AN/- hey, hope you liked that, sorry about the late update my internet service providers are real ding-bats keep reading and reviewing and just in case you didn't know a revised version of chapter 4 is up sorry about the previous one.
Chapter 5
February 14
Valentine's Day is very interesting since it means different things to different kinds of people for e.g.: To people who are newly smug married it's like an anniversary so if forgotten there is a bad row and might end in bitter divorce...sadly they never forget.
To people who are old and smug married it isn't anything but another February day unless, your partner is just absolutely mad about you at the age of seventy even though he/she has seen your face every bloody day since the past fifty odd years of his/her life-I think that's cute but still they're smug and married a very, very dangerous combination for people unlike them.
To people who aren't smug but married, it means you and your partner have been through the phase the non-married people are going through and that you sympathise with them but don't care awful much anymore since you have a perfect partner. Such people are very few in numbers.
To people like sucks...and the red confetti which is seen in those stores inviting you in, is just a trap to show you how miserable your life is compared to the people who come there as couples cuddling everywhere they find the wretched red confetti and hearts or any such objects related to Love! Pfft!
No letter from Math, not even one message on muggle answer machine. Brilliant! I have gone and broken the most crucial resolution of this year and slept with Math Melie`s even though I warned myself not too. Why Minerva why? Why?
I think I will go to grocery store to buy instant soup packets and chocolate pudding for tonight's dinner since Math obviously has several other things to do.
So was down at grocery store and crashed into Albus Dumbledore and asked him what he was doing here. Gosh! I have to stop meeting him like that.
"I live down the lane," he replies, smiling.
"Oh, I live a few blocks away too," I say, as he bids goodbye and walks out of the store. I wonder what he's doing today...humph! Must be shagging Adriana. I must not care since I have decided to have a perfect relationship with a bowl of pudding and Chang Hue's Chinese soups.
Reached Home to only find Mum sitting on the coach looking around my flat disgustedly.
"Mum? How'd you?—anyways—Why are you down in London?"I ask as calmly as I could, Mum never visits me... Never! So this had to be something serious.
"Is dad alright?"I ask hurriedly.
"Oh! He's fine it's- it's me," she says all depressed.
"What does that mean?" I ask not wanting to know, since every time my mother acts like she has a life stopping crisis, it is just some obscure reason to take a break and visit me and possibly taunt me into cleaning my apartment.
Like last year, she had been down in London; her emergency crisis was her potions cabinet was out of moonstone. Why in the world would your life stop if you didn't have moonstone? Anyways she came down to my apartment and cleaned it for me after a very long lecture and the day after she left I couldn't find my Fletcher and Co. Shoes and they were for 20 galleons and well, she wore them for last year's Christmas party!
"What is mine is your dear," she had reminded me, smiling and well I can't take it when she smiles at me like that so I had to smile back and hug her or something.
Oh well! What now?
"Oh, Minnie—I can't stay in that suburb anymore and with your father acting like the boss of me, I don't think I want to go back there, so I'm living in the city now-do you remember Angelo Isaacs ?" she asks me. I nodded I think I remembered Angelo as my mother's crush since my childhood. I remember Angelo's face very clearly because he had hair on his head unlike my father.
"You're living with Angelo Isaacs?"I ask a little shocked as Mum nodded happily.
"Gosh, mum and what does Dad think of all this?" I ask shocked.
"I don't think I care anymore dear and besides—if given another chance I don't think I'd have any," she replies indignantly.
"What does that mean?"I ask confused.
"Don't say what say pardon dear,-Anyways, what I'm saying is that I've got a job at the daily prophet as a fresh reporter...I get paid well and I think I'm happy," she says smiling.
"Mum-are you telling me that you don't love Dad anymore?" I ask depressed but before my mother could reason with me, the doorbell rang.
"Who is it?" I ask through the intercom.
"Minerva! Who the hell are you expecting on Valentine's Day? It's your boss," says Math from outside.
