The Riddle Answered: A Harry Potter Fanfic
Disclaimer: SEE FIRST CHAPTER: I do own this story and the OC name: Harry James Salazar Rasputin Riddle.
Any OC Spells will be explained at the end of each chapter;
Plot: Rather than kill Harry in the graveyard, Tom reveals a startling secret: Harry is his son and his real name is Harry James Salazar Rasputin Riddle: True Heir of Salazar Slytherin and son of Tom Riddle and Bellatrix Lestrange. However, tying up loose ends will be tough, can Harry Riddle cope with the trials and actions of 5th year Hogwarts and, if so, can he cope with Tom's BIGGER Revelation?
Pairings: Harry/Daphne; Draco/Ginny
Normal Speech
Tom and Harry's link
"Then," Harry gasped, feeling a wave of fear, anger and determination go to war inside him, "I…I really…you are…"
"Shall I?"
Harry nodded before Tom rose from his seat and walked over to the young wizard; kneeling down, the Dark Lord took Harry's hands in his own before he smiled and spoke in Parselenic, confirming Harry's thought:
{You are not Harry James Potter; you are named Harry James Salazar Rasputin Riddle; you are my son.}
Harry wanted to scream, he wanted to deny it, but instead, he looked up and wiped his eye before he asked, "And, do you want to kill me…Father?"
{No,} Tom admitted, {I have never had any intentions to harm you: I, Tom Marvolo Riddle, do swear on my magic…and my life that I have never willingly harmed a hair on Harry James Potter or Harry James Salazar Rasputin Riddle's head; so mote it be.}
Harry watched as a glow encircled Tom before the Dark Lord looked up and asked, "Do you believe me now, my little snake?"
{Yes…} Harry replied in Parselenic, before he wrapped his arms around Tom's shoulders and, like a boy half his age, added:
{Yes Daddy!}
JESSIROSE85: Not Hermione, but there will be old friends joining our young Prince…
Tumshie: then I hope you're not disappointed; simple and yet, self-explanatory…
Slytherin66: Oh…don't worry, I have plans for the Dursleys…(insert evil laugh)
Bunny109: Sorry, Lily and James I'm afraid, but like Slytherin66, I have plans for Snivellus…(insert evil laugh)
Chapter 2: Truths, Lies and Changes
Riddle Manor
When Harry opened his eyes, the first thing he realised was that he was safe and unbound; rather he was actually lay on a bed with soft black sheets and a Slytherin Serpent coiling over the covers. With a groan, Harry sat up and rubbed his neck: he'd had one weird dream: Tom Riddle was his father, Lily and James Potter were his godparents and he was actually called Harry James Salazar Rasputin Riddle.
(On the other hand,) a small voice argued in his mind, (What am I doing in a room with Slytherin decorations? Unless…)
His eyes widened as he rose and walked to a window overlooking a large, well-kept garden filled with flowers, topiaries and a water fountain shaped like two encircling dragons.
"It wasn't a dream," Harry added, before he asked, "Was it?"
"No Harry," a sibilant voice answered, "It wasn't."
Turning back to his bed, Harry saw Tom standing there, or at least, he sounded like Tom: the figure standing there now had pale skin and a head of short black hair that fell around his shoulders; he still had Tom's thin figure and cold red eyes, but something was amiss here.
"Are you all right Little Snake?" asked a voice in his mind, making Harry look around before he remembered the link and, calming himself, nodded and looked to the Dark Lord.
"I'm fine…Dad," he then flinched when he saw Tom looking at him; thinking quickly, Harry coughed and repeated, "I mean…Father…My Lord…Master!"
"DON'T YOU EVER CALL ME THAT HARRY JAMES SALAZAR RASPUTIN RIDDLE!" yelled Tom through the bond, before he saw the young wizard shy away; realising himself that something was wrong with this picture, Tom approached his son and kneeled down, placing his arms around Harry as he continued, "I am your Dad, your Father, and you will address me as such; you are my prince, my heir and my son and I will not have you lowering yourself before me. I'm sorry I shouted at you Harry; are you all right?"
Harry nodded before he looked up and placed his hand on Tom's skin, flinching as he saw the Dark Lord watching him; pulling his hand away, Harry asked, "What happened Dad?"
