Disclaimer I do not own Harry Potter or The Batman.

This is a multi crossover with harem voting.

Also this story will follow closely another author story but will be different

Harry Potter and the new beginnings chapter 3

After hearing the green skinned lady talk to him and knowing that is was pointless trying to pretend that he was not there because of the hyenas. Deciding to use an old saying that he had heard nothing ventured nothing gained Harry jumped down from the branch that he was hiding on, down into the shadowy floor and out of the darkness to face these two women and the two hyenas.

Both women were not sure what to expect. First they thought that no one knew where this place was expected the Batman and two, that no one would be there. What surprised them both however was when a young boy emerged from the looming shadows, this they did not expect.

The first to break out of their surprise and shock was Harley Quinn, "what the hell red, who's this and what is a kid doing here"

Poison Ivy looked at Harley with a quizzed looked. "Now how would I have known that Harley I've been in Arkham for the past six months? So quite honestly I've got no clue who he is or what he is doing here" she answered back

Now there was one thing that ticked Harry off and that was people talking as if he was not there or part of the conversation, he had enough of that back with the Dursley's. They would talk around him or through his as if he did not exist and now that he was free he was not going to let that happen again. Getting irritated at not getting asked directly, he made his decision, he interrupted them both before they continued to talk more.

"Excuse me both, but if you have any questions that you want to ask me then ask me them. Don't talk about me if as if I'm not here. You can ask me ladies." Harry said this all the while looking directly at the both of them.

Both were surprised by this kid especially the way he talked and his attitude he was confidante. Haley was surprised by the way he talked it was if he was much older that his young appearance. Being a psychologist she was curious and intrigued by him.

Poison Ivy was surprised at the way he talked to the two of them and he was not afraid of them. Perhaps it was that he did not know who they were, which was probably judging by the fact that he had an accent. She too was as curious as her friend about the young boy and what he was doing there.

Seeing as neither one of them was talking and both were staring at him Harry got a bit nervous, so he cleared his throat to get their attention.

Hearing the you boy clear his throat and looking at the two of them expectably, caused the two ladies to come out of their internal evaluation of him.

Poison Ivy aka the red head quirked an eyebrow at Harry in a curious and questioning manner.

"do you know where you are young one" the red head asked him first.

Thinking that this was a strange first question he answered them all the same.

"Why yes I do know where I am. I am in a green house in the middle of an abandoned park" Harry answered.

This further surprised then both as that was not the kind of response that they were expecting, but something told Harley that this was normal for him and something else that she hoped she was wrong about but would wait and see.

Surprised by his answer Poison Ivy decided to try another question.

"You're not afraid of us?"

"You know that sounded more like a statement than a question, but no. I'm not afraid of wither of you or the two hyenas that you have with you." Harry responded while tilting and shaking his head no.

"Why?" he asked after a small pause.

Shocked at the well thought out response and by what he said and that he was not afraid of them or the two hyenas when grown men normally run away from them.

"You see almost everyone in Gotham save a select few know to stay away from me and Harley. The only ones that don't are the Batman, the police and the criminals. Don't you know who we are?" Poison Ivy asked the young boy that was standing in her green house.

"Sorry, but no I don't know who you are" harry replayed to her.

Poison Ivy was surprised by his answer, letting out a sigh she decided to try a different approach.

"Ok I guess that we should start over, first things first introductions are in order. My name is Pamala Isly but everyone calls me Poison Ivy, and my friend over there is...?" before she could finish her sentence Harley jumped in.

"Oh gosh, hi there sweetie, as red over there was about to say my name is Harley Quinn, but for only you and red you can call me Harl".

Harley said all that while gloumping Harry and very excitedly, the grin that was on her face would not be amiss on one of the Jokers smilex victims. Poison Ivy for her part was rather angry and irritated at having her introduction interrupted before Harry broke free from Harley and started to speak.

