So today was the day Samuel was going to take me to meet his family. Obviously I was a little nervous, but nothing major. After I took a shower I dried and straightened my naturally curly black hair. Twenty minutes and ten outfits later I finally decided what to wear. I settled for light wash torn skinny jeans and a navy blue high wasted flowy top.

I walked downstairs after slipping on my black flats and grabbing my Dooney&Bourke purse. Samuel was sitting in the living room talking to Mercy and Jesse. I had this weird feeling that they were talking about me because when I walked in Jesse looked like she just got caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

"Hey…" I said while giving them all a weird look.

I got murmured, "hi's" from my sister and Mercy and an enthusiastic "Hello Lacey" and a huge smile from Samuel.

"Are you ready to go?" Sam asked as he rose from his spot on the couch.

"Um, yeah" I said as he walked over to me and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. He started tugging my hand to get me to follow him to his car but I didn't move. "One sec, you go ahead I need to talk to Mercy real quick."

He looked disappointed as he said, "Fine."

As he walked out I yelled, "And no eavesdropping!" I heard him snicker outside.

I knew he was going to listen so I blasted the music so he couldn't hear us as well.

I hopped next to Mercy on the couch and smiled. "So, um, what's up?"

"Lacey you obviously wanna ask me something, so go ahead." Mercy said after sensing my true intentions.

" I was just wondering…is it weird for you that I'm dating Samuel? 'Cause I know you were really serious with him before, and technically I'm going to be your daughter soon…" Mercy and Dad had just gotten engaged a few weeks ago.

Mercy laughed, "Oh Lacey, its perfectly fine with me! Samuel and me are past that, he's one of my best friends now…and if you couldn't tell from Jesses face, we were talking about you when you walked in, Samuel seems to already be in love with you. And I think you two are perfect for each other."

She smiled and gave me a hug and then whispered in my ear, "He did say he thought you were going to be a lot to handle though." We both laughed at that.

"Ah, so I made that impression already?"

As I walked outside Samuel was smirking and leaning against his car. "Congratulations, you successfully succeeded in blocking me out." He smirked as I neared.

"Good." I said, as he grabbed my waist, well more like my butt, and pulled me into him. In an instant his face was buried in my neck and he was nibbling my skin.

I giggled, "Hands off the merchandise Sammy!"

I could feel his lips turn into a smile against my neck from what I said but then turned into a frown when I pulled his hands off of my ass.

As I pulled away from him I could tell his eyes were a few shades lighter, an obvious sign that his wolf was near the surface. I frowned at him, and he tried to pull me back to him and gave a soft growl when I didn't comply.

"Not now, we have to get going Sam." I gave him a quick kiss that so obviously made him happy as I walked past him and into the passenger's seat of the car. He walked to the driver's side and turned towards me after sitting down, his eyes back to their natural dazzling blue color again.

"Sorry about that." He said and frowned.

"Hey, don't worry about it. Its nice to know I'm wanted by both sides of you." I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder as we started the long drove to Aspen Creek.


After about a three-hour ride Samuel pulled around a corner and past a blue house that wasn't small but wasn't a mansion. It was nice from what I could see through the windows, but a total guys house.

"That's my house." Samuel said breaking me out of my trance. "Do you like it?"

"Yeah its nice." Samuel smirked and whispered under his breath "Good."

"My Da's house is about 10 minutes away. Anna and Charles will be there, plus Leah…" He trailed off. " When you meet her, just ignore anything she says. She can be kind of…"

"Bitchy." I finished for him.

He laughed, "Yeah, pretty much."

"So, anything else I should know?" I asked Samuel.

"No not really, I think you'll like them."

"Yeah, but will they like me?" I mumbled.

"Lacey are you crazy! Who wouldn't like you?" He asked astonished.

"To the first question, yes. To the second, a lot of people."

Samuel practically stopped the car and looked at me with extreme disbelief in his eyes.

"What? Not everyone's a love sick puppy like you!" I glared at him.

"Puppy? No. In love? Yes." He smiled at me. "But you just seem so loveable-"

I cut him off. "Ohmygod! Can you just drive!"

He growled at me. "Go!" I yelled.

He grumbled something I couldn't quite hear then sped through another couple of streets.


When we walked up the steps Samuel had his arm wrapped around my waist. He kissed me on the cheek to reassure me then opened the door.

We walked down a hall and could hear chatter in the room to my right. Samuel led me inside the room where four people sat. One on an armchair, whom I assumed to be Bran. And then another man on the couch with a curly haired brunette snuggled up against him. And then a woman who was a gorgeous blonde laying down on another couch completely engrossed in watching some movie on TV.

'Hi everyone. This is Lacey." Samuel said in general.

"Hi." I smiled sweetly.

Bran rose from his seat and looked over to his son and me, seeing the picture of a happy couple. He smiled at us. "Nice to meet you Lacey" And gave a nod to his son in greeting. "I'm Bran and those two over there are Anna and Charles, and that's Leah over there."

"Hey." I said to everyone.

The girl on the couch, Sam's sister-in0law bounced over to me and gave me a huge hug. "Welcome to the family Lacey!" She said cheerfully.

"Thanks" I said as she smiled and bounced back to her husband. "Yes, welcome" Charles said.

And then Samuel squeezed me into him and kissed my head. And then Leah started talking.

"I really hope I don't hate you. It would be nice to have a normal person around here." I could tell everyone was glaring at her.

"What!" She said.

"I hope I don't hate you either." I said sarcastically.


After being at Bran's place all day Samuel and I left. To everyone's surprise Leah and I got along great. I actually think we could end up being really close friends. And Bran is such a sweet guy, no wonder Samuels such a gentleman. Charles is nice and Anna kind of reminds me of my sister.

When I sat down in the car, well more like collapsed in the seat, I sighed.

'Ohmygosh! I'm so tired!"

When Samuel got in the car he said, "I told you it would go well." He leaned over and kissed me. "And we were all quite surprised Leah actually liked you. That's one person in the world she doesn't hate."

"This is kinda weird, but she reminds me of me when I was in high school."

Samuel stared at me with wide eyes.


"No way." He said in utter disbelief.

"Yes! Well just the whole sarcasm thing and I can be an extreme bitch if someone annoys me."

"Okay, you keep thinking that."

As we drove down the street I yawned about twenty times.

"Lacey? Do you want to just stay at my place tonight? You're exhausted.

"Well aren't you just a little player?" I laughed at him and he looked sad. "Yes, of course I would love to stay with you Sammy." I smiled, "No funny business though."

"Of course, but you will be sleeping in my bed curled up in my arms. I love the feel of you in my arms." That statement was both commanding and adorable.

"Okay. But my Dads gonna kill you tomorrow though." I laughed.

"He can't kill me. He knows he can't. Besides soon you'll be in my arms every night." He smiled at me as he pulled into his drive way.

He got out of the car in a flash, opened my door and scooped me up into his arms. I giggled as he started kissing me everywhere. The next thing I knew I was thrown onto a bed and was ravished all night until we fell asleep in each other's arms.

My eyes fluttered open only to see the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen. I got really confused for a moment, thinking I was dreaming until arms tightened around my naked waist. I looked around to realize I wasn't in my room.

"Good morning sweetheart." Samuel said as he smiled at me. I smiled back and kissed him on the lips. "Morning Sammy." I whispered softly in his ear.

After we ate breakfast we drove back to my house. The first thing I saw was my dad pacing in the living room while his most trusted members of the pack were sitting on the sectional sneaking worried glance towards their alpha.