Fantasy. Quests. Magic. I used to think that those three words were only there to help little kids fall asleep at night. Now I know better. Fantasy is real, as real as the world you are probably in right now. My former world. Earth. My life was forever changed by a prophecy that was revealed over five hundred years ago. A destiny that forced me headfirst into a whirlwind of magic and danger. One that pitted me against the most perilous of circumstances. But, I soon found out. Not all fairy tales end well, and mine so far isn't. You may not believe me, but this is about as true as the truth can get. I was just a normal fourteen year old girl, one with the usual hopes and ambitions that came with entering high school. But like in stories and novels, the most ordinary is cast out, and given the most impossible, incredible jobs to do. But this is not just a story, nor a novel that an author just randomly made up. This is real. And I, Arielle Asriel, am the new protector. I was meant to save the world.