Author's note: Well hellos again! I know the first chapter was kind of boring, but don't worry (I hope) this chapter will be better lol. Well this chapter is mainly on Luke, and his experience on his first day of school, so it's going to be in his perspective. I hope you like it :))

"RiNg!" My alarm clock rang.

I slowly opened my eyes and felt my night stand, to search for the ringing nuisance.

I felt the cold metal button, that read 'off' and jamed my hand down on it. Then I curled my hands into little balls, and started to rub the sleep from my eyes. When I had finished, I looked out of my window and saw that it was daylight. My head scrambled to figure out what day it was. Then it struck me like a lightning bolt.

I pushed my blanket off of me and ran for my parents bedroom.

When I had gotten in front of their door, I knocked immpatiently.

No one answered.

With no answer and my excitement building so that it';s to much to hold, I just barged in and jumped on mom and dad.

Dad flinched, and asked in a stupid voice,

"What's going on?"


With my loud yelling mom woke up, and smiled at me.

"Luke honey, are you sure you don't want to wait another year, two years maybe?" She asked her voice soft, but her eyes pleading.

I pouted.

"No mom! I finally get to go to real school and now you want me to wait." I said with little consideration.

Mom looked at me still with those pleading, but I would even consider it an option.

I crossed my arms like a little kid, puffed my cheeks, and looked away from her.

"Come on honey. Let the boy experiance life." Dad said with a pleading smile.

Mom looked down at her hands, then back at me.

"Oh fine." She surrendered.

I looked at her, then at my dad, who had his thumbs up. Then I jumped on both of them. I embraced my parents with all my strength.

"But, if you get into any trouble. Your father and I will home school you. Okay?" Mom asked.

"Okay." I said my voice burried in the hug.

"Now go get ready champ." Dad laughed.

"Okay!" I said excitedly, then let go of my parents.

I quickly ran out of their room, and into mine.

Hmmm, what should I wear?

I thought while looking in my closet for options. I dug deep in my closet, but came up short.

Then a sense of realization came to my face.

Oh yeah! I forgot we had uniforms. Weird, I wonder where it went.

And like my mom telipathically read my mind, she came in with my uniform.

She smiled and handed it to me.

"I was just washing it, cause you don't want to have a dirty uniform on the fist day." She said in a sad trying to be happy tone.

I looked at her sympathetically.

"Thanks mom. But you do know it's never been worn, so there was really no point in washing it." I said with a cheesey smile.

Mom looked at the ground and kicked her foot, as if she was kicking dirt. Then she looked back at me and smiled weakly.

"Oh I know, it's just I wanted to make sure it was cleaned befor you put it on." She said sheepishly.

I smiled and signeled for her to get out, cause I wasn't going to be late on my first day.

She just smiled her weak smile again and closed the door slowly. I just waved as she closed it. When she had finally closed it, I put my back against the door and thankd God she was gone. I wiped the cold sweat from my forehead and started to get ready.


When my parents and I got to school, it was crowded and didn't want anyone to see me with them. Cause that would just be emberrasing. I mean, who's parents walk them to school on the first day? It's like murder to your rep (reputation)! I knew dad would understand that concept, cause dad's sort of cool, but mom! No! She'd never understand! She'd probably make a huge scene if I didn't give her a hug or kiss goodbye. I can't have that. Not on my first day! I have to do something.

So when I got to the door, it was the momment of truth...

"Bye Luke." Mom said, then she walked away with dad. That's it? No, 'Oh honey, I love you. Have a good day. Be safe. Don't talk to strangers. Come straight home.' and all that other crap.

Yes! Finally, my mother was realizing I'm a mature adult. Maybe she'll let me have a girlfriend. I bet you there are a million girls who want me. Choosing one might be hard-

Wait! Why's she coming back? Oh no! Hide, run, do something other than just standing here.

"Honey, you forgot your lunch. Have a great day, be safe, don't talk to strangers, come straight home. And I love you!" She said all in one breath. Oh no, she's going in for the kiss. If I run away, she'll cry and make a scene and everyone will wonder who's crybaby mom is that. But if I stay and let her everyone will make fun of me, and never let me live it down. I have to do what's best for my rep.

