, and can just lift money as we need it there. Petunia could you get the passports ready as well." With that Vernon walked out into the hall to phone the taxi, while Petunia went up stairs to pack and get the passports.
"Hello..Yes I'd like to book a taxi for 1; 30am..Yes...number four privet drive going to Heathrow airport... Dursley...correct, goodbye". With that he hung up the phone satisfied; now all we have to do is get ready to leave.
Mean while Harry was oblivious to all that was going on inside the house, just happy to be outside in the fresh air. He did finish all the choirs in time to make lunch.
The rest of the day passed rather quickly with Petunia packing Dudley's suit case for him as well as theirs. Everyone went to bed rather early meaning just after dinner that was when Harry found out what time they were leaving at.
Early next morning at 12:30am the alarm clock went off and both Petunia and Vernon dragged themselves out of bed and took turn showering. Petunia went first so that while Vernon showered she could help wake Dudley up. After she had finished her shower it was Vernon turn, the shower helped wake both of the up. Once all three Dursley's were up and dressed it was time to wake the freak up, and have him carry the (light) bags down the stairs to the door and have him make something for them to eat.
"Boy" Vernon bellowed but only loud enough to wake the boy but not the neighbours up.
"It's time to get up and make yourself useful" he then opened to door
"First you are to get are suitcases from our bedroom and set them beside the front door ready to leave and don't bang them down the stairs, don't want to wake the neighbours now. The after you have down that that will make something to eat, got that"
Young Harry was busy rubbing the sleep for his eyes when he left to go do what his uncle had told him to do. Harry went up the stairs to Vernon and Petunia's room to get their suitcases, which to no surprise were heavy, very heavy for him. He was able to get them to the top of the stairs before he had a small dilemma, how was he supposed to get the bags down the stairs without dropping or making too much noise. He quickly figured out if he was to slide the case down the stairs on the big flat side that it would just slid down without making and noise. All he would have to do is hold the handle of the case to stop it sliding to quickly down and flying off at the bottom make a noise. One at a time the bags came down and set beside the front door till all of them were down. Once all the cases were down he made something for them to eat before the taxi arrived. The driver loaded the bags and Vernon's brief case into the boot, Vernon made sure the electricity was off as well as the power, the doors and windows locked. The three Dursley's and Harry got into the taxi
"Were you going to gov" came the cockney accent of the driver.
"Heathrow airport" came Vernon's gruff reply
"Listen me and my family don't want any type of conversation at all just drive and get us there."
With that they were off it was a very quiet drive from Surrey to London, about an hour later they had arrived. Vernon went and got a trolley for their bags, could not have people asking questions about why Harry was (forced) to carry the cough light cough bags by himself. So with that they made their way into the airport after paying the driver £30, which Vernon grumbled about but paid just wanting to get rid of the man. They walk up to the check in desk and got the tickets as well as boarding cards. After checking in their bags and going through the usual questions did you pack these bags yourself, have these bags left your sight at any time, has any one asked you to carry something for them, and security. They were in the departure lounge relaxing and looking in all the duty free shops, waiting to board.
"could all passengers travelling on flight gc107 to Gotham city please make your way to departure gate 6, please have your passports and boarding card ready" came over the intercom.
It was a short while later that they were on the plane and seated, the Dursley's were in first class while Harry was in coach. The stewardess had offered to move Harry up into first class with the rest of the family, but Vernon had told her that they did not want to spoil things or get them into trouble.
"If his ticket says he should be in coach then that is where he will go."
The plane left on time with the usual address by the captain and the safety announcements. All the female stewards more or less look after Harry once they were told what happened.
The plane landed at 12:00 midnight in Gotham right in time, they all exited the plane and got their bags. They got a taxi outside the airport to take them to the hotel they were staying in, by the time they checked in and got to their rooms it was 1:30am. Vernon and harry in one room with Petunia and Dudley in the other. They all fell asleep soon after.
The next morning started a 9:30am with breakfast in the hotel, which as wither toast and jam, bagel and a filling like bacon or cereal with or without milk.
After breakfast Vernon headed up stairs to get dressed for his meeting at Wayne Enterprises. Before he left he give both Petunia and Dudley a kiss good buy.
"Be careful and take care, I'll see the both of you later" once he was sure no one would see or hear he addressed Harry.
"Remember boy if I hear or suspect anything, what will happen"
With that he left the hotel.
"All right Dudley go up and get ready to leave" Petunia addressed her son lovingly before glaring at harry.
