Luke's POV:
Silence filled the room as everyone stared at the three of us. I was frozen with shock and unsure of how to escape the embarrassing scene. I began to inch away slowly until Jenni began to stand up and confront me.
"Luke do you have anything to say for yourself?" She asked me in a disappointed tone. I just stared at her stupidly attempting to come up with a clever response, however I was not quick enough. The meathead jock stood up and started to charge at me once more.
"Not again…" I whispered under my breath. I dodged each punch he threw at me with ease. He was rather slow and his moves were very predictable. If there was one thing the academy didn't really need to teach me, it was dodging.
After about five minutes of punching the air with a furious rage he stopped and panted loudly. His eyes filled with hatred and he threw me a threatening death glare that was quickly interrupted by the sound of the cafeteria doors swinging open. All the heads in the room turned to see who burst through those doors and in came marching someone who looked super important and super pissed. I heard some people whisper 'principle' and 'expelled', but this was swiftly replaced with the screams of this important looking person.
"KIRA! OGINO! My office now!"
I looked around the room confused as to how this person knew my name and also wondered where this person's office even was. As I stood there wondering, I started to notice that all the eyes in the room were fixed on me and the baka who started this whole mess. My face flushed a dark red color and I briskly walked away unsure of where I was heading.
Third Person Narration:
Izuru was drowning in paperwork from the Captain Commander when he received a phone call. He peered over to see who was calling, but he did not recognize the number so he allowed it to ring until it went to voicemail. Then he noticed that this mysterious number had left a voicemail and he listened to it with curiosity clear in his expression. As he listened to the message curiosity turned into anger.
"You've gotta be kidding me!" He exclaimed as he threw his phone onto the table. He stood in the same spot upset with the whole situation and thought to himself.
What is Momo going to think when she hears this?! She'll never let the poor kid go back to the academy again...that is if they haven't expelled him already. Oh geez should I even bother telling her at all?
His thoughts were interrupted by the very person he was thinking about. Momo's name came up on his phone screen and he hesitated to answer it.
"Hello…?" He asked cautiously. He listened to his wife on the other line intently as she spoke of her strange experience at the grocery store and how she just passed out for no reason at all. He waited to see if she would mention anything of their son, but to his relief she did not and the phone call ended as quickly as it began. He let out a long shallow sigh as he prepared to head over to the academy to clean up the mess his son had made.
Once he made it there he saw his thin son staring up at him from a seat in a corner of the principal's office. He was sitting crouched in a way that made him appear quite small. The blond man marched right over to his son and was about to let out a well prepared speech but before he could get a word out the principal called out to them.
"Mr. Kira, we are ready for you and your...child.." Clearly the principal already established that he had an issue with Luke. Izuru shot dagger eyes at Luke and gestured for him to follow.
The office was dimly lit and musty, the only furniture in the room was a large desk, three chairs and two massive book shelves housing what appeared to be thousands of books. Behind the rather large desk was a thin, tall, dark haired ornery looking man who could only be none other than the principal.
"Pleased to make your acquaintance Mr. Kira. It is rather unfortunate that it had to be under these circumstances…" He trailed off as he slowly turned his head over to the delinquant. Luke shrank in his seat and attempted to make himself small enough to disappear.
"It's a pleasure to meet you too" Izuru began but trailed off unsure of the man's name.
"Mr. Nakamura." He completed the lieutenant's statement as he pointed to the plaque on his desk with his name written on it. Izuru looked down in embarrassment and tried to move past it quickly.
"I am sorry for the trouble my son has caused and I am certain he won't do it again." He said while side eyeing the boy to his right.
"Yes," The principal agreed. "He won't be doing anything of the sort again because I have made the executive decision to expel your son from this academy." He said in a snake like voice.
"Come again…?" Izuru retorted quickly. Luke was frozen in shock unsure he heard the snake man properly.
"Luke will be expelled from my academy at once." The cantankerous man repeated once more. Izuru was not willing to take this lying down.
"B-but why sir? He was more than likely provoked by someone else and this is only his first mark of bad behavior. Can't he have another chance to prove he's not a bad kid? He just got mixed up with the wrong people, that's all." The lieutenant word vomited all of this in one breath and stood up flailing his arms in the air like a mad man. Luke stood in his chair frozen staring at the spectacle.
