Disclaimer: Harry Potter does not belong to me.
In his dream, Harry walked through the Manor and up the stairs. He didn't even have to think about where he was going, it just came naturally to him now. He pushed open the door and walked into the room, he glanced at the younger version of himself and his uncle. He winced in sympathy as he saw the younger him get pushed roughly to the ground, and even from across the room, Harry could hear the loud snap as the bone in his arm broke. He crossed the rest of the distance and sat down in a chair.
"This cannot go on." Said a voice next to him.
Harry acknowledged his presence with a slight nod of his head, but he kept his eyes forward.
"I know." Said Harry. "I've found them, they are staying across the hall from me, I'm just waiting for them to come back."
"After you kill them, nobody will be able to push you around again. You will command people's respect or they will suffer." Said the man.
"I like that idea." Said Harry as he closed his eyes.
Waking up in his hotel room, Harry got up and looked around. It was nearly ten at night, and so far the Dursley's still had not come back. It had been nearly three days since he had left to find them, and four day's since the Dursley's had left. Thinking back to how much food they had given him, Harry got angry. They hadn't given him enough to last this long. His hatred of them increased.
He paced angrily back and forth and as he past he glanced in the mirror. He looked a mess, his hair was sticking out even more wildly than usual, his vibrant green eyes were dulled because of the bags under them, and he couldn't say for sure, but it looked as if he had lost a few pounds. He was just contemplating going for a shower, when he heard a door slam down the hall from him. He walked to the door, pulling his wand from his back pocket as he went. He opened it and looked out, two doors down the door was closing. Harry smiled to himself as he shut the door and stepped into the hallway. His family were back.
Snape looked down at the piece of parchment in his hands that he had just received moments ago. It held just two words, Chestnut Hotel, and it was written in Voldemort's writing.
"Headmaster." Shouted Snape as he swiftly exited the room."What is it Severus?" Asked Dumbledore.
"I know where Potter is." Replied Snape showing Dumbledore the piece of Parchment.
"Call the Order together. Voldemort won't leave this to chance, he will have someone else to grab Potter if I fail. Follow me as soon as you can." Snape quickly left the room, praying that he would get there in time to keep his promise to Lily.
Harry quickly cast another silencing charm over the room as his uncle shouted even louder.
"You won't get away with this. They will never let you back into your freaky school now." Said his uncle.
"Who said anything about going back to school?" Said Harry as he flicked his wand again, causing sparks to fly out and land on the huddled Dursley's.
"I am going to kill you." Said Harry calmly, "But I am going to make you suffer first, like I have suffer over the past fourteen years."
"Now, you wait just a minute." Said uncle Vernon indignantly, " We took you in, clothed you and fed you."
" You treated me like a slave, and you beat me. If you think about it, treating a wizard like that was incredibly stupid. I mean, I was bound to make you pay." Mused Harry. Shaking his head slightly he said, " Oh well, say goodbye to your son." He raised his wand and pointed it at Dudley.
" Avada…." he broke off suddenly as the door exploded inwards.
Raising his wand he quickly cast a shielding charm over himself. As the dust instantly settled, he looked towards the person standing in the doorway. It was Snape.
A.N. Thanks for reading.