"The ritual," answered his Father, "Its power was not yet complete: it revived me and now it regenerated my somewhat 30-year old self, all thanks to a few drops of my son's blood. Listen," he then added, looking at Harry dead-eyed before he then continued.
"I wasn't used to being called Dad or Father, and that's why I shouted: understand Harry that you can never do anything to upset me. Even as a baby I could never be angry at you because I cared for you too much, so don't you ever flinch away from me."
"I," Harry began before he remembered a certain rule his Father had taught him; switching tongues, Harry continued, {I thought you were going to hurt me because I made you angry.}
Tom's eyes widened in horror: when he'd told Harry that you couldn't lie in Parselenic, it had been the truth itself, but why would Harry dare to think that he, his own Father, would dare to harm Harry?
He then remembered everything he had ever noticed about his son during their past encounters: in Harry's first year, when Tom had seen the Gryffindor Seal on his robes, he had been upset, but it had been that idiot Quirrell who had harmed Harry and then, what had happened? Had Harry tapped into an area of his magic that he knew nothing about? Was that what had burned the fool's hands and face?
He knew that Harry had been lied to by Dumbledore and, even after that, there were some questions that needed to be answered: Harry must have obviously tapped into some kind of wandless or non-verbal magic that was tied into the true power he had, which was how he had burned the Defence Teacher's face and managed to survive all those times he had been under pressure from that so-called 'scar' of his.
Looking at Harry, Tom also noticed that his son was smaller than others his age, a fact that his right-hand man Lucius had always confirmed – the Dark Lord adding a thought to himself to deal with the Malfoys – and he looked less than healthy. But how could this have happened? When Tom, Lily and James had made their plan, Harry was to be taken care of by those who could treat him with the respect he deserved.
(Unless,) thought Tom, his hands curling into fists, (Someone named Albus Dumbledore interfered again and sent Harry somewhere none of us wanted him to go…like to…them!)
"LILY! JAMES!" Roared Tom, startling Harry with his loud voice; the young wizard had never actually heard Tom yell and this was a shock; seconds later, the two forms of Lily and James Potter appeared at Harry's door, both of them noticing Harry curled up in fear before his own Father. Even they knew that the Dark Lord showed true fatherly mercy where his little snake was concerned.
"My lord," bowed James, making Harry look up, still surprised to see the man he had thought to be his Father kneeling there and by his side was the woman who had always made him feel safe at heart.
"Where did we agree that Harry would go?" asked Tom, noticing Harry watching the two dark wizards at the door.
"Sirius," explained Lily, "Or, failing that, Severus!"
"SNIVELLUS?" asked Harry, now startling Tom, "Why would that greasy-haired bat want to look after me? All he's done since I started Hogwarts is turn on me!"
"Is this true?" asked Tom, before he felt a second mind touching him; it took the Dark Lord a few seconds to realise that this was Harry and, just like when Tom had shown Harry his past, now the young wizard was doing the same and Tom did not like what he was seeing.
Harry being bullied and watched like a hawk under Snape's gaze; the Potions Master turning his hatred for the Gryffindors and James Potter on Harry and using every opportunity he could to make Harry feel inadequate. Then, on top of all that, Severus seemed to take some kind of pleasure out of seeing Harry fail his lessons, break the rules and generally become weaker than he seemed.
"Snape will pay!" hissed the Dark Lord and, for a short second, Harry saw the true Voldemort once again, before the Father that was Tom Riddle broke through and added, "So, where did Harry go?"
"The Dursleys," Harry answered immediately, "And they hated me: they hated everything I had to do with magic and Hogwarts; for the first ten years, they locked me in the cupboard under the stairs and made me do all the housework; if I didn't listen to them or if I asked about you two – he pointed to Lily and James – I was locked in the cupboard for anywhere up to a week before they'd beat me and hurt me…all because…I…I…was a…wizard; and even when I found that out things got worse!"
"I'LL KILL HER!" shrieked Lily, before she gasped when she saw Harry rapidly making for the window, as if trying to escape this anger-driven shout-fest between the adults. "Oh," she gasped, "Young Master, I'm sorry; but you see, my brain-dead adoptive-sister was one person I specifically asked you not to be sent to."
"Adoptive?" asked Harry, surprised at this piece of information.
