I woke up screaming! My parents heard because my dad was sitting here holding me while I sobbed into his shoulder. My mom was rubbing my arm soothingly. I dreamed about that awful night. I didn't feel like re-living my past right now, so I got up and headed towards the bathroom. I took a very long shower and only got out because the water ran cold. I wrapped myself up in a big, fluffy towel and walked towards my closet. Today my dad and I were going to a hockey game (sorry I had to change the place) with Dylan, so I needed to dress warm. I picked out an Abercrombie, white and grey stripped hoodie, some dark wash skinny jeans, and grey converse. After I got dressed I dried my hair and decided to put on a grey hat.

I walked downstairs to make breakfast and everyone was in the living room whispering.

"Nessie, when are you going to tell us about what happened?" Rose asked. I've only told my parents. I didn't feel comfortable telling anyone else and I still don't.

"I don't want to talk about that right now!" I said with a slightly aggressive tone. I don't mean to be rude; I just wish they knew I'd tell them when I was ready.

I walked into the kitchen and I could hear the whispering start again. I didn't have perfect vampire hearing so I couldn't make out much of what they were saying. I ignored it and got out the box of French toast sticks and maple syrup. Once I had enough toast sticks ready to eat I set the table. I blasted "Firework" by Katy Perry on the stereo and waited. Emmett and Alice came in and told me they would bring the kids down because the kids were now bouncing in their cribs.

One by one the kids came down the stairs and I helped them into their seats. I went and got everyone some milk and poured it into sippy cups. After everyone was served I got my own breakfast and sat at the table with the kids. They were always a bit groggy in the morning so there was never much conversation at the table. I just didn't want to talk to my aunts and uncles right now.

Austin hadn't eaten much when I got all the kids down. I hoped he wasn't sick because when one kid gets sick everyone gets sick. I felt his forehead and it was warm. I checked his temperature and he was running a fever of 100.5. I sighed and went to get the Motrin. After he took the medicine I asked him who he wanted to stay with him while I was away today. He said Rose, so I picked Austin up and headed to the living room.

The kids were on the couches watching T.V. I asked Rose If she could watch Austin and stay here with him. She agreed and I placed Austin in her lap. I ran upstairs to get everyone's clothes. We were running a little behind because I was tending to Austin.

I dressed the girls in various white and blue clothes. They all had the same jacket in various colors and different hats. The two boys just wore a t-shirt and jeans, they also had similar coats. Dylan was wearing a Chicago Blackhawks t-shirt, sweatshirt, and hat. Ever since he found out that his grandpa was from Chicago he has been obsessed with every team imaginable there. I put everyone's shoes on black ballet flats with flowers on them for the girls and black air walk shoes for Zack and Cody. Dylan was wearing regular tennis shoes.

After everyone had left except for Dylan, Austin, Rose, and my dad, I put on my grey fuzzy jacket and went to check on Austin before I left. He was on the couch sleeping with Rose watching him at his feet. I kissed Austin, thanked Rose, and headed to the Volvo. My dad already had Dylan in his seat, so as soon as I got in he took off. We had a long drive because we were actually driving to Chicago. It didn't take as long as I excepted, what with my dad's maniac driving and jamming to music. The stadium wasn't that packed yet since we had an hour before the game started. I got Dylan out of the car seat, took his hand, and started walking. The place was actually really cool on the inside! (Bare with me I'm making all this up lol ). It was almost time for lunch, so we walked to the chick-fa-la and got some food.

"Hello, welcome to Chick-fa-la how may I help you?" asked this weird looking blond haired, blue eyed guy. My dad had stiffened beside me and the guy at the counter finally looked at my dad because no one had said anything.

"Edward Cullen? Is that you?" the guy asked. I was pretty sure my dad hated this dweeb.

"Uh….Yeah Hi?" my dad looked uncomfortable. I decided to interrupt on my dad's behalf.

