Alice gets a vision of Jasper and Emmett with two other females vampires, and she and Rosalie run away. Five years later Jazz and Em come across the vampires, but they drink human blood.
{A.N: This is a collaboration with Mrs. Jace Lightwood. Be gentle but not too gentle with us as it's our first story. Don't flame us but please do tell us how to improve, or even what you may want to see in the story. Thank you. :) Here's the first chapter. Tell us how you feel. - Haley and Abby}
Alice's POV-
I can't believe it! This can't happen, can it? Maybe I should tell Rosalie. But what if it's not how it looks. I mean they were just all on the couch. I can't possibly risk Rosalie killing Emmett because she believes he's is cheating on her.
That's it, I have to tell her. How would I keep this a secret? Jasper would know something's up when I walk through the door.
"Rosalie! Come here!" I call.
"What do you want now Alice? I was about to catch the deer, when you scared 'em off."
I hesitated. "Rose..."
"Alice whats wrong? Did you see something? Is Nessie alright?"
"Nessie's fine. But... Well, I saw Jasper and Emmett, and they were with these vampires. Female vampires. They weren't doing anything inappropriate but I'm getting a weird feeling about it."
"Where were they?" Rosalie says, with clearly anger in her voice. Oh no she is going to kill Emmett.
"Um.. Well they were all sitting on a couch in the living room. And like I said nothing inappropriate about it, but I had a feeling that something was going on. Like maybe they're cheating on us. Do you think Jazzy could do that to me?"
"I don't know about Jazz but Emmett would never cheat on me. He knows I would kill him." She pauses and considers it for a second. That's really all it takes for us. It's one of the things I love about being a vampire. The speed that my mind processes information. " Do you know when this is going to happen?"
"No, I don't. There's no way to tell. It could happen tomorrow, in a month, or even a year. I'm not sure."
"Well I'm leaving." Rosalie says abruptly.
"What! If we leave then of course this might happen. They could be just be visiting and Emmett will want to talk to them and then BAM they're in love. You can't possibly leave, besides what will I do without you. Emmett's not going to leave me alone because he'll know that I know why you left. How long are you going to leave anyways? I can only cover for so long."
"You won't need to cover for me, because we're both leaving. We're never coming back. If they can even consider another mate then they're not our soul mates."
"Are you stupid! Of course Jasper wouldn't replace me. We are soul mates. How about we leave for a month?"
"No. Like you said, it might not happen in a month. We have to leave forever."
"I'm sorry but I can't leave forever if I know Jasper and I are meant to be. How can you even doubt Emmett's love for you? You're both perfect for each other! We'll leave for a year, and let's see what happens. Besides I guess it'll be fun to go to Paris. Do some more shopping. And no, we are not leaving without leaving something behind. Don't even ask. I'll write a short and simple note telling them that we have to leave for awhile and not to come looking for us."
Dear Family,
Rosalie and I are leaving. Do not try to find us. I will know and we will keep running.
Good bye.
Alice and Rosalie