"Yes," Lily answered, "You see Young Master, I was born into a pureblood family whilst Petunia was born into a half-blood family; when her family were killed, my parents adopted her in the hope that she would follow me to the path of darkness."
"Wait," Harry suddenly spoke again, rising from his position and taking his place at Tom's side, "Are you saying that the horse-faced bitch I called my Aunt is actually a fucking witch?"
"Language," laughed Tom, but he could understand Harry's anger as he looked to Lily and asked, "Well Lily?"
"Yes," Lily nodded, "Petunia is a half-blood witch and she has magic just like me; we both went to Hogwarts and I was sorted into Slytherin while she joined James in Gryffindor; and she was a damn good witch as well: top in Herbology and Potions: apart from Severus no-one had seen someone with so much talent. And then, in her sixth year, Petunia seemed to go crazy and argued with me a lot; she hurt us all by disowning any knowledge of me before she snapped her wand and left Hogwarts; no-one knows why she did it."
{I have my suspicions,} hissed Harry, looking to his Father, {And they rhyme with Callous Crumblecore.}
{You may be right,} replied Tom, placing a comforting hand on Harry's shoulder as he asked, {Are you feeling better?}
{Yes Father,} Harry replied, before he switched to English as he asked, "But I still don't understand Mu…I mean Lily: you're supposed to be dead!"
"I'll take this one," Tom explained, before he asked, "Shall we move to the living room? Besides, there's someone here who owes you a big apology and he wants to prove it."
As Harry led the way out of his room, as it would later become his, Lily leaned in behind her Lord and asked, "My Lord, who owes the young Prince an apology?"
Looking out of the corner of his eye, Tom's answer was almost full of emotional war as he explained, "I do."
Riddle Manor, Living Room
When they took their seats – Harry and Tom close to the ornate fireplace, Lily and James on the outside of them – the young wizard looked to his Father before he asked, "So, my first question is…what happened that night?"
"Firstly," Tom explained, "Don't be afraid to ask questions and certainly don't be afraid to speak your mind Harry; no-one will hurt you; if they do, then their life is forfeit."
(Uh oh,) thought Harry with a childish smile, (The big bad Voldemort's back.)
Tom seemed to sense his son's amusement before he continued, "To explain it simply Harry, all I need are two words: Polyjuice Potion!"
Harry's eyes widened; he knew of the potion, but something like that was the big secret to his survival, well; that and his Magical Redirection, whatever that was.
"I see you know of this," Tom added, "I can't really think why?" He gave his son a curious look, before Harry coughed and turned away; chuckling and ruffling Harry's black hair, Tom spoke again, "And I don't really care: sly and cunning, a definite Slytherin: anyway, when you were born Harry, your mother, Bellatrix Lestrange and I both agreed that, to keep you out of Dumbledore's radar area, we'd give you to someone who would, well, who would die to protect you. As your godparents, Lily and James agreed and James had the Marauders watching you as magical guardians."
"Are you saying Sirius and Remus are with us too?" asked Harry, surprised at these new revelations: and yet, as he listened, he couldn't shake the feeling that he knew the name Lestrange, but couldn't think where or why.
"Yes," answered Tom, "Moony, Padfoot and Prongs gave their allegiances on the day of your birth; sadly, some things are still true; Wormtail is a traitor to both you and the Marauders. Once every month, we came to see you and, after one year, the foul rat struck."
"Why?" asked Harry, "If he was working for Dumbledore then didn't you see it Father?"
"Sadly not," Tom answered, "Dumbledore, you see, is a master manipulator and knows where to sink his claws into the cracks of a man's soul. He fed Wormtail lies about my destruction and a chance for the foul creature's redemption and then, on New Year's Eve, you were attacked by the old man's army."
"I thought it was Halloween?" asked Harry, looking to Lily and James; both of them looking solemn at his choice of words.
"What sounds better?" asked Tom, his voice calm and informative as he held up two hands, "Voldemort died on Halloween, the day when the dead walk, or Voldemort died on New Year's Eve, when time itself is reborn into light?"
"Halloween," Harry nodded, before he looked to Lily and James and, as if he had figured it out, asked, "So, Lily and James both left their home and replaced themselves with Polyjuiced victims that would act like the parents of Harry Potter; then, Dumbledore comes to the house and sees you stood over their bodies and decides to finish the job. But wait that would mean the true Dark Lord here isn't you Dad; it's Dumbledore!"
