This isn't Train's response, this is another letter written by my friend (Kymmiejayed99) and she asked me to post it with this story :D

Dear my Heartnet,

I think about you all the time. The way you carried me here… my life is boring, if you didn't take my Kotetsu I would not still be in here, behind these bars, and we would make our destiny be true. We need to destroy Chronos and the numbers, and we need to do it together! When I get out I will find you, whether it takes 2 or 20 years, I will find you again just to see you once more would make my life worthwhile again. Just once.

You can't avoid your destiny, Train, every night I dream of you and me ruling the world. My men are in hiding, waiting for me to return, but I will not return without you. Until return I want you to keep my Kotetsu, to help you with your travels, and protect you. I hope every time you use it you think about your destiny, think about me.

Yours forever,

P.S. You should start making plans about defeating Chronos without me, I will help you with whatever you plan…