"Your boss, did he say?" asks Mum getting up from the sofa as I open the door. Math kisses me and walks in, looks at my mum and stop abruptly.
"Well—you seem to have company—if you need me do ring," says Mum obviously offended that I didn't tell her about Math and me and most disappointed because Math isn't Albus Dumbledore.
"Math Melie`s, Mrs. McGonagall, I'm Minerva's new hero," says Math smiling charmingly and shakes my mum's hand, she shakes it back firmly kisses my cheek and then leaves Math and me alone.
"Well—I think she likes me," says Math closing the door behind mum as I roll my eyes.
"You seemed to have been sure that we weren't doing much today," he says looking at the pudding boxes.
"Yes, well, I thought it slipped your mind," I reply.
"Well, it hasn't. Now why don't you get dressed and let Math take you out for din-din," he says kissing my neck as I happily nod, kiss him and run to the bathroom to get dressed.
I love him...yes I love him!
Conclusion of the day - What started off as any other valentine's day has turned out to be something unexpectedly wonderful.
P.S – need to call Mum and sort her story straight
Also need to call Poppy, Rolanda and Linda and tell them about new found love.
March 3
In office goofing around with letters and Math, Math's taking me to lunch to nearby cafe`; he says he needs to discuss something very important. Hmm...I wonder what it could possibly be.
"Minerva! Marry me?"
"Let's have a kid together"
"Minerva, I love you"
"Minerva I want to love you madly,"
"Minerva, I'm dating someone else,"
I must stop fantasizing, since this is making me mental. Oh pfft! I like the third one best!
"Marissa, would you mind editing this speech for me," says Mr. Fisher bringing me out of my trance and handing me a parchment with the worst handwriting since Cher Cole, Brenda's ex-boss, I really wish she hadn't been eaten by hippogriffs, she was quite the lady.
At Lunch
Math has promised to take me on a mini-break. Oh goody! Better start packing since mini-break in two weeks and in a muggle country house in country side...lovely!
I remembered to call mum yesterday, but Angelo received the telephone and started talking to me like he'd known me since years, I bet mum's behind this, possibly to get me on her that's happening. The problem with me and my mother is that I think she'll always wrong and well, she usually is, that is why dad and I try to be the more intellectual ones, I mean come on a job in the daily prophet doesn't need the use of a lot of logic but it's the perfect job for mum since it involves a lot of snooping around in people's lives that are already so messed up that they'd rather kill themselves then live. But I wanted to help my mum see straight and so I called her to see into her messed up life instead of others.
"Really, mum why is this even necessary, if you say you love daddy then why are you living with Angelo?"I ask trying
"Well—it's something I don't expect you to understand, you're just like your father-I need some time off-and Angelo is just a friend," says mum shouting on the phone.
"But this is ridiculous," I say and my mum slams the phone down.
I must visit Dad and check on how he's doing I'm sure he's miserable. Oh! Poor dad.
March 5
I went to visit Dad today since it was a Sunday and not raining for the first time in London. I must remember to get my car fixed since it is in a very bad state. It is so annoying to have to drive these muggle cars, I mean really why can't my dad just open the floo network, I'm not in Hogwarts anymore and there aren't any underage wizards living in the family anymore so what could possibly be the harm in opening the floo system.
"We live in a, muggle suburb," said Dad, when I had, had this conversation with him.
"So what?"I asked rudely and well since I was only fifteen then, they could ground me and treat me like I was daft and didn't understand the ways of the world.
"Daddy- Are you at home?" I open the door with my spare key and walk into the living room but he isn't there, I check the bedroom, but he isn't there either, so I decide to check the backyard and well he is sitting there near the new pool that they just built in the backyard—only Merlin knows for who. Anyways he was reading the days Daily Prophet and his expression wasn't pleasant.
"Daddy-" I call from behind and he turns around to see me and sighs a bit.
"Look at this," he says handing me the day's newspaper.