"I'm afraid there is nothing I can do for you or your son Mr. Kira. Now if you please, I have more important matters to deal with than your delinquant of a son." The man said as he looked down and tended to the papers laying on his desk. The black haired man has acted as though the Kira's did not even exist and this fumed Izuru. He placed his hands right in front of the principal which prompted the pompous man to only move his eyes up to the infuriated man.
"Listen man I don't know what your problem is but my son is not a delinquant! He isn't a bad kind and he deserves another chance!" Izuru said in a stern tone not breaking eye contact with Mr. Nakamura for even a second. The principal sighed rather loudly and looked more annoyed than before. He stood up slowly until he was almost face to face with Izuru.
"Get out of my office." Mr. Nakamura said in the same monotone voice as he pointed to the door. At this point Izuru could tell he was getting nowhere and took his son by the arm and stormed out of the office cursing under his breath.
Later on that night Momo came home and noticed the house was dark. She wondered if anyone was home and began to investigate around the house. When she made it to her room she noticed Izuru sitting on their bed facing the wall with his hands in his face.
"Izuru?" She questioned as she began to come closer to her husband. His back was facing her and once her voice reached his ears his hands left his face immediately.
"Momo…" He said weakly and turned toward her.
"What's wrong?" She asked cautiously as she took a seat next to him on the bed. Izuru was hesitant to respond to the lingering question, but he knew he wouldn't be able to hide it from her for very long.
"Luke…" He started and took a deep breath before he completed the statement. "He-he got expelled...from the academy." He flinched after he let the sentence out waiting for his wife to turn ballistic, but he waited in vain. She just stood there next to him...frozen.
"W-what?" She asked shock washing over her face. Izuru didn't know how much more clear he could be with his previous statement, but he sat there thinking of other ways he could convey the same message to her.
"He can't go back to the academy." Izuru said bluntly.
"I know what it means Izuru." Momo replied coldly and got up to start walking away.
"Baby...where are you going?" He asked sounding defeated as his wife left the room. She did not reply but instead headed for their son's room. She knocked first and waited for an answer, but when she did not receive one she walked in.
"Honey?" She asked sweetly as she scanned the dark room. She spotted her son laying face down in his bed with his school clothes still on. He did not reply to her so she came in and sat at the foot of his bed.
"Darling what happened today?" The concerned mother asked. Luke did not answer her and maintained the same pose. Momo decided she would continue to try and get answers. "Your father told me you were expelled. Is that true?" She asked knowing full well what the answer was. Luke still did not answer her.
"Honey please talk to me." She begged, but there was no use in trying to get him to talk he was clearly not in the mood to converse.
"It's no use." Izuru stated as he leaned against the doorframe gazing upon the two. "He won't talk."
Momo glared at her husband and then looked back over to her son.
"Honey when you feel like talking I'll be here for you, okay?" She said not expecting him to reply. Then she got up and pushed past Izuru to get through the door. Izuru looked at her confused as to why she was upset with him. He closed their son's room door and went after his wife.
"Why are you mad at me?" Izuru asked with genuine curiosity. Momo ignored him as she went to the kitchen and began making dinner. "Momo?" He asked as he followed her around the kitchen. She did not answer him.
"Momo!" He said in a stern voice and closed the refrigerator door which she had just opened. She breathed deeply before she began to tell him off.
"Why do you think I'm upset?" She scowled at him, her eyes filled with rage. Izuru looked at her stupidly unsure of why his wife would be upset with him. "Because you didn't tell me!" She shouted at him while throwing her arms in the air.
"What do you mean I 'didn't tell you'?" He asked in an outraged tone.
The two kept yelling back and forth at each other and to Luke's dismay he could hear every word through the hollow walls. He tried to drown them out by placing a pillow over his ears, but they were in a full blown yelling match and nothing he tried could stop him from hearing the two.
"This is all my fault" He thought to himself. "Maybe mom and dad's lives would be better if I just disappeared. They're out there talking about how they wish they never's all because of me…"
Luke looked out of his window at the rain and sighed. He didn't know how he could possibly achieve the task of disappearing. He contemplated running away or finding a new family. Even if those were plausible he didn't know how to even begin going about this mission. All he knew was that he needed to be away from here to make everyone's lives better.