"Well since you both told me your names it is only polite that I do the same. My name is Harry Potter and not that I know your names I do know who you are. It reminds me that I have heard of you two, I heard some guys in the park talking about the two of you. They that "those two are hot a hell and crazy as fuck", they were also talking about someone called catwomen. One of them said that "he would not mind bending you all over and fucking you raw". Harry recalled while looking a Harley at the end of his speech. "By the way what does fuck mean" harry asked the both of them confused.

At first both Ivy and Harley were surprised by what he said but that soon changed to anger at what those two men had said about them, more so Poison Ivy.

"How dare they say that, I'll not let them do that to you Harl no one touches you like that" Ivy said

"No worries red. You know I would not let them do that to me, but I thank you for looking after me." Harley said

Confused Poison Ivy tried to figure out what Harley meant before it clicked

Harry's response caught both women of guard due to the fact the no five year old, for that's how he looked would even indirectly describe them like that or should know the word fuck.

Each woman had two sides to them, one side everyone knew about. The other only the two of them and Catwomen knew about. There were for Harley the prankster who loved to joke about and cause mischief and mayhem, stealing things and having fun the other side was that of the psychiatrist that wanted to help and look after people. For Poison Ivy it was that of the Eco warrior who fought for the plants against the industrial companies. The other side was that of a women/ mother who wanted to love and protect the young. It was this side that raised its self to scold Harry.

"Harry you shouldn't really use that word"

Now Harry was generally confused by this because he had heard a lot of people say it, and no one seemed to mind or stop them. He decided to ask them why he should not use that word.

"What? Fuck? Why?"

Ivy's eyebrows were twitching and she could feel Harley was of no help either as she was just standing there beginning to smile, feeling exasperated she replayed.

"Yes, Harry that word"

Harry tilted his head to the side in a confused mannerism

"You know it's just a word, nothings bad ever comes from one word. You know fuck, fuckity, fuckoush, fuck etc."

Of all the responses that he could give this was the furthest from what any of the them thought. His naive response triggered a chain reaction first from Harley burst into fits of uncontrolled laughter especially after looking at Ivy. Poison Ivy looked ready to throttle a certain five year old. Harley after calming down stepped in before Poison Ivy did anything that she might later regret, laying a hand on Ivy's shoulder.

"Ivy, let me deal with this all right"

"Alright Harl and thank you" Ivy replayed

"No problem" Harley turned towards harry and knelt down till she was level with Harry started speaking in a calm and soft tone of voice.

"Harry sweetie, I'm sure you don't know what that word means do you?"

Harry looked at her in the eye while saying "no, just that a lot of people I herd say it?"

"That's what I thought, now Harry I'm afraid that word is a word only grown-ups are allowed to use, OK sweetie?"

Harry thought about what she had said, while he did not fully understand what it meant or why only grown-ups were allowed to say it. He knew that there must be a reason for it and that he would try to find out about it when he was older. So he replied to her "OK"

Now Ivy looked at Harley in both relief and surprise, it must have shown on her face because Harley caught it.

"How did you do that" Ivy asked her jester friend.

"You know I used to work in Arkham as a shrink, remember red".

"Oh I see, I remember that you did work there for a while Harl." Now that those questions were out of the way and reassured, Ivy returned to one of her biggest questions.

"So Harry what are you doing here anyway."

Harry looking directly at her replayed not even pausing." I live here" as this was the most obvious answer in the world.

This shocked Ivy but it lead to the next obvious question.

"Will it take you long to explain why you are living here?"

Harry shrugged his shoulders, "depends do you want the truth?"

"The true" Ivy replies eager to know more about why this kid was in her green house.

"OK, but do you want the long or short answer?" Harry replies back

"How long will the short and long answer take?" Ivy asked curious about the different answers

"Short answer 30 seconds and the long about two hours".

"I think the long answer" Ivy thought that this one was the better of the two as she and Harl would get more information this way and more answers.

"Since this will take some time, I think we'll continue this by the flower bed as to be more comfy, is that ok with you Harl".

Now Harley could not resist such a set up, so with a lecherous grin she replied. "My, my red, if don't know trying to take me to bed already? What kind of girl do you think I am?"