Shortly thereafter they left the hotel to explore Gotham, they wondered around taking in the various sites and smells that Gotham had to offer. Some of the places that they went to were the mall; Petunia bought some new cloths for bother her and Vernon as well as Dudley. Next was the arcade for Dudley to play some of the new games he especially liked, these usually had things exploding or people being beaten up. They had lunch at the mall; Petunia was forced to buy Harry something to eat as well to maintain the illusion of them being a normal family. Petunia made a quick stop at the hotel after lunch to drop the stuff that she had bought off; she was not going to carry it around all day. After lunch she thought it would be a good idea to let Dudley get some culture so she took him and the boy to one of the art museums, Dudley complained about all the boring pictures but Harry like the art work.
Next was one of Harry's favourite so for Gotham City Zoo. Harry thought the Vernon belonged in the sea lion pool as a male bull, because he reminded harry of one. Petunia was a giraffe what with the long neck and all she would fit in perfectly there. Dudley would either a big but it was too big for that or a baby killer whale, but Harry would never voice this to them.
Harry's favourite animals at the zoo were surprising the more dangerous. With the likes of the big cats, panthers, cheetahs, leopards, tigers, cobra, rattle snake etc.
While at the monkey house Harry had to hid a smile when the orange orang-utan scratched it butt just like his cousin was doing at the time. Monkey see monkey do, but harry was not sure which one was which.
At another exhibit Dudley got fed up with the lizard not doing anything and started to bang on the glass to try and make it do something. One of the staff members asked them to kindly leave after that, with Petunia complaining about the rude staff member upsetting her peruses Dudley.
The last play that they visited before dinner was the local park. It was quite big what with the tennis courts, basketball court, sidewalk and lake as well as the walled garden. They spent some time there when a couple of local kids and their parents came over. They wanted both the boys to play football with them, or as they called it soccer. At first Petunia wanted to refuse as she did not want the freak to have any type of fun, but she did not want any trouble or people asking too many questions. So she agreed to let them play and have some fun. The boys played a few games of soccer with Dudley accidently kicking either Harry or the football into him. Harry was quite good at soccer as the local boys kept calling it, after playing it for a while they took them to the playground.
As they were resting and cooling down Harry and Dudley well more Harry learnt more about the city and people in it. Dudley was fascinated by the hero of Gotham batman and thought that he sounded cool, but Harry per fared some of the criminals, as they sounded better to him. (You'll see why and what happens later) The other kids kept asking them question about England and what it was like there, what did their parents do etc. Harry stayed quiet wile Dudley did most of the talk or more like bragging. While the kids were having the fun the parents were taking about much the same things.
It was a short time later the Petunia came and collected them, both muddy and very smelly for the sweat, frowning at the state of them. Lucky they were not that far from the hotel, so they could walk the short distance back.
"Did you have fun Dudley, or make any new friends." Petunia asked her son as they started the walk back.
"Yes I did mum (they are still English and speak and spell that way). "It was great, did you me score" he ask his mother excitedly
"Yes I did sweet heart you did great. You on the other hand don't get used to this got it" she sneered at poor Harry.
"Yes aunt Petunia" he replied dejectedly with his eyes on the ground.
"Very well then, when we get back booth of you are to clean up and dress to meet your farther, uncle Vernon, got it"
By that stage they had reached the hotel with a quick "yes mum" from Dudley and a "yes aunt Petunia" from Harry they ran up to the elevator and pressed the button for the floor that they were staying on.
Once washed and dressed they headed down to the lobby were Petunia was waiting for them to meat Vernon.
Earlier that morning with Vernon, after leaving the hotel with his brief case he hailed a cab outside the hotel. Vernon thought that this way was far better than having you waste time either phoning a taxi or walking to the nearest taxi rank.
The cab pulled up outside the hotel and Vernon got in.
"Where you going" the driver asked Vernon after he sat in the back seat.
"Wayne Industries" Vernon replied, with that said they were of.
"You're not from around here? Where are you from?"
"No I'm not. I'm here on business from Surrey England" Vernon replied deciding that a little conversation would be good before he started to plan his strategies.
"Really you're a brit? What type of business you in that brings you here? By the way the names Reggie"
"Yes I'm in the drill bit business myself. The company I work for has paid for me and my family to come here to try and secure a contract here Reggie. The names Vernon"
"Is that any good, the drill bit game. I mean it does not sound very rewarding or exciting. Well I suppose it must be a good business if they can pay for you and your family to come here. What company are you here to do business with Vernon?
"I suppose some would say it is boring, but I like it as it pays well and I even got an office. I have a meeting at 11:30 with Bruse Wayne to get a contract be his company and the one I work for. Now if you don't mind I need to get read Reggie."
With that said the cab fell silent with Vernon planning..(Plotting). It was so simple he would great this yank and easily persuade him that this was the best deal for himself and the company, then get him to sign the contract and if needed calmly taking(trick or con) him round. All he then had to do was take it back home, get a promotion a pay rise, and then move them into a bigger nicer house without the freak. Ruffley translated the plan was. Play nice with the stupid yank, trick him into signing the contract and if need be intimidate him, making sure to con him out of his money. Vernon could not help the smile that appeared on his face at the thought. Pity he did not know just how good at reading people or how smart Bruse Wayne really was.
