This story is not beta'd so there might be some misspelled words or improper grammar.
Chapter 2
It was Jacob.
I looked up Edward in panic, he nodded and stood in front of me but not before Jacob seen me.
"Bells, come give Jakey a hug" I felt Edward growl real low as I stepped out from behind Edward and stood beside him I noticed that Jasper and Emmett and Carlisle standing on either side of me. Although I knew Emmet and Jasper had no idea what was going on, they knew they were protecting me especially when their dad throws a punch at someone, and Edward is trying to hide me behind him.
I looked at dad with my arms crossed over my chest
"Dad I have something to tell you" dad looked curious and nervous
"Something happened Two months ago that you need to know." Jake looked furious he knew exactly what I was going to tell.
I took a deep breath
"I was raped 'I heard gasps from everyone' and you would have never found out about if I hadn't found out today that I am pregnant and the guy that raped me not only once but twice in the same day is standing in this room." Dad started looking around "and that guy is standing right beside you, Dad JACOB BLACK RAPED ME"
Dad looked like he could murder Jacob, you could see the flames in his eyes but he kept his police face on.
"Dad, he even try to get me to give him a blow job in your own house, remember that one night you heard me screaming and you came to see what was going on and Jake was in my room and he said 'she seen a mouse' when in fact he was trying to make me give him a fucking blow job"
When I looked up the boys looked like they were going to kill someone, I could hear the growls coming from everyone And Esme, Rose, and Alice had Baseball bats, where in the hell did they get them, I could see dad's hand twitch toward his gun you could see the anger in his eyes but his face was a calm.
Jake was brave enough to speak
"I'm going to be a father, c-c-can I touch your stomach?"
All the guys growled and I was pushed behind Edward.
"You will never touch her again, Chief Swan are you going to arrest him?"
Charlie looked around but didn't say anything he must still be in shock.
"Um yes, but without physical evidence that it wasn't un consensual sex, he will only be in for about 24 to 48 hours or at least till Monday, but as of right now there is no proof other than my grandbaby." Chief Swan said.
by now I was pissed "DAD, how dare you think that I would even think about having sex much less unprotected sex with anyone, besides I was a virgin when that ass raped me, he didn't even see if I was ready which I wasn't at all and it still hurts it feels like I have razors up in there and it feels like I am chaffing inside." by the time I was done with my rant Edward had me in his arms in a tight hug
Carlisle cleared his throat "Chief Swan, if what she said is true we got your evidence, I will schedule her appointment with the best OBGYN we have and the evidence will be sent to your office."
Charlie nodded
"Jacob Black, You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you. Do you understand these rights as they have been read to you?" Jacob nodded and was handcuffed
"Bella, I will be back to take your full statement okay" I nodded
After they had drove off I broke down crying again
I realized I was being held I looked into the eyes of Esme my almost mother she smiled and said "so I'm going to be a Grandma huh." I laughed and nodded a 'yes'
I heard squeals from Alice and Rose and I could hear them planning the nursery and already planning a shopping trip. And I thought I heard something about redoing my room that I have here.
Esme looked down at me "Bella I know this is a bad time to ask, but what are you going to do about school?"
"Um, no clue I might just drop out." Everyone got really quiet then all of a sudden.
"HELL NO, you are not going to drop out, you are going to go to school then as soon as that bump starts to show or you start to get uncomfortable going to school then mom will start home school you, and if you have too you can move in"
Everyone was starring at Edward in shock at his outburst.
"Its true sweetie, by the time you have the baby you will be able to walk across the stage with rest of the class!" Carlisle said.
Everyone nodded in agreement.
"Dear let's see what Charlie has to say about all this but if he tries to make her do something like give the baby up or anything like that, I will move her in myself!" I have never heard Esme use that tone of voice, she is always so soft spoken so it is surprising.
"Bella, why don't you go upstairs and lay down for a little while Edward goes with her please." Me and Edward both nodded and headed up the stairs.
I started to go to my room but Edward tugged me back across the hall to his room.
I laid down in his very comfortable king sized bed; he looked like he was deep in thought then with a crooked smile and a wink he went to the bathroom a few seconds later he came out with a glass of water.
"Do you have a headache" I nodded as he handed me two Advil and the glass of water which I chugged down. Edward lay down beside as I snuggled into my side of the bed.
"Bella, I'm with you every step of the way, you know that right?"
"Yes, Edward I know and I am very thankful for that!"He smiled and kissed me on the forehead
"Can I see your stomach" I blushed and raised my shirt his hand ghosted over my skin, tracing where my bump would appear in a few months.
"Did dad do a ultra sound today?"
"Yeah they are in my purse, if you want to go get them" he jumped out of the bed and went to my purse.
I opened it up and handed him the pictures "It's Beautiful Bella!"
I smiled and he got back into bed and I snuggled into his side and slowly fell asleep but somewhere in my foggy brain I thought I heard him say 'I love you Bella and this may not be our baby but I will love it as mine'.
When I woke up it was dark outside, I turned over and saw that Edward was asleep beside me his very large hand is still on my stomach. Edward slowly woke up and he smiled at me and looked over at the clock
"Wow we slept a long time didn't we?"
I laughed "yeah we did."
I looked over to the clock and seen a picture frame with a blowup of one of the ultra sounds. I looked around at Edward who was smiling.
"Edward, when did you do this?" I had tears in my eyes damn hormones
"Shortly after you went to sleep, you're not mad are you?" he asked concern and worried that I am mad.