Harley's response made both Ivy blush with embarrassment and shaking with what she had said. Luckly Harry did not see this.

"Meet the both of you there" Harry said quickly before disappearing off into the leaves. Both of them turned around only to see that he had gone already.

Ivy turned towards Harley. "You know Harley I think that I'm going to be having a major head ach by the end of the night once everything is said a done."

Harley just smiled at Ivy "still things should be interesting beats being board".

It took the two women a little time to arrive at the flower bed. When they did Harry had already set up a few rays of solar lamps and was just finishing with the last one. Harry heard them coming and turned towards them smiling at the both of them.

"I thought that it would be a good idea if we could see each other more easily, what do you think?" he asked the both of them wanting to know what they thought about it.

"Your right it does make it easier to see each other, it's a good idea" Ivy supplied

Ivy looked at Harley silently asking her what she thought and wanted to do. Just looking at Ivy she shrugged her shoulder

Seeing as Harley did not really care one way or the other, the both climbed on to the bed but Harry did not. Ivy and Harley noticed this and turned to look at him. Harry was walking over to a nearby tree, they were both surprised and gobsmacked when one of the vines on the tree reached down and wrapped its self around Harry. The vine wrapped its self around his waist and pulled him gently up to one of the branches. Settled Harry decided to make himself comfy, he proceeded to take of his coat, hat and shoes. He wrapped his coat up into a pillow and put it behind his head to be used as a pillow. The hat and shoes where pit to the side. Both women were finally able to see the full face of the young boy. He had short messy black hair, emerald green eyes, but the thing that stood out was his scar on his otherwise smooth head. The scar was in the shape of a lightning bolt right in the middle of his forehead. After all this he finally turned his attention to the two ladies, grinning he said.


Ivy Shaking herself out the self induced trance watching Harry shook her head to clear the cobwebs out, she started to question him.

"All right, first what is your full name?"

"As far as I know it is just Harry Potter"

Both Ivy and Harley filed that away deciding to ask about it later.

"OK Harry, how old are you?"


Now this caught them both off guard. Ivy and Harley thought he was older, judging by the way he talked and held himself, but his height was shocking making others thinks that he was younger. This set alarm bells off for Harley. Ivy took a few minutes to process this. After looking at Harry carefully she decided that he was telling the truth.

"Alright Harry thank you. Now you can tell us about your time in the green house?"

Looking carefully at the both of them Harry decided how much he should tell them. He decided to tell them almost everything leaving out his abilities and what they could do, but telling them the truth. The reason he did not what to revile his abilities was for two reasons. 1st he did not trust them fully yet and did not want his abilities turned on him. 2nd he did not what them kicking him out due to his abilities. So he told them everything that happed while in the green house.

After a few minutes pause for both Harley and Ivy digesting what harry had told them. Both new that he was hiding something about his time, but knowing why. Everyone has secrets and he probably does not want us to know everything about him, he does not trust us. This raised their respect, Ivy found herself liking that he loved taking care of the plants; most males did not like plants preferring to destroy them instead.

Harley had been playing close attention to what everyone said or had not said. she felt that some of the questions that she want to know the answer to need to be asked as there was a gnawing question that she both did and did not want the answer to. Deciding to start of small Harley asked.

"Hey sweetie, where are your parents, aren't you living with them?"

Harry's response, and the way he said it shocked them. The way he said it was with no emotion and the sheer calmness of his tone.

"There both dead."

Harley and Ivy were saddened and shocked by this.

"I didn't mean to be rude or anything but how did they die. Also I'm sorry"

"It's Ok. They both died when I was very young so i don't remember them at all. As for how they died, they were murdered."

Now Harley and Ivy were getting used to being shocked by his answers but this one floored the both of them. Harley lost her smile and steeled herself of the next few questions.

"I'm sorry; no child should have to lose their parents in such a way." Both her and Ivy may be criminals but they were not cold hearted ones. "How old were you"

"Like I said I don't really remember them. I was about one and a half when they were killed."

Ok so if his parents were killed when he was one and a half he must have been living with someone else since them.