"That's the morning I'll away. Early in the morning so no one will be awake to stop me. It'll make everyone happy again. Mom and dad can go back to being in love and enjoying their lives together again without the nuisance of me." The boy thought to himself.
That morning the boy did as he planned. He gathered the things he deemed valuable and headed off outside of the seireitei He was unsure of where he was going, he just knew he needed to be far away. He entered an area called the "Rukon District" and saw so many souls walking around looking lost. Most of these souls were dressed in raggedy looking clothing which kind of made him stand out and one other man. Luke peered over to the man with a white and green striped hat and green clothes with what appeared to be the shinigami robes. Luke was unsure of whether or not this man was one so he kept his distance. The man appeared non threatening as he was wearing clunky shoes and holding a fan.
Luke stared at the man from afar attempting be nosy and see what he was there for, but the man quickly disappeared into one of the shops nearby.
"Dang it!" Luke thought to himself. "Maybe I can get a closer look if I peek through the window…"
He crawled over to the shop he thought he saw the man go in and peeked up through the window. He could faintly make out some of the words the blond man in the funny outfit was saying.
"Ichigo...portal...Karakura town...human world…"
This is all the anxious boy could hear of the conversation being had inside. He knew the funny looking man was in there, however he was curious as to who he was speaking to. He tried to get another peek inside but this time he was caught…
"Uh oh!" He thought to himself as his eyes grew wide. The funny looking man was face to face with the boy and the man just smiled.
"Hello there little mouse." The man greeted Luke as he picked him up by the collar on his shirt. "Are you lost?"
Luke gulped and attempted to answer, but his nerves forbade a word to escape his tongue. The strange man began to roar with laughter and put Luke down in front of him.
"Where are you from kid? You look like you came from the seireitei." The man said thoughtfully putting his fan to his face as if he were thinking. Luke couldn't believe he was caught that quickly. Was it that obvious he didn't belong here?
Then suddenly a large man with a mustache and glasses came out from the shadows and began talking at Luke sternly.
"What's wrong with you boy?" He boomed as he got closer to the frightened boy. "The man asked you a question!"
Luke was paralyzed with fear and the funny looking man could tell.
"It's alright Tessai. You'd better back up before you scare the piss out of this one." The man with the striped hat said while gesturing to the terrified looking boy. The larger man with the mustache and glasses shook his head at Luke and began to walk away.
"Hey kid it's alright Tessai is just a little rough around the edges when you first meet him, but after that he's a big softie ...uh kid? What's wrong kid?" The funny looking man noticed Luke's face gleaming with tears. "Was it something I said?" He asked while tilting his head to the side.
"I-I.." Luke attempted to choke out words, but this just made him cry harder. The man was unsure of what to do at this point so he just patted the crying boy's head.
"There there…?" He said in a confused tone while still patting the boy's head.
After a few minutes Luke began to pull himself together and the man noticed so he stopped patting his head.
"How about we start with something easy? Huh? How about your you have one of those?" The man asked him slowly and carefully as if he was trying not to upset him anymore. The boy nodded in response and wiped his nose.
"It's name is Luke." He croaked still sounding very nervous. The man smiled at him warmly and replied.
"Good. My name is Kisuke Urahara. Nice to meet you." He said as he patted the anxious boy on the back. "Well this was fun and all Luke, but I have some important things I have to attend to." Kisuke said as he stepped away from the boy. "Tessai!" He shouted and then quickly the large man with glasses and a mustache came running in. "We'll be going now." He said to the man and the man nodded in agreement.
There was a large flash of light and suddenly it looked as though there was a tear beginning to form right in the center of the room. Luke couldn't believe his eyes! He had never seen anything like this before and frankly it was very cool and very scary. The tear kept growing larger until it almost took up a door like appearance and inside the tear it appeared to be pitch black.
"Don't follow us, ok kid?" Kisuke said as he stepped into the black abyss with his companion. Luke did not even know how to respond. Follow them? Where? Was this a portal of some sort?
"This is the perfect opportunity to disappear!" Luke thought to himself. He looked at the portal contemplating whether or not he should go in, but not too long after he began his contemplating the portal was starting to decide for him. It began to close slowly and he knew he had to make a decision quickly. So he did.
"Ouch!" The boy exclaimed as he hit a hard surface. He rubbed his head and began to scan his surroundings. "Where am I…?" He mumbled to himself.
"Karakura Town." A familiar voice answered.