A/N: Six of my regular reviewers to thank: xxdarienchibaloverxx, Esha Napoleon, GoldenRose88, ILoveInuyasha4Eva, blackdame, and Puppylove7. And to those of you who've added this or its author to your lists. I know I may have confused you all a bit with the last chapter but I promise things will become clearer with future chapters. This one should answer any questions you may have about who Sheridan really is.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Inuyasha characters, manga, anime, movies, etc. They belong by copyright laws to Rumiko Takahashi et al.

The Nekomata Guardian

Ch. 2

Kirara was silent for the rest of the night, growling lowly at her kittens if they disturbed her. Sango shot her the occasional glance but didn't ask her longtime companion what was wrong. For that the fire cat was grateful because she wasn't sure what was wrong, if anything. The appearance of the stranger at the edge of the clearing bothered her not so much because she had intruded on her kittens' privacy but because none of the other demons, whole or otherwise, had seemed to sense her. Inuyasha hadn't batted an eye much less an ear so Kirara could only assume he hadn't smelled or heard the other woman.

Granted, the stranger didn't seem to mean them harm but she hadn't been human and she definitely hadn't been Japanese. The golden locks and purple eyes as vivid as irises were proof enough without adding the strange clothing. The elder had thought for a brief second that she had been from Kagome's time but she'd never seen the miko wear a cloak before. Yet there was something almost familiar about the stranger too…

"Meow!" she shouted, startled by the realization that had hit her.

"Kirara, is something the matter?" Sango picked the two-tailed cat up and looked her in the eye. Eyes were narrowed in concentration and her friend's hair was starting to stand on end.

Kirara nodded vigorously, needed to check the woods once again. If what she supposed was true, a lot of people were about to get a big surprise. "Mew!" she agreed, hoping her kitten would open the outside door for her.

"Miroku, Kirara thinks there's something wrong. Will you go check it out with her?"

"Of course, my dear. After you, Kirara." The monk opened the door and waited while Kirara sprang out of Sango's arms and dashed toward the last spot she had seen the stranger. She transformed, wanting to be prepared for any eventuality. "What is it?" Miroku questioned urgently. She never transformed unless she thought something was wrong.

Inuyasha pushed open his shoji, having sensed the change in Kirara's youki. "What's going on?"

"I don't know; she's been acting different all evening. Kirara thinks there's something in the woods." The half demon studied the fire cat before turning his attention to where she was looking.

"I don't sense anything but that doesn't mean there isn't something there. She's an elder so her senses could probably pick up on something mine can't. Show us, Kirara."

Kirara didn't need to be told twice. She went to the spot she'd last seen the stranger and nosed the ground when she found footprints. Inuyasha crouched and studied the marks, finding an unfamiliar pattern and scent in the ground. It was so faint that if he hadn't been so close, he wouldn't have picked it up.

"It's not a youkai, whatever it is. And not human either. It's something…other."

"Other? You mean like the other that's in Azami's scent?"

"Yeah…exactly like that. Crap, we have to tell Sesshoumaru about this right away. If part of Azami's past has come back, there's no telling what trouble could be ahead. And my brother won't take any threat to his new mate lying down. He'll go on the warpath if he thinks she's in danger. Kirara, is whoever it is still here?"

The nekomata studied the woods, stepping into the underbrush briefly. Turning to look at the dog demon, she shook her large head in answer. The stranger had left for the moment, but there was little doubt she would be back. "Merow," she rumbled; concern in her jeweled eyes.

"I hear you. This isn't going to be pretty."

Kellan sat on a rock by the riverbank and gazed off into space. She did not like the fact that the cat was more than she appeared to be. There was definitely something different about several members of that extended family. "Your Majesty, is something wrong?"

"We are not in the Highlands of the Gaelic country. Nor are we in the Celts' land. This place is entirely new with its own set of supernatural beings. We must be cautious. There is an elder here who could do much damage to us if she wished. The first thing we should do is come to understand their language. Return to the castle and bring one of the interpreters back. And tell the seer to keep looking for my great-grandchild. She isn't in this spot anymore."

"Yes, my queen."

Kirara remained outside the rest of the night to keep watch for the stranger. Since none of the others could detect this creature, it was up to her to keep watch. Inuyasha had sent Shippou off to the West with a message for his brother before returning to his mate and pup. Miroku and done likewise after resting his hand on her head in thanks. The two men would not sleep deeply this night.

Morning found the fire cat with drooping eyes and once she was sure Inuyasha was awake, she shrunk to her smaller size and curled up in a patch of sun to get some much needed rest. The stranger's aura would bring her out of her slumber but she needed what rest she could get. It would be at least a day and more before the demon lord was able to return to Lady Kaede's village. It would be even longer if he had to argue with Azami about whether or not she was going too. Somehow she figured the new lady would be joining her lord no matter what the dog demon's opinion on the matter was.

Shippou flew as quickly as his bubble form would allow, knowing that the errand Inuyasha had sent him on was gravely important. Since Myoga wasn't around to send to Sesshoumaru, they couldn't wait until the flea decided to show up. Whatever had the half demon worried was nothing to mess with. The kitsune hadn't read the brief note but he'd guess that it had to do with Kirara staying outside all night. He hadn't sensed anything wrong but Shippou had to admit his nose wasn't as sharp as a dog demon's. And his ability to feel youki from far away wasn't as developed yet. That would come with age and he knew as the elder of their pack, Kirara could sense the furthest. Being a nekomata also meant she was more sensitive than other youkai to different energies.

The kit rested for a few hours, eating the bento that his mother had packed for him. He even dozed for a little while before continuing on. At sun down he came upon the castle high in the mountain and he was thankful that he'd been there once before. Several guards halted his entry until a familiar and somewhat dreaded voice saved him from interrogation.

"If it isn't my little kitsune grandson. What brings you here all by yourself?"

"Inuyasha sent a message to Sesshoumaru, Obaa-sama." Hisana's brows raised in surprise. She knew the boys were on better terms but she didn't think they were pen pals. "About what?"

"I don't know. He just said that it was too important to wait until Myoga-jijii got around to showing up." Shippou came to sit on the demoness' shoulder and told her about everything that had happened lately. It had been a couple of months since they'd last seen each other.

Worry furrowed Hisana's brow momentarily while she brought the child to her son's office. Without bothering to knock, the Lady Mother entered the normally sacred sanctuary. "Mother," the demon lord uttered before turning his gaze on the kit. "Shippou. Why has my brother allowed you to travel by yourself? I would think imouto would have forbidden it."

"Kagome tried but Inuyasha insisted I was the only one who could bring this to you quickly enough." The child handed the scroll over, watching as the demon lord read the short note. Sesshoumaru's youki fluctuated dangerously, visibly swirling in the air. Whatever the note contained was not good for the health of anyone standing nearby.

"I see. We will return in the morning. Rest because I will not be stopping."

"Yes, sir," Shippou said. Hisana and he watched as Sesshoumaru exited the room, a faint but distinct slamming of the shoji door letting them know his mood. "Wow, he's angry now."

Hisana didn't reply until she had read the note from her stepson. "And rightly so."


"It seems as if Azami's past is finally catching up to her."