Now I know what it was that made him so upset. It was mum's first article ever with a picture of her, smiling and waving at us.
The article read:
A new girl in the city
Amanda McGonagall
If you're a new girl in the city of London just like I'm be sure to have a friend at sure to check out the places like...even some muggle restaurants and cafe`s make a good meal...don't trust many people easily because sometimes people might just hurt you and walk off!...
I knew the last line was meant for me, but I didn't care because I had to help Dad get rid of his grief. So I decided to drown his sorrow in the finest scotch he had at home, but Dad didn't want to drink he just wanted to talk. Hmm...Maybe I should spend some more time with my parents.
"I can't believe she's run off with that blundering buffoon—this isn't the Amanda I knew-this is cruel—and the whole point of this is useless because I don't even know what I did?" says dad holding his head.
"It's alright Daddy—you can make her jealous by getting a date yourself for the Mitchell's next tarts and vicar's party," I tell Dad as he smiles and nods.
On my way home, in dad's car since mine absolutely rejected to start-so Dad said I could use his if I liked because he wasn't going to use it anymore. Anyways, was on my way home and needed to stop by at grocery store so that I could make something for dinner.
I was inside the store thinking of whether I should buy potatoes or canned beans when I heard commotion outside. It was that mental cat lady shouting her lungs out at someone, when I went closer to the scene I saw that she was shouting at no one but Adriana, Albus Dumbledore's 'friend'.
Here's how the conversation went:
Mad Cat Lady (MCL): You little conniving whore! You...give me back my son.
Adriana: I don't know what you're talking about?
MCL: liar! Help! Police, police! You give me back my son
Adriana: let go of me, you re-!
MCL: #$%^&*
Adriana: let go off me
Adriana pulled her hand out of the mad cat lady's hand but just as she turned the mad cat lady emptied a bottle of smelly water all over Adriana. Adriana shouted as the mad cat lady ran for it her cat running behind her, people were laughing at Adriana, so I had to feel sorry for her.
"Hey, remember me, I'm Albus's friend, I live right down the block you could clean up at place," I told Adriana as she nodded and sat in my car and called someone from her mobile as I bought my groceries and took her home.
At home now and Adriana is in the bathroom since Merlin knows how long, I had to lend her my clothes so she could go home, she said she'd come and collect her clothes later, she seems to be nice, when she's in trouble.
Doorbell, it is Albus Dumbledore, who has come to his girlfriend's rescue-so the one she called was him. Adriana is now decent and perfumed and walks out of my bathroom looking much better than before.
"Thanks," she says snootily as Albus gulps and smiles at me.
"So, are you still going out with Math Melie`s?" Adriana asks me as Albus's face goes red.
"Yes," I reply smiling at Adriana.
"Well, good luck with that I've heard he's one nonconformist," she replied and then strolled out of my flat, Albus tried to say something to me but Adriana called for him from outside.
I was really mad at Adriana, I shouldn't have tried to help her and should have left her outside the store smelling of something I think was pee and let her be laughed at by everyone who passed.
Conclusion of day: Math is not a nonconformist-what the hell does nonconformist mean?-check dictionary- it means rebel or oddball—Math is not an oddball he'd the best boyfriend in the world hmph—Adriana is a slut and wants me to dump Math so she could jump on him and coil around him like she does right now with Dumbledore. Anyways, Math is my boyfriend who I dearly love and he loves me back. Adriana should be killed on the stake...heh heh heh! That's the only way to teach people like her a lesson. Must stop thinking of ways to kill Adriana and think of what I'll wear for the Mitchell's tarts and vicars party were I shall flaunt with my hot boyfriend and show Adriana what an oddball she is. Yes, I shall do that!
A.N/- hey, that's it for now will update whenever possible-exams suck! Don't they? Maybe they should be banned because of mutual dislike-why can't people protest against that instead of fried chicken and oil spills? Anyways hope you liked that. Do review.