I don't own Band of Brothers or any of the amazing men who served in the military. The only things I own are Megan, Brian, and Jack

"That's it! I can't take it anymore!" I've had enough of the Alexandra College and just want out. "Madam Murray, is there any possible way that I can take my graduation exams early?"

"I suppose so Miss Kennedy. It is a bit irregular, but for one of our brightest students I'm sure we can make an exception."

"Thanks so much!"

Four days later, I am done with a grueling test load and am officially a graduate of Alexandra College, a ladies boarding school in Dublin. I've booked passage to New York on the Queen Mary and am on my way back home.

*flashback, 1935*

I'd just come back from fetching my mom some salad fixings at the market when the whole family jumped on me.

"Megan, you need to grow into a young lady, and that is certainly not happening here! Your father and I have decided that you will be leaving tomorrow for a boarding school in Dublin Ireland."

"But Mom, Dad, I don't want to go! I'm really happy here with y'all, Brian, and Jack! I'm only ten, why should I have to be the one to leave?

"Megan Brianna Kennedy! You will listen to your mother and I and follow our directions."

"Yes, sir. Brian, Jack, I guess I'll see you later before I leave." With that, I headed up to the second floor of our house just outside Atlanta to decide which things to bring with me to Ireland.

*present day, 1941*

I wake suddenly to a knock on my stateroom door. Opening the door, I find a steward.

"Good afternoon, miss. I'm making my rounds and I just wanted to pass on our standard warning at these times. Keep a set of clothes as well as your lifebelt nearby and accessible in here, just in case of a mishap with a Nazi submarine."

"Of course, thank you for letting me know." I sit down abruptly as the door closed. Suddenly, I realize just what was happening. Europe is at war, and I am now in the midst of it instead of safely tucked away at school. Sure, we read the papers and listen to the wireless, but it isn't the same until you are truly at risk.

As the ship enters New York harbor, I watch people hurry about the docks like they haven't a care in the world. Then it hit me: they don't. Never mind how much President Roosevelt tries to help Britain and France, most of the American public just wants to be alone and isolated.

The only problem with that? I'm not the normal American public. So, first thing I do after finding a room for a few nights is to head down to the hospital to find out how to volunteer for the Army Nurse Corps.

Five blocks and a heck of a lot of paperwork later, I am Lieutenant Megan Kennedy, Army Nurse.

Two days later I board a train for San Francisco followed by a ship to Hawaii. I am stationed in the tropical paradise of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.

I hope you enjoy this intro to my character of Megan. Please review and let me know what you think. I apologize, but it will be a cpl more chapters before we meet the guys of Easy, but I hope you can bear with me.