AUTHORS NOTE: Well thank you all for your reviews. Sorry it took so long, school and all. This chapter is very dramatic, and includes death, so don't be alarmed. Here it is chapter 3.
"IZURU!" Hisagi asked surprised.
Soi just glared at him angrily. Then she glared back at Hisagi.
"Did you plan this?" She asked Hisagi through her grinding teeth. "No!" Hisagi answered quickly in a small voice.
"Unhand him! Now!" Izuru demanded with much power in his voice. "Who the hell do you think you are Lieutenant!" She yelled. "I think I'm Hisagi's best friend!" He shouted at the steaming Captain.
Soi just shook her head, while glaring at the arrogant Lieutenant.
"Learn your place." She said almost snake like.
After she had said that she quickly vanished, leaving both boys clueless as to where she was.
Hisagi just stood in place looking like he had just saw a ghost or something (haha just wanted to add that). Izuru looked all around and kept doing that, for the fear of the, much stronger than him, Captain would appear in one of his blind spots.
Hisagi whispered. "Izuru! What are you doing here!" "I didn't want to see you get your heart broken again." Izuru whispered back. "But you said your done tyring to protect a shark from the fish." Hisagi answered in a whisper voice. Izuru chuckled. "It's protect a fish from the shark. By the way why are you whispering?" Izuru asked in a normal voice. "I-" Hisagi said in a whisper. "I don't know." He said in a normal voice. Izuru just rolled his eyes.
"Hisagi I have to tell you something." Izuru said in a serious tone.
"Yeah?" He ased curiously. "Hisagi I-" He started.
Hisagi's eyes grew wide at the scene he was witnessing. His true love had stabbed his best friend in the world (or whatever you want to call it) in the heart. He was frozen in shock. He didn't know whether to go and get help, or to run for his life (literally).
She slowly took her sword out of the blond Lieutenant's inside. She made a face when she saw the hole she had made through him. Then she looked back at Hisagi. When she did he pretty much peed his pants.
"Your next." She said with an evil smile on her face. "Me..." Hisagi said high pitched and scared.
She shook her head yes. Hisagi's eyes widened with fright.
"W-wai-" Before he could finish his sentence she was gone. He swallowed hard at the thought of his best friend's fate also being his.
He had to think of something, and quick!
"C-captain p-please...don't. I-I mean I know you don't like me and all...but that's no reason to ki-" He took a deep breath. "Listen. I didn't want to trespass but, the reason I did it was cause..."
He stopped cause he had felt something. He had felt a cool burst of air right in his face. He opened his eyes (he had closed them when he stopped talking). He saw Soi Fon standing right there in front of him with her shikai in hand (or finger).
"I'm waiting." She said annoyed.
Hisagi looked at her confused.
"What?" He asked. "For the reason I get to kill you." She said bluntly. "Oh." Hisagi replied.
He looked at the floor for a minute, then at his lifeless friend. Was he really going to tell her? All these years of wanting her, and watching her from afar. What if she liked him back...what if she didn't. What if she thought he was lieing to get off the hook from her. What if she believed him and still killed him. more what ifs. He was going to tell her no matter what the consequence.
"T-the reason I, um trespassed is uhhh...I...I...I..I love you." He said his face looking like he just ate some spicy jalapenos (I just chose what I thought sounded spicy).
Soi Fon looked like she was going to faint, throw up, and kill him all at the same time.