But as I was trying to turn and run, I crashed into the hard abdomen of my dad.

Oh no! What's dad going to think? Is he going to think that I hate him and mom? Is he going to be mad?

Suddenly I felt the sticky wet lips of my mother on my soft, pale cheeks. I grimaced and hoped that no one had seen. Unfortunately for me everyone had seen.

When mom and dad left, these two stupid boys came up to me and made kissy faces at me. I glared at them and hoped that would scare them away. It didn't, it just made them laugh at me even louder. So I stomped away, flushed with anger.

Some first day. My mom is tottaly ruining my life! I mean I just entered the school and I'm being made fun of already! Huh! I've gotta get a popular girl to like me or my rep's trashed and I'll have to sit with the losers!

I thought while looking over at the losers. I shuddered, from the thought of me over there with them.

"Not going to happen." I mumbled under my breath.

I looked away from the losers group and to the popular group.

Wow their all so beautiful. I can't wait to be with them.

I thought while staring at them. Then one of them started to walk towards me. She was, of course, beautiful like the rest of her group, but she was short. She had shoulder lenght light brown hair, with blond highlights and it was let down. She was very slim and pale,and her make-up was so perfect. She had pink thin lips. She cut the uniform so that it would be shorts, and a tank top. She had beautiful light brown eyes that glistened in the light.

She smiled at me exposing her straight, white teeth.

I thought to myself,

Wow, she really is perfect. And she's coming to me!

She opened her arms out as if she was going in for a hug, and I had no problem giving her one...if it was for me...

I opened up my arms as wide as they could go, but when she was with in arms reach, she hugd the boy next to me.

I looked like a fool...

All of the popular kids saw my mistake and they didn't try to hide it. They all busted out in laughter when the beautiful girl hugged someone else and I just stood there with my arms out looking stupider than ever.

The beautiful girl looked confused and then she looked at me. My face was flushed with embarrassment and I could just die right then. The perfect girl wasn't laughing, she just stood there and stared at me.

Then one of the popular boys came up to me and the perfect girl. He put his arm around her and laughed at me.

"What's so funny?" The perfect girl asked, in her perfect voice.

"This kid thought you were going to give him a hug. Hahahaha! What an idiot! Hahaha!" He laughed.

All their laughter started to blend and I couldn't take it anymore, I had to walk away before I beat someone up.

So I started to walk away, slowly drowning in my embarrassment.


It was the end of second period and I just wanted to go home, maybe mom was right. Maybe I'm just not ready for big kid school.

I dragged my feet to my locker and started to unlock it, then I saw a popular girl was right next to me. My eyes widened and there was a lump in my throat.

Now's my chance! Ask her out!

"H-Hi..." I said in a stupid voice and I mentally kicked myself.

She gave me a dirty look and went back to what she was doing.

"M-my name's Luke." I put my hand out in front of her face and she looked disgusted.

"Ew!" She yelped.

I took my hand back and looked at it to see what was wrong with it. Then I looked back at her and...

It was black...

All I could feel was pain, but I don't know why.

Then my eyes started to obye me and I could see again. I saw blood on my hand, but I don't know why. I looked up and saw that popular boy, who put his arm around the perfect girl. But this wasn't the perfect girl. Why did he punch me?

"Don't ever talk to my girlfriend. Got it small frie?" He asked in a stern tone.

I was shooken and all I could do was nod my head and look scared. I was about to cry, but couldn't cause I knew that he would make fun of me even more.

Suddenly the bell rang and the girl and guy walked away laughing at me.

I felt horriable.

There's no way I'm ever doing this again. School stinks and I'm done with it.


Author's note: As you know it's in Luke's perspective and he's a really tiny kid, so he gets pushed around easily. If you feel bad for Luke I'm sorry, but I'll have to toarcher him a little bit more til I get to the main issues. Well these kinda are the main issues lol. Anywaysss I hope you like it, it might seem a little boring, but believe me you it'll get more interesting. Oh and one more thing, sorry it's taking me long to post school and all, but it's a three day weekend so I should get some stuff done but I'll mostly be posting on weekends. Byessssss :DD