BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! And your confused Fanfiction in Fanfiction inquiries make me smile =3 I had a random flamer have a go at me for mentioning Galex.

I love you guys, just sayin'

How To Annoy A Ray

1) Tell him that no one wants to sleep with him.

2) NO ONE!

3) Shave off his moustashe.

4) Actually, leave it on. I've just thought up of ways to torture him with it!

5) Plait it.

6) Put beads in it.

7) Dye it ginger.

8) Show Gene.

9) Show any woman that he actually manages to chat up.

10) Ok, now you can shave it off.

11) Tell him that you weren't sure if he actually had a top lip.

12) Tell him that you spread rumours about him and Alex to piss her off, followed by 'See? Nobody wants you!'

13) Pin a sign to his back saying 'Man Whore'

14) Ask him if he's got anything hidden in that great mass of curls on his head.

15) Tell him that perms aren't manly at all.

16) And that you overheard something about him and Viv.

17) Say your very happy for them.

18) So, turns out someone did want to sleep with him! =O

19) Tell Gene about them.

20) Hell, tell the whole station about them!

21) Say he'll have a load of fangirls chasing after him!

22) Insist that he looks like a porn star.

23) And no, that's not a good thing!

24) Remember when I told you