Hello,readers. This is the Fabulous story "Deception" By Melori continued by me. :)

Buttercup sighed and looked around for what felt like the hundredth time. She and Rose had agreed to meet up at the local roller rink at 7:00 p.m. It was now 8:45. Great she'd been stood up. After finally deciding that she would be better off at home. Buttercup got up and was about to leave when Bubbles and Blossom came bursting in. Both looking very sad and betrayed.

"Buttercup you've got to see this." Bubbles panted out. She and Blossom quickly dragged Buttercup out of the Roller rink and towards home. The minute they entered their home Blossom and Bubbles Flung Buttercup on the couch and turned the TV on to the news channel.

" Well, Katie. It seems we have some superheroes gone bad here in townsville." The male anchor ,Jim, stated, " There was streak of mass robberies at the downtown mall. Eye witness say that the thieves left behind blue,green, and pink streaks in the sky. Sound familiar?"

"Why yes,Jim, it does." The female anchor, Katie,answered. " Local authorities are performing and investigation on our 'so called heroes' the PowerPuffGirls. What did we do to make them so angry?" Katy kept talking but Buttercup zoned out. They thought she and her sisters were behind this. They were being framed. The front door burst opened and the RowdyRuffBoys marched in.

"Did you see the news?" Brick asked making his way towards Blossom.

"Yes, you don't believe them do you?" Blossom asked now worried that her boyfriend would turn on her.

"Of course not. You and I were at the library together, remember?" Brick gave Blossom a reassuring hug.

"And me and Bubbles were out on a date." Boomer said making Bubbles blush.

"Who would want to do this to you?" Brick asked. Blossom thought for a minute.

"Besides all the villains we fight. No one." Blossom concluded. At those words a memory came bubbling to the top of Buttercup's thoughts.

Rose chuckled. "That's Brute to you." She punched Buttercup in the head and everything went black.

"Buttercup! Buttercup!" Butch shook her gently back into reality.

"I-I have to go." Buttercup stammered out quickly before running out of the house taking her motorcycle keys with her. She could here Butch chasing after her but she didn't stop...

Blossom watched her sister run out of the house with her Butch chasing after her and she furrowed her brow in confusion. She had seen that look on Buttercup's face.

Does she know who might be behind this?

Blossom mentally kicked herself for that thought. Buttercup would never keep something that big away from her. Would she? Blossom started chewing on her lip before she realized everyone was staring at her.

"Come on Brick." She said leading Brick up the stairs to her bedroom where she would tell him what she thought was going on. She didn't want to scare the others. As soon as she slammed her bedroom door shut she turned to Brick.

"I think Buttercup knows what's going on."

Bubbles winced as her older sister slammed the door shut. They had just defeated Him. Everything was going so well. How could things go from bad to good to bad again? And Townsville thought they were behind all of this. After so many years of protecting them too. Bubbles eyes watered. She shut them tight to keep the tears from escaping.

"Bubbles.." She heard Boomer's soothing tone and felt his arms wrap around her. "It's okay to cry. They shouldn't think you would do something bad." At those words Bubbles let herself cry and she buried her head in Boomer's chest. Boomer just stroked her hair and mumbled soothing words into her ear. Bubbles let herself think and reminisce on what had just happened. Townsvile, Robberies, being framed, and buttercup running out of the house so suddenly.

What is going on?

Buttercup cut the engine of her motorcycle and looked around. She was a little out of Townsville, but there were still a few houses around her. She sighed heavily. Butch had stopped following her about 10 minutes ago.

'Guess he got the message.' Buttercup thought bitterly. She looked around once more and spotted green,blue,and pink streaks in the sky headed towards a house a little farther away. The streaks were too light to belong to her and her sisters but too dark to belong to the Ruffs. They passed her not even noticing her. Buttercup turned the key and her engine roared to life.

'This time, they're not gonna get away.' Buttercup thought as she followed them.

I know this is short but I wanted to get it out there. R&R! Thanks again Melori!