Here's chapter three! Please R&R! And I don't own the series!

Rachel's POV

They guy had stared at me. That wasn't weird, everyone had stopped to look as I screamed, fell, and seven girls came to huddle around me. But he looked… weird. And I could help my head from hurting when I thought about his face. I felt like it hurt… where I couldn't heal it, because I didn't know what it was.

I knew he and his friend were following us. And I did my best not to be seen. It was cold, and we all had similar jackets. I had offered to carry Nadia's bag – it seemed really heavy, but that wasn't the only reason I took it. The girl who fell had a small black purse that had fallen to her left when she fell – not a big, heavy bag. And the small black purse was now inside that bag. Of course, Nadia had offered to carry it, but I had a few things in that purse that might bring us questions – like a lipstick that was really a very intense acidic cream, a lip gloss that would make you pass out if it touched you, a phone that doubled as a rappelling cord, a pocket guide about London, that if you knew how to flip the pages to read the inside it would tell you everything about underground London (it had taken a lot of sweet-talk to the director of INTERPOL to get that), a pocket mirror that was really a fingerprint scanner and could also trigger an explosion of the aforementioned book, a mood ring that was hollow and filled with an antidote to 99% of common poisons, and well you get the point – none of my normal friends should come anywhere near this purse (oh and under the button, there was a pair of night-vision contacts, too).

So I just walked along, hoping that I could either (a) loose the guys or (b) loose the group. And loosing the group would be a lot easier, that much I had noticed. Because the two guys were trained well. Maybe they were there to protect me, but maybe not. And seeing the guy who had stared at me so intensely made me think not. So I made a plan to lose my friends: I'd fall in the hostel, hurt my ankle and stay behind. I'd take out all of the things in my purse and offer it to Debbie – she lost her bag somewhere. At least she didn't have anything important in it (but I'd take out the contacts anyway), and I'd spill something on Marie's jacket and then offer her mine. We had been told to wear our caps at all times, so the two guys would follow the group, and while I was taken to the hospital to X-Ray my ankle (after I sprained it).

It worked, and that night, when I went to bed with a promise that I could rest tomorrow if I wanted, I started day dreaming (night dreaming?).

I felt like my face was melting, I had gotten shot twice. But it didn't matter now, I had gotten the disk, and I knew that I had to keep it. One guy jumped at me, and I kicked him of the shelf. But the second guy got lucky, he pushed me off, but I managed to hold onto the disk. Then I tried to turn my momentum around, kick him, and I fell. Onto the guy I had knocked off before. Then I ran from him, and I tucked the disk away. Two of the guys seemed to work together, but I didn't know about that one. He seemed… detached. As if he was battling them too. So when one guy held a gun to my head, I pretended to be the last thing that I was… a normal, weak girl. I whimpered, and pointed at the guy that had just gotten up, hoping that he really didn't have anything to do with them. And the guy holding the gun ran towards him, while the other one mean to tie me up, but I slapped a Napotine Patch on his forehead, and he passed out, while the guy with the gun was being knocked out by the guy who shot me. I grabbed the disk, looked up, and started jumping from shelf row to shelf row. But he followed me. Then, I got to the wall. This is it, I thought. I fight him off, or die. But my vision was going blurry, and my head was hurting. Breathing was getting harder, and I knew that time was running out. I hadn't noticed until now. I braced myself, when something knocked over the shelf we were sitting on, sending us flying through the window. For a few seconds, we flew through the air, as time seemed to slow down. I held onto the disk as I saw his face. Then the world went black.

I gasped, knowing that I hadn't fallen asleep. It wasn't a dream. My mission had come back to me.

Okay, so i'm taking suggestions about what they should say to each other! So, write anything you want, constructive criticism is very welcome! Happy Reviewing!

Also, if you feel like it, check out my other story, The New Girl at Gallagher! :)