Snow swirled around her and the tall blond man as they walked through her neighborhood park, but Lily couldn't feel the cold. It was as if she and the king walked in a bubble, as perhaps they did. She fought down awe and nervousness and trained her ears on the words he was saying, valiantly ignoring the magic dancing up and down her hand and arm where held it against his own.

"You've chosen which suitor will claim you, then?"

"Which suitor?" she questioned, surprised. "I'm not sure what you mean? I only have one—James Potter."

"And what of the young Severus Snape?"

"He-he called me a horrible name! He's joining the Death Eaters if he hasn't already!" Lily gasped, stopping in her tracks and looking up at the stately monarch. One shapely, multi-shaded brow rose as he looked down to consider her, expression blandly questioning.

"One reckless word during a supremely stressful incident is all it takes for you to forget a childhood of close friendship and support?" He didn't appear judgmental, but somehow Lily felt she'd disappointed him greatly.

"I-When you put it like that, I suppose…well, maybe I've overreacted," she sighed. Turning back to the path she began to walk again, as did he, arms still linked. "I'll speak with him, Sire, but I've grown close to James. If he asks, I will most likely accept."

He nodded regally as if she'd agreed to a favor. "The young Snape descends from my father's sister's line. Her son was only ever called "The Prince". I would have my family come together again in my heir, when the time comes. The line of your other suitor, Mr. Potter, originates from my father's younger brother, Mathrafal, who moved aboveground to begin his kingdom, which he called Powys. Ultimately, the name became Potter, as it is today. The hair should have given it away," he teased.

"Powys? The county in Wales?"

"Ahh, but it used to be a kingdom, small though it was. Still, it was his kingdom, and Uncle was quite proud of it. His pride cost him dearly, however, when he succumbed to a plague, already weak from a spat with the warlord Vortigern. He apparently chose one of the man's daughters as consort, without gaining proper permission. He was always more highhanded than he had a right to be. Nonetheless, that is where the Potter family originated as a magical house."

Fascinated, she listened raptly as he talked about his family—something she was sure he did not often do. And to think, she not only descended from one side of his family, but would most likely be marrying into the other.

He aimed a knowing smile at her and patted her gloved hand with his own. "You already know that your mother is from the line of my own mother's twin Tritonia who had such an obsession with flowers that all of her daughters are named for them," he said dryly, no doubt laughing at her childish love of the family fairy tale.

She knew the history, of course, but it was still amazing and exciting to be descended from fairy queens and princesses. And now, to be walking arm and arm with His Majesty, the Goblin King himself! Who wouldn't be bowled over?

When his demeanor became serious, Lily couldn't help the chill of unease that crawled up her spine. While her mother had known the monarch most of her life, Lily had only met him after she'd received her Hogwarts letter, though she'd always had the feeling of being watched over. He would only ever appear to those that directly asked for him or his goblins' intervention, or to family members with some gift of the fae. Her mother had a touch, though not enough to perform spells. As her father was the son of a squib, it was no surprise that her parents were so excited when she proved to be magical.

"Is-is there something wrong, Sire?" she queried finally, when he stopped their stroll and turned to look at her.

The king released a steady breath through is nose, as if tempering a great annoyance. "Due to their longstanding "feud"," he clipped, obviously angered by said feud, "both of the two young men I mentioned have rendered each other sterile. As a result, the child will therefore contain more of my genetic input and much less from your mate." With a shake of his head, he released his anger and directed Lily to a stone bench, just off the snowy path. "The child will need to spend time Underground and I will need to teach him many things before he is much more than a toddler. Otherwise, his magics will be uncontrollable and he will suffer greatly. You will have to inform your spouse early on, preferably in advance of the marriage."

Lily attempted to process this information, while she considered the possible ramifications of his news. "So sure it will be boy, are you? I must ask, though, why you don't choose to do it the old fashioned way, Your Majesty, if you don't find the question horribly impertinent."