"I would like a four piece chicken nugget meal with a sprite and a number one with a coke." I said

"Would that be all?" the guy asked me

"Yup" I said and I walked to the other side of the counter to wait for the food. My dad had gone to find us a table. After about five minutes the weird guy put a tray in front of me. He had a mad expression on his face.

"What the crap is wrong with you?" I asked

"Is your mom Isabella Swan?" he said. Oh, so I know why dad hated this guy he liked my mom. If my dad didn't like him I didn't either.

"No!" I said and he looked so happy. I was disgusted.

"Her name is Bella Cullen!" I stated and walked off towing Dylan. My dad was laughing at me when I approached him. I placed the tray on the table ignoring him and helping Dylan into a chair. I gave him his chicken nuggets and fries.

"Mommy, can wu pease open da ketup fo me?" Dylan asked

"Of course sweetie" I grabbed some ketchup packets and dumped them on a napkin.

I got out my sandwich and put some mayonnaise onto it, highly aware that my dad was watching me. After a while of ignoring him I got fed up with it.

"Dad, who was that dude?" I asked him and he laughed

"Well, that was Mike Newton; he tried to steal your mom away from me in high school. He was just surprised to see me again. Apparently he got married to Jessica Stanley another girl from high school and she cheated on him. He has two kids Mackenzie and Zoey. They're around the octuplets ages." He explained and I nodded.

I looked back over at Mike and he was with two little girls now. Both of them had blond hair. The oldest one had green eyes and the youngest one had brown eyes. They were cute kids, but I swear if Dylan mated with one I would be pissed. Dylan was finished eating, so I picked up his mess and cleaned him up while my dad threw our trash away.

"Ladies and Gentlemen the game will be starting in ten minutes," a voice on the speaker said. I grabbed Dylan's hand and walked over to my dad. Mike was staring at me looking confused. I kind of knew what he was thinking, but I didn't let it show on my face. One of the little girls was pulling on Mike's hand.

"Daddy, can we go play with the boy over there we're bored and we don't want to sit here all day." The youngest one said

"Sorry, baby but you don't know those people." he said and the little girl frowned. I turned around and acted like I was talking to my dad. He caught on to what I was doing and played along. The little girl was walking over here and Mike was yelling for her to come back.

"Hi, I'm Mackenzie and I was wondering if me and my sister Zoey could play with you guys for a while. My daddy works all the time and we don't have any friends to play with because of it." For a little kid she has awesome grammar. By the time she was done talking Mike had walked over her and was saying something to her.

I looked at my dad and touched his arm. Over the years I learned that I can read my dad's thoughts if I tired because he had a similar gift to mine. I asked him if I could read Dylan's mind.

"She's really pretty! Grandpa can I play with them please, please ask mommy for me. She might get mad at me because Lexi told me that Mommy got upset when she was playing with Justin at Chucky Cheese." His thoughts said. Did I really get that upset that Lexi could tell? Ugh, as much as I don't want to do this I have to. I nodded at my dad and told him with my gift that he could invite her to play.

"Um, Mike I don't mind if they hang out with us I promise I'll look out for them." My dad said like a real gentleman, I rolled my eyes.

"Are you sure I don't want them to be a burden." Mike said kind of surprised.

"I'm sure," Dad said

"Well, ok" Mike said. Mackenzie was jumping up and down and Zoey was behind her dad smiling. Mike thanked us and walked back to Chick-fa-la. Poor guy has to work there and support two kids on his own.

"This is my sister Zoey and who are you guys?" Mackenzie asked us

"I'm Dylan and this is my…" he paused for a second and remembered what I had told all the kids about what the rules were when we go out in public.

"Sister Nessie and my Dad," Dylan finished. Mackenzie didn't notice his pause but I think Zoey did.

"So should we go find our seats?" I asked my dad. He nodded and grabbed Dylan's hand and started walking. Mackenzie grabbed Dylan's hand and followed, that left me and Zoey.

"I think she likes your…brother." She said and she said brother like she knew that wasn't true.