"We have arrived sir, I hope everything goes well in your meeting. It'll be $25 Vernon."
Vernon paid the driver but did not reply to him, instead choosing to look at Wayne Industries. It was a large gray and glass building that had a Sing hanging above the top floor saying Wayne Industries in big red lettering.
In his option it look rather dead and drab but then so far most of Gotham was. He made his way inside to the reception/security desk.
"Can I help you sir" ask a rather attractive young women
"Why yes, I'm here for a meeting with Mr Wayne" Vernon replied to the secretary. Deciding to keep a professional expression about him.
"What time is the appointment for sir, and who is for?"
"It's for 11:30 with Mr Wayne. The names Vernon Dursley with Grunning's drill Bit Company for the UK."
"Just one moment sir. Ok your meeting is in conformance room 12b, just take one of the elevators to the 12th floor ad just follow the sings
With the done Vernon put on the visitors badge that he was given, and made his way to the conformance room.
(Not going to write everything that happen)
Several hours later Vernon left in a very sour mood, that bastard had refused to sign the contract even refusing to listen to the deal. In short no amount of trickery or smooth quick talking would work, the short of the matter was simple Wayne wanted controlling interest meaning that Grunning's would become Wayne Industries, as well as the bits were to be made there in Gotham.
Vernon realised two things his bosses new this would happen and wanted a fall guy. Two there was only one person to blame for this and that someone was going to pay (harry). Vernon hailed another can and had it take him back to the hotel where his family was waiting for him.
Every one could tell that Vernon was in a bad mood when he arrived, harry paled knowing what was going to happen to him soon. Dinner was a rather quite as no one dared to say anything it was rather tense atmosphere.
Later up in the room Petunia, Dudley, Vernon and Harry, they were all in the one room together. Petunia was the first one to speak to break the silence.
"Vernon dear what happened" petunia asked tentatively
"That rich bastard yank was unreasonable and refused to sign, and now we have to go home and explain the situation to that smug pompous son of a bitch Michael's" Vernon bellowed in rage no longer caring what anyone else thought or heard.
He turned towards a frightened Harry with a gleam in his eye.
"It's all your dame fault you shit; we should have never taken you into our home. You have been nothing but trouble since then, we were happy before you came along"
While Vernon was ranting his face was bright purple with spit flying out of this mouth with every word. Of course he was not just yelling at Harry every other word or so he would either kick him, punch him or whip him with his belt and buckle. The punches and kick were not gentle in the least they were full force and as hard as he could.
Dudley was both scared and excited, scared because of the way his father was acting and excited because he enjoyed seeing his cousin get beat up. Petunia was in the corner of the room, she held no sympathy Harry; the way he was being treated was justified in her mind.
"How petunia is even related to you is a miracle. Your mother was nothing but a worthless whore who would shag and stranger that was willing, and your farther even if he was, he was a good for nothing bastard just like you. Then they go and get themselves blown up and we get ladled with you."
Harry was incredible pain as his bones were broken; he was bleeding for all the cuts he was receiving. This was the worst beating that Vernon or any of the Dursley's had ever given poor Harry. His blood was pooling on the floor of the room around him, so the only thing that he could do to protect himself was to curl up into a ball and hope the beating would stop soon.
Then it started again
"Why we never dumped you in some orphanage or better the street I'll never know. I should have listened to Marge and put you down like some rabid animal or let ripper eat you, to feed such a fine specimen would be more than you deserve. Even better throw you into some lake or a fucking canal to rot away.
The walls of the room were literary covered in his blood from cast of from the belt from ceiling to floor. Harry's glasses lay on the floor broken and smashed. Vernon was pummelling and pounding on his head. Harry's vision was beginning to fade rapidly and he was certain it was not because of his broken glasses.
Vernon grabs Harry of the floor and throws him as hard as he could into the opposite wall leaving an imprint in it. None of his relatives were going to help him, Petunia was disinterested like it was so nature show or the queens Christmas speech. Dudley was smiling and clapping his pudgy little hands together enjoying the show. As Vernon continued his advance on Harry's beaten and bloody form, he continued to yell.
"I'll finish what that incompetent bastard couldn't do and kill you. Just like that worthless whore and the bastard she conned, good for nothing shit of a nature freak parents."
As Harry herd what Vernon had said time seemed to slow down and his vision cleared, and everything came back into focus and sharper the ever. In his mind which was like a howling wind before was now suddenly calm and quite. He could clearly make out what Vernon had called his parents and what he had said. It was like something had broken or snapped inside of him. He felt more alive than he had ever been. There was no pain or tiredness or fear, he felt rejuvenated. This was the same power that he had used before, last time it felt like a trickle. Before he had trouble with it like something was blocking it but now it was like a torrent flowing through him, easier for him to use. It was healing all the injuries that he had the cuts were healing and closing, the bruises fading and the broken bones snapping back into place. The power was flooding through his system wiping out anything that restricted like a dame had burst.