"You're not from around here?"


"Where are you from then?"

"England" was Harry's simple reply.

"Who did you or do you live with ten since your parents deaths?"

Harry over all expression darkened when Harley asked that question. This surprised the both young ladies for they had never since the met him seen him like this.

"My family, Aunt Petunia, Uncle Vernon and Cousin Dudley" he spat out them names with such venom that it surprised them.

Tentatively Harley asked him

"Then why are you not living with them now?"

"There all dead" the calmness and the uncaring manner that he side it in was really beginning to set alarm bells of for the two of them especially Harley and unnerved them both.

"Sorry" Harley felt that she should apologise, the way that she said it was more of a question than an actual statement. Now his response this time sent a shiver up the both of their spines.

"Don't be sorry for them. I'm not"

"What do you mean? Normal people would be more concerned that a relative of their was dead"

"Well first according to them I was never normal, they called me a freak or layabout for as long as I can remember and that was when they were nice other times it was just boy or it. You want to know why I don't care. Why I'm glad that that they are dead? It all started when I was sent to love with theme after my parents were killed. They beat me, with their fists, bats, belts, anything they could lay their hands on at the time. They broke my bones a number of time sometimes waiting weeks before taking me to the hospital to get it fix, and only when they need me to work for them and could not do it because of the broken bones. Feed me old or mouldy old food that was past its sell buy date and that was if I was good and lucky often times they would lock me in the cupboard and not feed me at all letting me starve. They claimed that I was wasting their food, I cooked all their meals every day for them if I did not do it right or they just felt like it they would beat and starve me, i did the cleaning, the ironing, the washing the gardening. My bed was a small mattress with a few old blankets to keep me warm in the cupboard under the stairs which they would lock me in at night or during the day to keep me out of sight. The reason that we are in the states is because the company that Vernon works for sent him here for a deal, they said that he could take his family with him. No one could take me off their hands they wanted to leave me behind with someone but no one was free. They had to take me along as they did not trust me their alone. The deal went wrong Vernon did not get what he wanted and blamed it on his freak of a nephew, so he tried to kill me. He tried to beat me to death with his own bear hands; he also tried to choke me. Petunia and Dudley did nothing to help me as usual they just stood there watching and smiling at what he did. I was losing blood and mu bones were broken then he said something and I snapped. I killed them all without thought or hesitation, and I'm glad that they are dead."

Harley fears were confirmed. It all fitted the way he talked and held himself the look. It all made sense, after hearing Harry's description she was half temped to let the Joker of Mr. Freeze at them or have Bud and Lou hunt them down. She wanted to show those bastards what it meant to suffer for hurting a child. She could be just as dangerous as the Joker, but nut no point now as they were dead. She knew that Harry had not lied about that point. She had watched him closely. When Harry had said that he killed the, there was no hesitation, no stutter, no trace of a lie. His body language and the time of his voice was steady and even in a surprising creepy monotone.

If one were to look closely at Ivy they would see that her eyes appeared suspiciously wet. Ivy thoughts were not that pleasant what she wanted to do was feed them to one of her more carnivorous pants and let them digest very very slowly. Ivy had been surprised not only by the fact that he had openly admitted to killing them be it in self defence, but also that it did not seem to be effecting him. How could people let this kind of abuse happen to a child?

There was a long pause as they all contemplated what was said. Harry was counting down trying to calm himself down from reliving his past. Ivy took that time to calm herself down reassuring herself that they were dead, then what to do with the young boy. Making up her mind she leaned over to whisper in Harley's ear, to hear what she thought about it. Harley thought about it before smiling in conformation. No one was looking for him as far as they could tell and he had nowhere to go. Ivy getting the OK from Harley that she had no problem with the idea looked in Harry directly in the eye and ask him in a soft kind tone of voice.

"Harry, me and Harl would like to know if you still would like to live here, with us."

Harry was shocked and worried that they would kick he out he had no were else to go. So he was shocked when he heard what Ivy said.

"You mean you're not going to turn me in or kick me out" harry was incredulous

Ivy gave a tiny smile but a smile none the less, while Harley had her usual massive grin back on.