"I think so to, so why don't you tell me about yourself?" I asked her to distract myself. She beamed at me and started talking. I grabbed her hand when we were walking, so I wouldn't lose her. When we got to our seats she still hadn't stopped talking to me. I sat down and she sat right next to me. Dylan and Mackenzie were sitting next to each other and my dad was on the other side of them. The game started and Zoey fell quite. About half way through the game Dylan started yelling at people for making the wrong moves and Mackenzie was laughing at him. My dad was just as into the game as Dylan was.

"Nessie can I tell you something?" Zoey asked me.

"Sure you can" I said

"I know you're Dylan's mom!" She stated. I was stunned that a little girl could pick up faster on that than most adults.

"Are you crazy no I'm not." I fake laughed

"Don't lie to me because I know you are. You don't act like his sister you act like his mother. If you were his sister you would be picking on him and you haven't done that once. You talk to me also like you're my mom and normal older girls don't listen to me and talk I also know that man is his grandpa." She stated and her eyes started to water a little.

"Fine, he is mine, but you have to promise me you won't tell anyone not even your sister." I said, she smiled and nodded.

"Do you have anymore kids?" she asked me. I figured since she already knew I could tell her about the other ones.

"Yeah, I do there are seven other ones." She looked astonished

"Whoa, so cool what are their names?" she asked

"Well, there's Alexis, Ella, Chloe, Sophia, Cody, Zack, and of course Dylan." She smiled at me

"Can I meet them?" she asked me

"Of course you can I would love for you to." She smiled and we continued talking the whole game. When the game was over Dylan's team won so he was so excited. He ran to his grandpa and they started jumping up and down like retards and I started laughing.

All of us walked back over to the Chick-fa-la and Mackenzie said goodbye to Dylan and ran over to her dad but I held Zoey back.

"If you ever need someone to talk to in the future here's my number." I said and gave her a piece of paper. She smiled so wide I thought her cheeks would fall off and she flung herself at me.

"Thank you," she said and kissed my cheek

"Anytime." I replied and watched her skip off

When we got to the car it was already dark out. I put Dylan in his car seat and buckled him in.

"So, Dylan did you have fun?" I asked once I had gotten into the car.

"Yeah it was sooo much fun. I'll tell you more once we get home." I laughed at him and agreed. The whole ride back we listened to music.

When we got home Dylan bee lined it to the door. I'm pretty sure he was the most excited to get his jammies on and talk about his day. Once I walked in everyone was dressed and in a circle. All the kids had little cups of pretzels. I jogged upstairs and put my jammies on. I hurried back downstairs and saw that Austin wasn't there. My poor baby. I ran back upstairs and saw Austin hunched over throwing up into a bucket. I went across the hallway to get him a towel and wiped his mouth and forehead.

"Hey baby, how are you?" I whispered

"I don feel good mommy." He said and started crying. It broke my heart to see him like this. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him to my chest. He eventually stopped crying and asked if he could go downstairs too. I agreed and picked him up. We got downstairs and Dylan was sitting in my dad's lap. I smiled at him for letting me take care of his brother. Austin laid down on my lap.

"I had da bestest time. I wen to a hockey game wif mommy and gwanpa. While we were der(there) we met two girls and they stayed wif us the whole hockey game. There names were Mackenzie and Zoey. I fwecked(freaked) out wen da(the) back(black) hawks won. It was sooooooo exciting I had da best time!" he finished and everyone clapped.

After I put everyone, but Dylan to bed, kissed them goodnight, and checked on Austin it was getting late. I walked downstairs and saw that Dylan had picked out Cars to watch. I put it in the D.V.D. player and went to lie down on the couch. About halfway through the move Dylan fell asleep, so I gently picked him up and went upstairs.

Before I went to bed I checked on Austin. He was still up holding his stomach leaning over the bucket. I sighed and went to get him some medicine. After he took it I told him he could sleep in my room because I didn't want him waking anybody else up except me in the middle of the night.

I passed out in bed with Austin cuddled to my side. I hope Austin would be well enough tomorrow for his day.

Sorry it's late but please review!