While all this was happening in a fraction of time once it was finished time seemed to catch up. On the outside things were happing as well, steam could be seen rising off his body, but it was not. It was coming for his injuries and the healed, and a wind was whipping up about his body tossing his hair. A fire could be seen in his green eyes making glow. The most disconcerting thing though was the sound of his bones snapping back into perfectly healed. Also the sound some something tiring thrown his skin.
The Dursley's watched in horror as Harry slowly stood up, all traces of the injuries gone. He looked at them shivering and cowering in the corner. When they looked into his eyes even though they appeared to be a flame they were also cold with unbridled fury and rage. In a voice so cold I would even make the most vicious criminal and murder shit themselves and quake in fear, yes even Gotham's most dangerous. What was also frightening and added to their fear was the fact that he now had three metal claws sticking out of his hands between his knuckles.
"What did you say about my parents" harry addressed his cold in a cold voice.
Vernon trying to regain control and show that he was not afraid or scared of him
"N...now s...s...see here you little freak, you have to address us properly and with respect"
No...First respect must be earned not given. You have done thing to earn it. You will now answer my questions, and I'll know if you are lying. Now sit down and be quite."
None of the Dursley's wants to aggravate the oblivious dangerous relative or the situation. So they complied immediately with the order when it was given.
Harry sat down on one of the chairs facing the pale Dursley's and glaring at them. Black lighting crackled around his body and jumping not just between his claws but his hands.
It was then that harry notices the claws, he brought one of his hands up to his face to examine it. To find out that it was very sharp, he found out the he could retract them or make them extend out. Deciding to retract them and find out what they could do later. The lighting remained
"Now do any know how I got this power and what it is as well as the claws?
As the only one there that understood most of what it was Petunia answered him in a shaky voice. Scared, she was told this would never happen.
"You were born with it from both of you parents...I...I..It's magic. As for the claws I don't know about them neither of them had anything like that"
Magic he asked questionable, Vernon had all ways said there was no such thing; it was just smoke and mirrors. Then again what Vernon actually knew was not very much, it would problobley fill a small note pad. Magic he said testing the word out he decided to believe it was it was the only thing that makes sense at this time.
"So my mother could use this, what about my farther, could he use it to?"
"Yes both of them could, they both met at a school that taught them how to us it.
"So can you use magic just like mum?"
Petunia clenched her hands a glared at him but answered any way.
"We are not related, she was adopted as a baby"
(Very important)
Harry was stunned he was not even related to them. He wanted to know what happened to them as to why he ended up with them
"What happened to them" he demanded although if what is uncle had said was true. He just wanted conformation.
"They were murdered by some freak the night of October 31. That's right they were killed, one freak killing another."
Harry had enough of the calling him a freak but now his parents
"Don't you dare call my mum and dad a freak or freaks"
Vernon in either a rare moment of bravery or stupidity lashed out at harry, which was a big mistake. Vernon had listened to his wife tell the freak all he wanted to know, which in his option was too much. He saw a chance to take advantage so he used the only weapon that he could surprise the freak with, his belt. He lashed out with it and hit Harry square in the face with the belt buckle, he hoped to stun him.
Now that was a very stupid mistake to make, then again Vernon was never that smart. It would be the last mistake that any of the Dursley's ever made.
Pain, he felt pain in his face when the belt buckle hit and he lashed out at the ones who had caused it which were the Dursley's. Magic flood out of him and into the with the terrified Dursley's
An explosion was heard coming for the floor that the Dursley's were staying on. The entire floor was destroyed in black flames that refused to go out for seven days, making many wonder if this was some new Meta human or chemical attack. People on the street and in the hotel began to panic; sirens were heard racing to the scene.
Once all the evacuations had been done and the injured were removed to the hospital, all that was left of the police and the CSI to do was identify were the three dead bodies belonging to two adults and one child. As well as determine what caused the explosion and if anyone was responsible for it.
They were soon able to identify the bodies due to the guest records which showed the bodies were that of Vernon, Petunia and the 6 year old son Dudley Dursley. The records showed that the Dursley family and another child that was with them and that they all were from England.
After examining the room they felt less than sorry for them due to the blood Staines on the floor and walls of the room. Since none of the Dursley's had any cuts or wounds it was safe to assume that the blood belong to that of the other child. The question was that happened to him.
During the chaos no one notices a small dark haired boy leaving the scene.
Free of the Dursley's, free to do what he wanted; he disappeared into the darkness of Gotham.