"No Harry we are not going to kick out, there is no reason to turn you in especially since it would be kind of hypocritical of us to do that. Seeing as we are both considered criminals" Ivy replied

"We thing that you can use a good home, some were safe and loving. We think we can provide that if you want? Ivy likes you for looking after her plants and they seem to like you as well. I'm sure Ivy would appreciate it. Think of it as a bonus id we are away for some reason then you can take care of them. So what do you say sweetie? Do you want to live with us?" Harley supplied for Ivy

"You know Harl, I think that this is the longest time I've herd you talk without making a joke or lewd comment, innuendos and being completely serious

"Hey red I can be serious when I need to be, besides bit me" Harley then stuck out her tongue in a childish manner.

Poison Ivy could only shake her head at Harley's response.

There for both Ivy and Harley were shocked, before either of them knew what happened they each felt a small arm around them. Realising that it was harry and that he was saying something to them, listing in they were able to hear what he was saying.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you "he kept saying it repeatedly over and over again

It took them a while to gently pry him lose as we was crying in happiness. They both looked at him in shock at how he got to them so fast.

"Harry dear, what was that?"Ivy questioned softly.

Harry was no nervous in his excitement and happiness he forgot to control himself and was now fidgeting not meeting their gaze before he came up with an answer.

"It was a hug" it was more of a question than a statement the way he said it. He was hoping that they would just buy that answer.

Neither Ivy nor Harley was buying that answer though. Ivy gently lifted Harry's gaze to met her's, she used the same gently but firm voice.

"We know that, what I met was how did you get to use so fast like you just appeared. Is there something that you need to tell use?"

Harry could lie to them but what could he tell them that would be believed. He did not what to lie to either of them taking a few deep breaths he decided to tell them the truth. Calming himself down first he told them.

"I'm not sure what it is called exactly but petunia told me that it was magic that I inherited from my mum and dad. As they could do it. She went on to explain that there is a school where you learn or how to use and control it. Neither Petunia, Vernon nor Dudley could use it as mum was adopted into the family not blood related. I have all ways been able to do it, to heal myself but did not know how or why. It was slow but after Vernon tried to kill me and I killed then I could feel it better. Now that I am free of them and own my own I have been training myself. I started to teach myself how to control and access it better. I have been doing this down at a disused construction site. So far I have learned how to make myself stronger and faster. I have used it to cheat the hustlers and game cheats that do those card or cup games on the streets."

Ivy and Harley had been listing to what he said; ivy raised one delegate eye brow when he said that.

Harley could not help but question him excitability, bouncing around on the floor bed.

"Harl would you please calm down" asked a rather angry Ivy.

"Sorry red. Harry what do you mean cheated them? Harley asks harry.

"Well I cheated the conmen, hustler s and tricksters that cheated people out of their money using card games, cups and nuts. So I'd cheat them out of it."

Ivy was curious. "I'm surprised you haven't been caught by them or the police."

Well the first time I tried it, the guy followed me and tried to steal his money back. Pretty sore loser anyway when I did not give him it back he tried to punch me. It didn't go as planned cause I beat him up instead. Since he was going to rob me I returned the favour and robbed him while he was unconscious. As I finished so the cops came by and I accidently "beamed back". So I trained myself so i could do it better"

Harley could not but help grin even bigger. Some were born with talent others had skills, harry seemed to be a natural at being a criminal born with talent. From his explanation she thought it was friggin obvious that the five years old was a strong meta-human. The thing that he could do was insane even if he did not know it, he could teleport and already had enough control over his powers that he could defend himself in a mugging. He definitely had potential.

Ivy thought s were similar to her crazy blond haired lover's Ivy thoughts included how well he worked with her plants and the fact that he was responsible for looking after and probably saving the lives of many of her plants. She was considering making him her apprentice something that she had never done before or considered.

Both hyena's Bud and Lou liked him

Harry seeing that they both accepted him and did not think he was a freak, decided that he had all ready revealed to them this much he might as well tell them everything.