"I do," he said shortly, looking down his elegant nose at her, but softened his answer with a mild half smile. "I suppose, however, that if anyone has a right to ask, it would be you." He turned a little, scooting away, so that he was nearly facing her. As he looked off into the middle distance over her shoulder, he opened a palm, creating three crystals that he began to manipulate in a slow circle. "While I have met the woman whom I believe to be my mate, she is much too young at present. She may, eventually, call upon me again, and if she does, or our paths cross somehow, perhaps something will come of it. I find I cannot do other than wait for her." A fleeting ripple of pain moved in his eyes, gone within an instant. "Unfortunately, the good people grow restive now, this moment, as the heir to the High Throne is without issue. Should my parents suffer illness or become weary or should any other sort of drama unfold, there would be no one to take over my rule so that can I ascend. The Underground is too diverse and far reaching for one monarch alone. Before my ascension to the goblin throne and my victory over the Labyrinth, the two were ruled separately and war was prevalent in the region. Even if my heir—the royal firstborn is always male," he said with a smirk. "Even should he remain a prince ten millennia or more, our people need an heir."

"My son would live that long?" she gasped. Ten millennia…it was unimaginable.

"Much longer than that, little flower. You should remember that time is much different Underground. Any heir of my lineage will age slowly in general, and even more so when he reaches adolescence. For those such as yourself and both of your young men, the years will slow after your majority, and you shall outlive many of your peers by two or three lifetimes, and longer still should you choose to move your family Underground at any time."

Stunned, Lily watched the mesmerizing motion of the three glass balls as they turned in the king's hand. When he'd approached her and her parents last year, she'd been honored and stunned. His request to Lily that she consider carrying the heir to his throne in the form of her first child when she married was no small thing. In light of that and all the possible ramifications, Lily had thought it over for her entire first term of school.

Though she had only just started dating James at that time, she had agreed to his request. Whether she married or didn't, Lily would provide the king his heir. It meant too much to her, her family and the people of the Underground not to do this. She wanted to be a part of something so significant. Having her son be that important also, well, what more could a mother want for her child? The small crush she'd long nursed for the baby's would-be father simply meant that she wouldn't object strenuously if he did choose to go about it the old-fashioned way. From the sound of things, however, it was apparent that he had found someone who could resist his fae allure but who had cast her own spell on him.

C'est la vie!

Having the king donate his seed to her future husband would be for the best. Magic was wonderful, truly. Now, if only she could get James to agree…assuming he actually wanted to marry her. Considering that he was already talking about it, she didn't think that would be an issue.

The sound of a throat clearing brought her eyes back to the man seated with her. She felt her face flush at his smug smirk. No doubt he knew all of her thoughts, including the crush.

"I'm sorry, Sire," she murmured. "I was wool-gathering…"

She felt her blush deepen as his smile widened. "Certainly," he agreed, forcing his face into the picture of bland understanding. "I would ask you, my dear, to reconcile with Mr. Snape, prior to the birth of our child. In fact, prior to his conception would be better," he added.

"I-I will, Sire, of course. But what has that to do with the child, if he's not Sev's?"

The motion of the crystals intensified, pale winter light reflecting off of the crystal spheres as they flowed from one hand to the other while the king looked out into the snowy park. "You live in turbulent times here Aboveground. I would have the boy cared for by one of our kin when I can't be with him. The people around him must have magic." He turned to look intently at her, as if imprinting the thought into her head. "He will need to spend time both Aboveground and Underground, equally, by the time he is four of your years. His maturation will be slightly quicker than that of a human child, but he will age similarly or slightly more slowly. If he does not have balance, his magic will lash out. You, Mr. Potter, or Mr. Snape, will know instinctively how to care for him. The care of our young is born into us, specific to each family. Your spouse must agree to this or other arrangements will be made."

Lily shivered under his forceful gaze, the power flaring around her as he literally punctuated his statement. She nodded dumbly, no sure if he meant he'd find someone else or simply dismiss the aforementioned spouse. Neither would be necessary. She'd made her commitment and she would follow it through.