Hey people from every which way and what I hope you all enjoy and have something nice to say about this fanfiction, well here's to hoping. Warning: Cursing may occur frequently throughout the story if your offended by this I'll try to cut down but otherwise I can't fully stop because it is who my character is.

In-Between the Lines

Chapter 1 Cops and transferring

"Fuck you man! Like as if I even want to be here you motherfucking assholes!" I yelled at my foster parents when they told me I couldn't see Nick any more, it was some shit like 'He is bad news' and the classic 'We only want what's good for you' yeah whatever.

Crap, if they even gave half a shit my foster dad, David, wouldn't beat me as much. Oh yeah and my foster mom, Ana, wouldn't try to suddenly throw me down the stairs. Well I fought back one way or another, by either locking my bedroom door, sneaking out since they couldn't put bars on my windows because it was a fire hazard, or just throw a good punch to knock them into shock. I was eleven and a badass kid if I do say so myself, I knew I was a trouble maker but I could take care of myself after all I grew up in Detroit and was in the system.

"Damn it Lorena if you don't open this door I'll break it in." I heard David threaten as he came up the stairs and locked my door and was now climbing out my window.

"Go ahead do I sound like I give a damn!"I yelled before he broke down the door and I jumped down and rolled on to the ground to lessen the impact.

"Ana call the police!" I heard him shout before I was running down the block.

I ran down the street and over to where Nick stayed with his foster parents, Nick was a nice guy and two years older than me but was still nicer than the people who had the nerve to call themselves my parents.

As I made my way to his house I picked a stone up and carried it with me over to his window and threw it. I found another and threw it again and only then did his lazy ass get up to open the window.

"We got at least twenty before the cops come. Are you game?" I asked him.

"Hold tight." He told me as he disappeared for a moment and then showed with a jacket and jumped from the window.

"Down to the corner store or do you want to take a walk to Cal's house?" I asked as we started to walk.

"You pick." He told me as he took my hand and held it.

"I could use a good adrenaline rush, let's go to Cal's." I told him as we walked in the direction of our fifteen year old friend Cal's house to maybe jack a car or vandalize someone's property, shit I might as well live it up while I could.

"Yo Cal!" I yelled maybe waking his parents as well but it's not like they cared at all.

"What do ya'll want?" We heard Cal yell as he open his window already dressed and looked as if he was just about to sneak out anyways.

"Jack a car, spray paint, play chicken with a jacked car, or shop lifting your pick." Nick said giving Cal some choices.

"Jacking a car." Cal picked jumping down and then joined me and Nick on the sidewalk.

"I need to live it up David and Ana called the damn cops on my ass." I told Cal while wrapping my arm around Nick's waist.

"Shit then girl we need a drink and a jacked car." Cal suggested sticking his hands into his pockets.

"Jack Daniels sounds good right about now." Nick said leaning on me a little.

"Anything sounds good. I need one last night to remember so that when I shipped I got something to remember both of your crazy asses." I joked as we walked over to where we'd be hanging out tonight before the cops found us.

"Yo Lenny!" I heard Greg shout out in the group of people in the abandoned building we went to.

"Hey G." I said giving him a standard greeting with one of those guy hugs.

"What crazy shit we doin tonight?" Danny, a girl in our group, asked walking over and giving Cal a kiss.

"Anyone of ya'll got some Jack on them?" I asked snapping my fingers.

"Here drink yourself shitless." Greg said handing me a bottle that was a third full.

"We better hurry Lenny got the damn cops on her tail." Cal announced to the rest of the group.

"What the hell did you do now?" Zack, another one of our group members, asked.

"Nothin bug I just left but David saw me leave so naturally they called the cops again." I said shaking it off and walked with Nick and the rest to jack a car.

"What is this the fifth time or the seventh? I lost count." Danny asked hanging on Cal.

"I guess you could say it's my eighth time I think." I said counting the times they called the cops on me or I got caught.

Let's see David caught me with the Jack bottle, driving home with a car with a person who was under age, out for about three days with Nick and Danny and stay at a shitty motel because of the beats I got, jacking a car and getting caught by the cops, jacking a car and getting caught by Ana and David because it was their car, punching David in the face and busting his lip, punching Ana and almost breaking her nose, getting in a fight with a sixteen year old in this year and busting her lip along with actually breaking her nose and hitting her head repeatedly into the floor because she pushed and punched me and missed, and last but not least I shoplifted around ten to twelve dollars of stuff from the corner store with Danny. Huh, I guess that's nine well not counting the cramp I didn't ever get caught doing like stealing about a hundred bucks from Ana.