"You know Gotham is pretty strange, I know I killed my relations and go missing no one seems to care that a five year old is missing. them people try to mug me because I took their money but end up getting beat up and mugged instead still no one seems to notice or care. They don't even report it to the police. Then a few days ago I met this strange man that was going to destroy some building full of people. When he saw me he was going to kill me, as not to leave any witnesses. He had these weird gloves that could knock down any building or cause the ground to split and shake. He said his name was Tempura or something like that. I distracted him long enough to knock him out. After making sure that he was unconscious I searched him for anything of use and got, his money, his gloves, he also had a computer thing with him but I left that with him. Later I met this weird crazy clown thing I think it was a guy. I bumped into him as I was turning a corner he was running the opposite direction and knocked me down. Next thing I know he's pointing a gun at my head. He asked me "why so serious... I know let's put a smile on your face". Deciding to fight back I charged him, I kick him really hard between the leg. He looked really funny, what with his eyes going wide. He grabbed his thing yelled out then fell over onto the ground. Then I head butted him that knocked him out but I then threw him into a brick wall just felt like it. I then mugged him i gout a couple of buzz thingies, a knife with some words craved on the side of it, his gun with more words on the handgrip, he also had some diamonds I took them and ported back here".

After Harry had finished talking both Ivy and Harley were in shock at hearing what he said. Both women thought that they knew who he was talking about. After a long pause Harley wanted to know if the person he was talking about was in fact the Joker.

"Harry sweetie did the second person the crazy clown thing have a purple suit, white skin and have green hair and a big smile?"

Recalling what the clown looked like Harry thought for a moment, before replying with a "yep he did".

Now needing to make absolutely sure Harley asked Harry "can you show me the stuff that you took from him". ivy interrupts with her own "as well as the Tempura guy stuff as well please."

"OK, here you go I'll just go and get the other stuff". Harry reached down into his trousers and handed Harley the switch blade that he took from the Joker to her with that he ported up to the branch to get the rest. It only took him a couple of seconds to get the stuff before rejoining them. He hand the gun and the gloves to Harley and Ivy. I also took these ring things from his as well Harry explained handing over the joy buzzers to Harley.

Harry notices that the both of them had gone pale when he hand them the things. Harry was concerned about why they were reacting like this. "What's wrong?"

Harley nervously cleared her throat before lick her suddenly dry lips.

"Red, these are the real deal. This is Mr. J's favourite knife and gun, fuck even the pair of joy buzzers are the real deal their his"

Poison Ivy let that information sink in letting go of the fact that she had just said the word that she told Harry of for using, Harry also let it go as well.

"Harl they may be real that is not the only thing these gloves are real as well they belong to him" Ivy stated

Ivy looked at Harry before coming to a decision. "I guess that settles it then Harry. I'm going to make you my apprentice".

Harley not wanting to be left out jumped in with "ME TOO"

"What" both Harry and Ivy said at the same time?

"I want to help, I want harry to be my apprentice to" Harley pleaded with Ivy.

"What's that" Harry asked bewildered

"What it means is that you'll be mine and Harleys student and you'll do your best and so will we to teach you everything that we know" ivy explained to Harry with a kind smile.

Harry threw his arms around both of them thanking them both over and over. It took a few minutes but eventually Harley burst out laughing and fell over holding her sides.

Ivy looked at Harley curiously about why she was laughing herself so hard.

"Harley what's the matter love, why are you laughing so hard?"

It took a while before she was able to answer the question but could not stop the chuckles. Mr J the clown prince of crime bane of Gotham, Arkham and the Batman. Runs into Harry threatening him and gets kick in the nuts hard enough to fall over then gets beaten up and knocked unconscious before being robed. Just wait till the other criminals hear about this his rep will be shot. Hee, Hee.

Ivy could not help but smile at that as well. Harry was truly something.

Harry decided to show them what else he got he turned to them and said "wait here, I've got something else that I would like to show you" he said with a smile on his face before he ported away.

