Disclaimer: As always, none of the characters are mine.
Harry woke with a start. He had no idea what he had been dreaming about, but it made him feel happy, as if he had been flying. A loud banging on the door made him jump violently.
"Get up brat, no lie-ins for you. Come and cook the breakfast." Uncle Vernon snarled through the grating, unlocking the door as he did so.
Harry sighed loudly and reached across for his glasses. Putting them on he pushed open the door and walked into the kitchen. As he was frying the bacon, he felt his Uncle come and stand behind him.
"I hope from now on you remember your place boy. But in case your thinking about misbehaving again, I have a long list of chores to keep you busy today." his Uncle said quietly.
Harry felt the anger in him mounting as his Uncle walked away and sat down at the table. His hand went automatically to the bread knife on the counter top, and he started twirling it in his fingers.
"It would be so simple," muttered Harry quietly, "to plunge this into their chests. No one would blame me, after all they are horrible."
"Boy, where's my coffee?" shouted Uncle Vernon.
His Uncle's loud bellowed broke the trance that Harry was in and he placed the knife back on the counter.
"Coming Uncle Vernon." said Harry politely.
Harry really hated cleaning. He was currently sat in the living room, polishing all of Aunt Petunia's silver.
"You missed a spot." said Aunt Petunia for the hundredth time.
Harry knew better than to argue, so he silently just wiped where she was pointing at. Already today he had cleaned the kitchen, did the washing, picked up the shopping, mowed the lawn, trimmed the hedges, pruned the rose bushes and pulled out the weeds. Cleaning the silver was currently number fifteen on the list, he still had to clean the chimney, wash the car, make the tea, clean Dudley's room and do the dishes again before he could have something to eat and go to sleep.
"Why does Dumbledore let me get treated this way?" thought Harry bitterly. "Why can't I live with Sirius or at the Burrow?" he thought angrily to himself.
"Careful, you'll ruin it." screeched Aunt Petunia, swiping at his head. "Go and clean the chimney." she said as she clutched her silver to her chest
Harry sighed loudly as he flopped down onto his bed. He was utterly exhausted. It was nearly midnight when he had finished cleaning. He hadn't even been allowed food before Uncle Vernon was pushing him up the stairs and locking him in his bedroom.
Harry glanced up from his bed as he heard the lock in the door clicked, and the large frame of his Uncle entered the room.
"We are going out." announced Uncle Vernon rather smugly. "That is me, your aunt and Dudley are going out. Dudley won the final of his boxing tournament and we are going to a hotel to celebrate. We will be back tomorrow evening. You will not leave this room, here is your food and water." he said, handing Harry a bottle of warm water and a packet of biscuits.
"But what if I need the toilet?" said Harry indignantly.
"Here you go." said Uncle Vernon with an horrible look on his face as he past him a bucket.
"You can't just leave me." said Harry as he jumped off his bed.
"Watch me." snarled Uncle Vernon.
"At least unlock the door." pleaded Harry as his Uncle walked out making sure to lock the door tightly behind him.
Harry sat down heavily on his bed still clutching his water and biscuits.
Harry lay down on his bed and after a few seconds he was fast asleep. In his dreams he was back in the manor. Feeling somewhat familiar with it, Harry began to walk up the stairs, to the room. Yet again his Uncle was present and so was a younger Harry, who seemed to be pleading with his Uncle.
"Please, Uncle Vernon. I have no idea how my hair grew back, I can't be blamed for this." He said with tears in his eyes.
His Uncle didn't speak he just raised his hand and started to hit the younger Harry.
Harry turned away, and as he did so he saw a man sat in the corner. Walking over to him slowly, Harry said loudly, "Who are you?"
The man slowly turned to face him. "I am nobody just a figure of your imagination, to help you escape reality." he said.
"Oh right." said Harry slowly.
"You know, wouldn't it be nice to teach that family of yours a lesson?" said the man.
"I suppose." said Harry.
" Well, why don't you show them that they shouldn't mess with you, or do you like being their punching bag?" said the man harshly.
"Of course I don't." Harry exploded.
" Well then, do something about it. Use your wand." said the man excitedly.
"I'm not allowed to do magic outside of Hogwarts." replied Harry.
"Your Harry Potter. What are they going to do? Expel you? Through you in Azkaban? I don't think so. Try it." the man urged.
"Alright." said Harry.
Harry awoke suddenly with a plan in his mind. Getting up off the bed, he reached for his wand. He aimed it at his door and shouted, "Obliterate." The door flew apart into a hundred million pieces of rubble.
"Hmm. That was fun." said Harry smirking.
He walked out onto the landing and aimed his wand at the pictures that showed Dudley through the various stages of his life. They exploded, showering Harry with glass shards. He watched as his wand glowed red and he ran it across the walls, leaving a deep gash in the plaster. He blew the door off the hinges as he walked into his aunt and uncle's room. He was surprised to find that he had slept the whole day. With a disappointed sigh, he remembered that they had left and won't be back until tomorrow evening.
"Oh well, I guess I had better find them." he said with a smile, as he walked down the stairs and out the door. Turning around to face the house and garden he shouted, "Bombarda." He watched happily as the house started to blow up.
"I miss my family." said Harry matter of factly, as he turned around and walked away.
Snape glanced up from his potions book, when he heard raised voices coming from the hallway. Placing his book on the table, he settled back into his chair to wait for the owners of the voices to enter the kitchen. He watched in silence as Lupin, Mad-eye, Arthur and Molly, Sirius and Tonks entered the kitchen. He stood up in surprise when Dumbledore followed close behind.
"What's happened Headmaster?" asked Snape. Even through he had spoken quietly, all the adults stopped arguing and turned towards Dumbledore.
"I'm not sure." replied the Headmaster wearily as he sat down indicating for everyone else to do so as well.
"Harry is missing." he said.
"What!" shouted Black, as he angrily stood up.
"Calm down Sirius, and let me explain." Dumbledore said.
"The wards that I placed around Harry's residence went off a few hours ago, and as you can imagine I went straight there. The house has nearly been destroyed, everything inside has been damaged by someone who was using magic and who was very angry. There was no sign of Harry or the muggles he lives with." said Dumbledore.
"Do you think Deatheaters took him?" asked Snape.
"I'm not sure, my boy, but I'll need everyone's help. Sirius you go to Harry's home in your Animagus form and see if you can pick up his scent. Alastor you go as well." said Dumbledore and both men stood up and left.
"Lupin I need you to go to Arabella Figg's house and see if you can find out where Harry's family have gone, and if she saw anything." asked Dumbledore.
"I'll go too." said Tonks jumping up.
"Arthur, go to the ministry. Try to find out any information you can. Molly I need you to stay here, just in case he comes here, or he sends Hedwig." said Dumbledore as they both stood up and left the room.
Snape turned to Dumbledore. "And what of me Headmaster, what should I do?" asked Snape.
"Severus, I need you to go to him." said Dumbledore quietly, "Find out if Voldermort is a part of this."
"Yes Headmaster." said Snape respectfully as he stood up and left.
Dumbledore rested his fingers together under his chin, and he placed his elbows on the table and thought, "Harry where are you?"
AN: Let me know what you think, good or bad. Thanks for reading.