(A/N: Here I am for a chappie before finals! I can't believe school is here, so here is a little treat before my second semester. And by the way, OC acceptance is officially down to one because I actually want one more male intern, so submit before the next chapter! Two more people to got in, misty-the-fox103 and galeforcewinds12, and I have accepted their OC's, you will be seeing them in this chapter!)
The Test
I slowly made my way down the dark corridor, wondering what Rio was going to do, but whatever it was, I knew it wasn't going to be easy. I made it to the end of the tunnel and opened the door...to reveal that I was in the cube in the stadium!
"I knew it!" I huffed under my breath. Suddenly, I heard the other tunnel door open, and out came a Gecko Footed dragon. It was one of the less known species of the Vikings, with two large eyes and a sleek body; it basically looked like a gecko with wings and could stick to walls just like its smaller counterpart.
"Try to get it to jump through the rings on the far side of the stadium!" Rio's voice came over the P.A. system. The dragon was currently on the ceiling, looking down at me with its huge eyes with curiosity. I searched my pockets for something I could use to coax it down, but no luck. I knew from my dragon book that I had at home that the Gecko Foot was a very curious and playful dragon, so I decided to sit down and wait for it to come to me. The orange dragon kept staring at me, even though I wasn't staring back, I could feel its large eyes boring into the top of my head. After a few minutes, I heard some footsteps close behind me, and I turned around to meet its mouth going after my hair. The dragon closed its mouth, looking guilty for getting caught. I smiled and got up and ran towards the rings, hoping it would follow me. Looking back, I saw that I had made a critical error, Gecko Foot dragons, although they are mostly harmless, have a hard time accepting direction and need to feel like they are in control. This Gecko Foot seemed to catch onto what I had in mind, trying to get him to jump through the rings, and it seemed he had it in mind to get there before me. But seeing as I took off first I didn't allow myself to be led by him. In an instant he turned hostile, charging at me with unrelenting fury in his eyes. I ran, as fast as my legs could carry me, but it wasn't going to be enough.
"Security!" Rio's voice boomed. I kept running, not knowing when security would arrive. The dragon was so close I could feel his breath on my back. I closed my eyes and waited for him to pounce, but then it was gone. The sound of his footsteps, his warm breath, it was all gone. I felt the wind whipping my hair back, and saw that I was being held up by a girl who was swinging me back to the tunnel on a grappling line. We tumbled into the tunnel, the other girl landing on top of me, getting up quickly and shutting the door fast. I began to walk through the tunnel and finally ending up at the door with the girl right behind me. After we both had exited I held out my hand to her.
"Hey, thanks for saving me back there, I would have been lunch if you hadn't been there. My name is Tove, nice to meet you."
"Aspen." The girl, now identified as Aspen, replied as she pushed my hand away and began walking down the hallway to my left. "Come on, we haven't got all day." She urged me; I reluctantly followed, having no idea where she was taking me. The tall blue eyed, brown haired girl made a few turns and then arrived at a door and entered. Rio and the rest of the gang were there, it seemed to be some sort of control room.
"Whew! That was a close one, wasn't it?" James commented.
"Yeah! You were so close to being in that lizard's stomach!" Maggie said, obviously excited.
"Anyway, you did an OK job Tove, just remember that Gecko Foot dragons like to always be first." Rio reminded me. "But, now that Aspen is here, I can introduce you to our dragon control intern, she helps Jessie, the head of that department, to make sure none of our handlers get hurt."
"Well, she sure is good at her job; I'd like to get me one of those grappling guns she's got." Taz said while snacking on a bag of chips.
"Yeah, that would make getting around this huge place a lot easier." Flare agreed.
"They are for security personnel only, so you're not getting one." Aspen said coldly. "I'm going back to my station, you know who to call of another one of these greenhorns mess up." She finished, leaving promptly. I sighed, it looked like gaining her trust wasn't going to be as easy as meeting the other interns, and I really wanted to be her friend.
"She doesn't seem very amiable." I commented.
"Yeah! That was cold, she didn't even say hi to us!" Flare agreed.
"Guys, calm down, we don't know anything about her, so we can't assume anything, OK?" James said.
"OK." Everyone agreed.
"No more time for chitchat guys, we have more of you to test!" Rio said excitedly. "And that also means more hilarious tapes for movie night." He added under his breath so that the interns couldn't hear them, but I caught what he was saying. As everyone else went through the test, each got a different dragon to work with. And Maggie actually got her Gronkel to go through the hoops! We all cheered her on.
"Great jobs to all the interns! Looks like we have a great bunch this year!" A male voice came over the P.A. system.
"We sure do Daniel!" Rio responded. After Maggie joined us in the observation room, Rio led us up to another room just like it on the other side of the cube. When we entered, I saw that there was an older man of about 30 with a girl about our age. The man had dirty blonde hair and green eyes and a beard, while the girl had light blonde hair and ice blue eyes. "This is Daniel Shaw, guys, the head of the whole dragon department at the zoo, and considering that is what we're famous for, he always has a lot to do. Which brings me to ask why you are here today Daniel?"
"Well, I'm actually here to introduce you to a new member to the intern team; I'd like you to meet my niece, Azalea."
"Hi guys! We are going to have a great time working together." We all introduced ourselves and shook hands, but I kept wondering about that girl, and why signed up for this job if she didn't want to play nice with others. But I shook it off for another day. By this time it was about 12:00 so we all headed to lunch in the staff cafeteria. After that we were dismissed for the day.
"The real work can start tomorrow, get some good sleep!" Rio said as he sent us off to our various homes. As I made my way to my house on my bike, I could hardly wait to tell my parents the good news.
(A/N: well, there is chapter 6, hope u enjoyed it. I am really excited about the next chapter, we'll get some excitement!)