After harry had left both women took stock of everything that had happened since they stepped into the green house and met harry. Slowly the consent shocks that they both received caused the both of them to collapse backwards onto the bed. Both Harley and Ivy were trying to make sense of everything.

"You know what Red; I think that Gotham and the villains had best watch out. It does make you wander what he's gonna show us next. The hope diamond, the lost jade statue, the Riddler in his underwear... bats mask?" Harley could not help but muse to her red haired lover.

"Harley in all honesty I wouldn't be a bit surprised if he did all that at this moment in time." Replied an amused Ivy

"Red were you serious about making him you're apprentice?"

"Yes I'd be mad not to do it. What about your offer Harley?"

"I meant everything I said" Harley replied. "Like you I'd be mad not to."

"You know that according to the courts both of you technically are" harry told them both returning from where he went to. Both Harley and Ivy shared a chuckle at the well meaning joke.

Harry chose that moment to appear carrying a bag in his small hands, smiling brightly at the two villainess.

"I took these from that clown as well, the cash was from the others." Harry told the both of them proudly.

Ivy and Harley carefully took the bag from Harry and with forced calm opened the bag. Ivy nearly fell back onto the bed, Harley did and was laughing like a mad women. This happened immediately after taking a look inside it and saw all the white shinny diamonds inside it.

"he,he,he . He stole the Jokers stolen loot, just wait till MR Freeze or the Riddler hears this he will never live it down."

Ivy looked at Harley in both agreement and amusement.


"Yes Harl what is it"

"You know with all that money and diamonds you're going to make all the other rouges envious, you know that right."

"Yes I do Harl , but the cash belongs harry. The diamonds are for all of us right harry?" Ivy enquired

Harry just smiled at the both of them signalling a yes. He had no problem sharing the money with these two women as he had more than enough for himself to live on as he was.

Both Ivy and Harley finally succumbed to sleep and fell into unconscious with two smiles on their faces. Their dreams were filled both erotic dreams about each other and of all the thing they could pull off with their new apprentice. They both knew in their hearts that Harry was innocent and had only killed in self defence he was not a stone cold murder like some of the Gotham's rouges.

Harry seeing that the two women that he now thought of as his new guardians falling asleep he decided to make them comfy by pulling a giant leaf over them to keep them warm. Stifling a yawn, realising how tired he was as well he instinctively slipped in between the two of them a proceeded to fall asleep and join them in unconsciousness, not realising the he was now lying between two of Gotham's most dangerous and desired women. Manu people would kill to be in his position right now both men and women including a white haired toad hermit.

In England Albus Dumbledore walked down Diagon Alley heading towards Gringotts. Dumbledore walked up to the nearest goblin restraining his sneer at the gusting little creatures.

"What do you need" groaned out the goblin

Smiling kindly Albus said

"I need to talk to Nipcrook"

"Sliverfang will show you the way" the goblin replied not looking up from the paper that he was reading.

"Follow me" was the curt response for the newly arrived goblin

Sliverfang lead Dumbledore through a series of passages to Nipcrook's office. Sliverfang disappeared inside the office leaving Dumbledore outside. A short time later Sliverfang reappeared a announced that Nipcrook was ready to see him.

"What can Gringotts do for you Dumbledore?"

"Straight to the point, very well as we both are very busy. OK as the guardian to Harry Potter I need to make sure that his money is invested properly so what I want is this. To freeze his trust found vault till he turns eleven, and that no one else can have access to the family vault. Also I need to transfer some money from that vault to vault 713, the amount being 1,500 galleons."

"That can be arranged, the money will be transferred into the vault shortly. Is there anything else that we can do for you"

"No thank you that is everything"

With that sorted Dumbledore left Gringotts happy now that he had control over the Potters accounts. Now all he had to do was make sure Potter and Black never met or if they did it would be advantageous to his plans. Dumbledore next stop was the Weasleys to arrange a marriage contract between their only daughter and Potter. Arthur and his family were firm supporters of Dumbledore and if he promised them some of the Potter fortune they would jump at the chance.