"Yes," nodded the Dark Lord, "You see Harry, your power is what we call an equinox in magic: you can either join or overthrow both sides: on that day, my boy, I was coming to get you back and, seeing my plan, Dumbledore cast the AK and made it look like I did it."
"Expelliarmus!" gasped Harry, "He disarmed you and used your wand on me."
"Yes," grinned the Dark Lord.
"And my magic reacted and awakened the power inside me: this Magical Redirection!"
"And that magic flew towards you, defeating you and leaving me with Dumbledore?"
"That's right," Tom grinned, "And then…?"
"He left me with the Dursleys," Harry nodded, looking into the ornate fireplace, his emerald eyes cold and dark as he continued, "He left me to be treated like a House Elf and beaten because I was a wizard, which would make me perfect to mould. But Dad?"
"Hmm," replied Tom, watching as Harry leaned back in his chair, his hands on the arm-rests as he spoke.
"Does that mean that Dumbledore knows the truth?" asked Harry, "Does he know that Harry Potter and Harry Riddle are one and the same?"
"Yes," answered Tom, "Why do you think he truly kept you under his watchful eye? And from what I saw in your memories, he was close to succeeding, but…"
"I could never deny who I really was," smiled Harry, rising from his seat and looking to the Dark Lord, "Harry James Salazar Rasputin Riddle, son and heir of Tom Marvolo Riddle and Heir of Salazar Slytherin: my Parselenic abilities, my darker side to these emotions and my strong spell power: the Slytherin in me just couldn't help but raise its head."
"And now," Tom added, "What do you want to do Harry? Go back to those who use you or stay here with those who love and respect you?"
"Dad," said Harry, before he nodded once and lowered himself to his knees, his head bowed to the Dark Lord as he added in a voice almost as cold as Tom:
"I'm staying!"
Riddle Manor; 1 hour later
"Now we have to figure out how to throw Dumbledore off the scent," Harry said, looking to the assembled figures: at his left hand was his Father with the Death Eaters who had been present in the grave gathered around them.
"Well," Tom answered, "The answer's obvious if you think about it Harry."
With a defeatist sigh, Harry nodded and said, "I was afraid you were going to say that Father."
"You have to die," Tom explained, "But it won't hurt Harry; all we have to do is repeat the plan we used on Lily and James and remove the glamours around your body and magic: it will take time, but the end result will be you as you are meant to be: strong, powerful and dark-hearted."
Harry looked to each of the masked figures before him: his Father's army and his servants, before he looked to the side where Lily and James were watching him: they had risked their lives and freedom by hiding the truth from him and now that they were back at his side, Harry could only think of one way to repay their debt.
"Let's do it."
Hogwarts School: Maze
The students and staff of the three schools were all waiting with baited breath for the return of the two champions in the Tournament: among them, most of the Gryffindors were concerned for Harry while the rest of the school were worried about their true champion Cedric.
At the side of the entrance, Professor Snape suddenly winced as a hot pain shot up his right arm; looking to see if he was being watched, the Potions Master stepped into the darkness of the arena and rolled up the arm of his sleeve, exposing the Dark Mark, clear as day, brandished on his flesh. With a fearful glare, Severus Snape looked back towards the maze: the only reason his Mark would react was if the Dark Prince had been found and reunited with the Dark Lord.
(Wait a minute,) thought Severus, watching as a strange ripple of magic filled the maze, (Potter's late and Diggory's yet to emerge; now my mark reacts: oh Merlin no; it can't be…if the Dark Lord finds out, I am in trouble.)
His thoughts were cut off by a loud scream that rang through the assembly: two figures had suddenly appeared out of nowhere, both of them bedraggled and ruined, but both also bloody and unmoving.
It was clear to everyone what was going on, but, as most of the students neared the bodies, the sound of Hermione Granger's voice could be heard for miles around:
That got everyone up: racing towards the scene, Professor Dumbledore parted the crowd before he kneeled down and examined the heavily massacred body of Harry Potter:
His chest was exposed to the elements, its pale complexion showing signs of magical torture, but the worst was what was branded in his chest: sliced into the flesh of the young Gryffindor's body, like a siren on the wind, was the Dark Mark: a blood-red skeleton skull with a sword and snakes coiling round the wound, two letters sliced into the flesh of Harry's stomach: LV!
