(A/N: Well, this is my sequel to Stuck in Maplestory. Sorry I haven't started it sooner. I couldn't think of a title. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this first chapter!)
The Curse of the Black Mage
Chapter 1: I Choose to Become a Bowman
In front of me was a huge ship. It had huge white sails flapping in the wind and orange mushroom caps at the top of the sails. The ship was decorated with beautiful colors; blue, white, yellow, orange, and lots of others. My friends and I stared at awe, excpet Merlin.
"Well, this ship hasn't changed at all since I went to Victoria Island," Merlin muttered. "It seems quite boring that it's the sameā¦"
"Everyone, come aboard!" a sail man called. We started to walk towards the ship, but then a man stopped us.
" Hello, I am Shanks. And to get on my ship, you must pay one hundred fifty mesos," Shanks ordered. Merlin handed him the recommendation letters and walked towards the ship.
"Why is everyone getting recommendation letters," Shanks muttered. "I want mesos." My friends and I started following Merlin. We got on the ship and sat down on our green Relaxers. Soon, the ship started to move. I went to the front of the ship and saw a waterfall.
"Merlin, why are we going to suicide?" I asked. Merlin chuckled, "Don't worry lad. You'll see what happens." Then the ship reached the waterfall. It started to tilt and I made a small yelp. But then, the ship started to float in mid-air. I was awed.
"How does a ship fly?" I called over the wind.
"It has wings, and has a high powered engine," Merlin answered. "Don't worry, it could hold a ton of weight to make it fall." I walked back to my friends and sat down next to Jennie.
"All right everyone, what job do you wish to have?" Merlin asked.
"I want to be a Pirate," John answered.
"A Warrior," Matthew chimed in.
"A Thief, I guess," Jennie said. Everyone looked at her, confused.
"A Thief? Not many girls are Thieves," Merlin warned her.
"I know, but it sounds interesting," Jennie answered. Merlin shrugged, "Well then Jack, what job do you want?"
"A job?" I asked. Merlin nodded, "There are Bowmen, Magicians, Pirates, Thieves, and Warriors. Choose, but choose wisely. You only get one chance at this." I thought for a moment, and everyone stared at me. Merlin stared at me the hardest. He wanted me to become a Magician.
"A bowman," I answered. Merlin nodded a bit disappointed, "Good choice. Bowmen must have strength and dexterity." All of a sudden, a sail man yelled, "I see land!" It was Victoria Island. Then, the flying ship landed softly on the water. The sail men rolled the ladders down along the ship, allowing the other travelers to climb down and land safely on the stone pavement. I climbed down and landed on the ground. The stone ground was smooth under my hands. I got back to my feet and my other friends landed on the pavement.
"We're at Lith Harbor," Merlin said. The town was huge. It was probably bigger than Southperry and Amherst combined. But it was definitely more loud and populated. There were hundreds of people walking around the town.
"All right everyone, I will give you two thousand mesos. You ride a taxi and go wherever you need to go, and meet everyone back at Henesys," Merlin ordered, handing everyone a sack of mesos. The old wizard led us to a taxi and said, "I will go with Jack."
"Wait Merlin, why does it have to be at Henesys?" John asked. "Why not Nautilus?"
"Or Perion?" Matthew asked.
"Because it will be easier to find each other," Merlin muttered. "Now get on a taxi." Merlin and I both got on a white cab. The seats were made out of black leather.
"Where do you wish to go?" the driver asked.
"To Henesys please," Merlin answered, handing him a hundred mesos. The driver nodded and drove away.
Soon, we arrived at Henesys. It was a busy town, but I suppose a peaceful one, too. It was sunny in Henesys and the heat was immense. A bead of sweat appeared on my forehead.
"Follow me," Merlin ordered. He walked away and I quickly followed. We weaved through the walking citizens. We passed by big mushroom houses and soldiers with spears. Soon, we got to the job advancement house. But it looked like a regular house in Henesys, nothing too special.
"Go in," Merlin ordered. I entered the door and saw a lady, holding a bow. She had long, golden, braided hair and expensive clothes. All around us was targets with arrows stuck in them.
"Who are you?" the lady asked.
"I am Jack," I answered.
"I am Athena Pierce, the leader of the archers," Athena Pierce replied. "Do you wish to become a bowman?" I nodded.
"Come, hold my hands," she ordered. I followed her orders and held her hands. Her hands were soft and cool. Then, she started to chant a foreign language. When she had finished, I felt a rush of power enter my body. I felt stronger, and my senses were increased. I heard the soft breathing of the lady and the light breeze outside. Athena smiled, "Go now, and show the world the greatness of the archers." I nodded, "Thank you, ma'am." I was about to leave when Athena said, "Wait, I have a quest for you."
(A/N: I finished! Well, I hope you didn't find it boring. Sorry it was sort of short. Well, I have to go now. Bye!)