Next morning in Gotham at Gotham PD yin, Tankinson and Rojas were at work, trying to find any links to the missing child. All three were looking through police reports to try and find him, well two were doing most of the work Rojas was doing little as possible as he did not really care. Commissioner Gordon walked into their office to see if they had made any progress in the case yet.

"Have you found anything?"

"No, we have been at this or days, there's no sign of the missing brat" Rojas tells Gordon

"Tankinson , what about you? Do you share Rojas sentiment?"

"Tankinson has not yet found anything but Tankinson will. No commissioner Gordon Tankinson does not share chief Rojas sentiment."

"OK keep looking, Yin"

The attractive Asian detective was busy with her head buried in various reports and was quite excited about something that she did not here Commissioner Gordon calling her.

"Yin" Gordon walks over to her and taps Yin on the shoulder "Yin"

Yin looks up startled to the commissioner.

"Have you found any leads Yin" he asks her softly knowing that she does not like Rojas or shares his sentiments.

Taking a few seconds to clear her thoughts and get organised she turns to him before replying.

"Actually sir I think I might have"

"What/" yelled the other two detectives

"Why didn't you tell me you found something?" bellowed the fat slob better known as Rojas

"I didn't tell you because I just found it" Yin replies to the question with a hint of anger in her voice.

"What did you find" Gordon asks, breaking the tense atmosphere.

"Well it's just a theory, but... what I found was a number of reports about different events that would have just have been over looked normally. What I mean is a mugger and conman getting robbed as well as others like him, other criminals being the victim normally these would be over looked as normal events in Gotham. These events had nothing to do with the Batman; it does not have his Modus operandi over it. The first report was field about a street hustler being mugged. He stated that a kid cleaned him out at his game; he went after him to get it back by mugging him but gets mugged instead. There are a number of reports of the same thing happening to different people." then there are these two cases files indicating the two filed on the desk before handing them to Commissioner Gordon.

"What's so special about them" Tankinson asks

"Well the first is a report about the Tempura incident. When he was found a "questioned" by the bat he said that he had been hired to destroy the building with people still inside it. It just so happened that he was interrupted by a kid before he could start. He was going to kill him when he was knocked out then robbed. The other one is more from a witness than the "victim". In this case it was the Joker that was the victim. He had just robbed the bank when he ran into a young boy. He pulled out a gun on him but got kicked in the balls; head butted, then beat up and robbed. He left before the police arrived. The description the witness gives matches what we know about the missing boy"

"Let me get this straight you think a five year old has been mugging the criminals of Gotham and beat two of its most dangerous criminals how? And where is he now?" Gordon asked her

"Given all the evidence and the reports it ink I can explain it all. If I'm right it would be easy for him to beat them. What my hypothesis is . . . he's a meta human that's powers awakening violently during what we can only assume was a beating, he ran away afterwards and has gone somewhere in Gotham."

"Ha I knew it, he one of those fucking freaks, just what we need another one of them running around."

Gordon looks at Rojas as he says this. Gordon takes a few deep breaths to try and clam himself, before he thinks screw it."

"Shut the fuck up you useless shit stain I've had all I can fucking stand of your shity attitude. Rojas hand in you badge."

They were all in shock, none of them had ever heard the commissioner yell or swear that much before he never swore so hearing him swearing was a shock to them.

"You're firing me" Rojas asked in shock and anger

Smiling vindictively "no I'm not going to let you off that easy. No what I'm going to do is demote you to detective, your pay will be cut and all the privileges that you had are no revoked. Yin you are being promoted to chief and put in charge of this investigation."

"Thank you sir, I won't let you down"

"I won't stand for this" yells out Rojas enraged

"Well Rojas there's the door don't let it hit you on the way out."

Rojas knew that he had two chooses one he could leave and kiss everything good buy or two he could stay. Deciding to stay and keep his pension he remained silent.

With that sorted Gordon left them to it, while he worried about were or who harry was with.

Author notes

Sorry for the long update but was busy with my tech course but will be working on this story over the summer and some others.

Let me know who you want in the harem and will post the results each chapter