(No,) thought Dumbledore, watching as Ron and Hermione approached, (I have failed; my plan for the boy has failed: he has been reunited: I must assemble the Order.)
Walking away from the scene, Dumbledore's first question came from Hermione as the Muggleborn asked, "What does this mean Professor?"
"It means," said Dumbledore, applauding himself for his acting, "That the worst has come to pass: Lord Voldemort has returned and Harry is dead, but we can fight him in Harry's mind, if you will help me Miss Granger."
"What can I do?" asked Hermione.
Dumbledore smiled with victory before he put an arm around the young Gryffindor before he suggested, "I have a proposal for you and Mr Weasley."
Riddle Manor
Harry couldn't stop laughing as he stood tall and proud before the Death Eaters: the plan had been so simple that he couldn't believe it had actually worked.
"I wish I could have seen that old bastard's face," he laughed, looking to his Father, "Realising that I am back in more ways than one: oh, I am going to enjoy the days from here on in."
"Yes you are," smiled Tom, clasping his son's shoulder as he added, "And now, time to bring the snake out from inside the lion: are you ready my son?"
"Yes Father," Harry replied, before Tom raised his wand and pointed it at Harry, his eyes dark and regretful.
"Glamorie Reversi! Conscius Enervate! Spiri-Retrorsum!"
Harry felt waves of magic course through his body before he cried out as his muscles seemed to stretch and his mind explode; the greatest pain of all came from around his scar and, as he watched, he saw the skin of his hands go from Caucasian to a pale, almost deathly appearance; his body stretched to near 6ft 3 and filled out until he was as healthy as any 14 year old; after that, Harry felt a powerful static magic course over his skin, making every hair on his body stand on end, his body glowing with a black and emerald aura, before finally letting him relax.
The final change came when Harry felt something soft and silken tickling his neck and nose; his black hair had flattened out and grown, but, before he could look, he had to shut his eyes and rub hard until his eyes watered.
Finally, Harry heaved a sigh and looked at his hands, noticing his pale sheen almost glowing with the magical power inside him; before he could say another word, Harry turned and found his Father holding a mirror, showing Harry the true body of his 14-year-old self.
He was standing at 6ft tall and was as lean as his Father: his hair was jet black and messy, but, as he brushed back his fringe, Harry grinned as he saw two ice-blue eyes staring back at him, the pupil of each eye like a long dark tunnel. As Harry watched, he saw his Gryffindor robes change to a new set of black robes with silver round the hem and there, on his crest, was a long emerald green serpent coiling its way through a letter R, a crown of spiked thorns atop the R. Underneath the letter was a latin inscription that Harry couldn't make out until he removed his glasses and focused on the words:
Obscurum est nostrum Socius
"Our family motto," explained Tom, standing next to his son, who now stood up to his shoulder, "Darkness is our ally."
"I feel better," smiled Harry, "And now, it's time to start towards that which I need to do."
"And what's that?" asked Tom.
Harry turned before he raised his hand and looked out over the group of Death Eaters; when he spoke, it was with a true malice that made every Death Eater realise that Harry was now and forever their Young Master:
"Make Albus Dumbledore pay for what he did to us…with his life!"
Chapter 2 and Harry is reborn as Harry James Salazar Rasputin Riddle, but what will happen now that the world believes their saviour dead?
Also, can Dumbledore's manipulations be stopped or will Harry have to kill his own ex-friends?
Keep Reading to Find Out…
In the Next Chapter: New Powers; Enemies Become Allies; Familiars; Punishments;
Following that: Revenge; The Order and a Surprise for Harry:
Please Read and Review…
Glamorie Reversi: Undoes any effects of glamour charms or Polyjuice effects on a body, considered a Dark Spell;
Conscius Enervate: Removes any and all barriers that would be placed around a magical item; can also be used to release the magical power within a witch or wizard;
Spiri-Retrorsum: Undoes any physical damage to a body leaving the skin clean and unharmed; can be used to undo any mental damage or feelings of exile/isolation.