"To Lenny the best damn rebel we're ever going to have the pleasure of meeting." Nick said stealing the bottle of Jack I was getting to take my third sip on and toasting it then pasting it around to sip.

"Damn Nick is using big words." Zack joked earning a punch in the arm.

"Let's jack that one." Cal suggested as he saw a sort of beat up truck near an old run down yellow house.

"I'll do it." I volunteered since this was going to be my last jacking while doin it with my buddies.

"Go babe you'll jack it in five seconds flat." Nick said giving me another sip of Jack.

"Yo Cal give me my lucky switch." I told him as he dug in his deep jacket pocket and pulled out a long slick piece of flexible plastic that we used to open locks.

"Thanks." I said and marched up to the truck and did my magic and slid into the car with ease as Nick slid into the passenger seat with Zack with Danny, Cal, and Greg jumped into the bed of the truck.

I got the right wires and hotwired the baby and finally jumped the engine. When I did you heard the hoot and hollering of my friends as I pulled the car out of the drive way it was in to take it for a joy ride.

We were all sipping out of the bottle of Jack in front of Cal's high school and the truck was left on the side of the school. We were having a great time getting drunk, but I was a little tipsy and now making out with Nick but all was right until those sirens sounded.

"Shit!" Cal yelled as we started to pile out of their running so we wouldn't get caught and to build adrenaline and maybe just to have a good rush.

"Come on babe." Nick said pulling me up and making me run as we ran to where the houses started.

Cal, Danny, Greg, and Zack were all in front of us jumping fences as me and Nick were about a yard behind.

"Fuck!" Nick half yelled half laughed as he fell and I fell on top of him.

"Shit get up Nick." I said pulling him up and kept running through the yard and jumping one more fence until we hit a corner and the cops were still following us.

Zack fell in his drunken state on to the pavement as he tried to run even faster but tripped over his feet. I wasn't leaving my buddy behind even when I was tipsy and neither was Nick.

"Hands on your head Lorena, Nick and Zack." Mr. Linen told us as he just shoved us in the back of the cop car after patting us down but finding nothing although smelling the alcohol on us.

"You kids are in a shit load of trouble, especially you Lorena." Mr. Linen said to us while we giggled in the back of the car.

"When am never in trouble Mr. Hard-ass?" I said half laughing my ass off but he just shook his head and kept driving.

"That was great baby." Nick told me and kissed me before we got pulled out of the car and found our foster parents waiting for us but for Zack his real parents were there.

"What the hell am I going to do with you Lorena?" David pretended to scold me but I knew I was in for it when I got back to the house.

"Excuse me, coming through here." I heard the voice of a lady.

"Hello Ms. Finn." Ana said stepping forward to shake a woman's hand as I sat down on a bench.

"Hello Mrs. Nicolai and this must be Lorena." The woman who I guessed was Ms. Finn.

"What the hell is it to you?" I sassed her.

"We just don't know what to do anymore." David said to her.

"We'll talk in the morning, here's my number I should have it down packed when you call around eight." Ms. Finn said giving him her number and pulling my parents aside any ways.

"Getting hauled out babe." Nick stated rather than asked.

"Damn straight but I don't want to leave you." I told him as he sat down next to me and my parents and his took no notice.

"Its straight babe, you just need to get out of that damn house." Nick said putting his arm around me and kissed my head.

"Great last run." I told him before my parents made me leave to go back to the hell hole.

When we got home I ran up stairs and went to lock the door to find it had been busted in and I couldn't lock it.

"See now what the hell you going to do?" David asked stepping into the door way.

"Screw you." I told him as he made a swing to punch me.

His hand connected to my face and split my lip and made me bleed.

"That's not nice to say to your father." David told me yanking me by my hair.

"You're not my fuckin father." I told him as I twisted trying to get lose from his grip.

"Don't use that language in my house!" He bellowed as he threw me down on to the ground by my hair.

I stood up ready to take more of the pain or give it out.

"Screw you, your house, your damn wife, and yourself!" I yelled back as he stepped up to me.

He made a move to punch me but I got to him first and gave him a good solid punch in the eye which earned me a kick in the stomach.

In the end I had a busted lip, a bruised chest, a bruise on the lower ridge of my eye, and a cut just above my eyebrow.

*Week later*

"What happened to you?" The cop who was driving me to my new hell house.

"None of your damn business." I told him looking out of the window after I'd adjusted my sunglasses.

"You're going to be a damn handful aren't you?" The guy said to his self and shook his head.

"Hell to the yeah." I whispered.

When we'd finally arrived at our destination. My new home, this should be interesting.

Good? Bad? Tell me please just a review with a happy or sad face or more if you want, but I'd like to hear your opinion