"No Edward I'm not mad I'm happy." He let out a relieved breathe and granted me a crooked smile.
"I want to do this with at least one ultra sound each time okay." i nodded smiling like a fool. His phone beeped with a txt message.
"Bella, your dad is here to take your statement and mom said to come down and eat dinner"
I paled I didn't want to go through this again as if he was reading my mind Edward said "Bella this important you have to give your statement!"
"I know, I just don't want to go through it all again." he nodded and I took the hand he offered me to help me out of the bed.
As we reached the stairs I stumbled a little. Edward chuckled
"Bella, get on my back and I will piggy back you down so you don't hurt yourself or your baby" he said with a smile
I willingly climbed onto his back as we descended the stair I whispered my thanks
We reached the bottom of the stairs I immediately saw my dad sitting on the couch eating a piece of lemon meringue pie, he motioned for me to sit down and he placed a recorder down.
"Isabella?" oh no "I need to take your statement!"
I took a deep breath
"It happened right after we got back from Europe, I had been home two days and you wanted to go fishing and I didn't want to stay home by myself so we both went down to La Push and you and Billy went fishing leaving me alone with Jacob, he had been acting weird every since we arrived. After awhile I told him I was going for a walk I walked to one secluded part of the beach where I always catch some sun I loved that place you can smell the ocean and the sand is always so warm I had laid down and been there maybe of fifteen minutes when there was a shadow I looked and it was Jacob before I could say what's up he was on top of me groping me all over I told him to get off he never did say anything I was screaming when his hands pulled down my shorts and my underwear down he entered me roughly and the whole time he was whispering 'love you, love you, love you' over and over and I remember thinking what have I done to him for him to do this to me.
After he was done he just sat up smirked at me got up and walked off I sat there and cried for I don't know how long the few times I tried to stand up there was so much pain. I finally stood up and walked back to the house when I got into the house he was sitting on the couch acting like nothing had happened he looked up at me and asked 'hey bells you were gone awhile something wrong' I didn't say anything I went straight to the bathroom and started to cleanup. He waited about two minutes and then unlocked the door and came right on in and he looked furious 'Bella you will not walk away from me when I'm talking to you! I asked you what took you so long to come back to the house.'
I answered him in a dead voice 'I was so sore and hurt so bad I couldn't walk' he then attacked me told me you are mine, no one will ever want you ever, you better be glad I even looked your way because you are ugly' he then dragged me into his room and raped me again he might have done it more, I don't know I blacked out"
Dad looked mad Edward had a tight hold on me as I cried into his chest,
Dad cleared his throat "Isabella, please tell me about the incident at the house?"
Esme had brought me a glass of water and I drank the whole thing in one gulp.
"Alright, they were over to watch the football game with you and for some reason he ended up in my room, I was looking at the photo's from the summer trip before I even knew he was there he had done grabbed my head and was dragging it toward his crotch 'Bitch I want a blow job so you are going to give it to me' he started unzipping his jeans and then I started screaming that's when you ran into the room that's when he said 'she seen a mouse' .
So every time they came over I made sure I wasn't home, I always was over here."
Dad nodded and was writing something down "how long were the incidents apart?"
"Almost two weeks, at that point I mainly stayed in my room; I was in that much pain!"
Dad nodded he understood that week he couldn't get me out of my room for anything, not even Alice and Rose could get me out or anyone one else it had been almost two weeks of me staying in my room that Emmett, Jasper, and Edward came into the house (of course dad knew they were going to do this) came into my room and Emmett picked me up and threw me over his shoulder and carried me out to his jeep by that time the pain had faded and about six showers a day to not feel so filthy.
Dad turned off the tape recorder with a sigh.
"Alright Bella, I need you to sign this statement saying everything is true" I nodded and signed the paper.
"Alright now that is taken care of, Bella I understand Carlisle wants you to stay here for awhile I honestly think that is a good idea because of where I'm not home that much and at least here you always have someone with you."
I looked at dad and nodded "yes dad, I would love to stay here and as long as you promise to come see me every night!" I said with a smile
Esme cleared her throat "Charlie, you come over for supper and stay as long as you want and if you want you can stay in one of the guest rooms."
"I'll say yes to the supper, but I'll think about the guest room thanks Esme"
I heard her laughing "you're welcome Charlie"
Dad turned back to me "Bella, why don't you go eat you need your strength and my grand baby needs to be kept healthy which reminds have you got your pre vitamins or whatever they are"
I laughed I couldn't help it it's very rare that you see my dad blush
"Charlie, I have them by her plate when she is ready to eat" Dad smiled at Esme and my stomach must have heard about the food because it growled, everyone started laughing. Esme took my arm and pulled me off the couch into the kitchen pointed to the chair and silently demanded me to sit and eat which I did and started eating.
In the living room I could still hear dad talking to Edward
"Edward, please keep my baby safe because lord knows I haven't!" I heard dad sigh.
"Charlie don't blame you go home get a good night's sleep and we will see tomorrow!"
"alright I will, I guess I better swing by the station, I think I heard one the deputy's say something about beating the shit out of Jacob!" just by the sound of this I know he was smiling
"Well tell them to get a punch in for me" I knew he was joking but if he had a chance he would punch him in fact I think he has wanted to do it for a long time.
"I better go say bye to Bella I'll see you later Edward."
Dad slowly walked into the kitchen and gave me a small smile.
"Bella I'm heading home, Alice has gone to get your book bag and some of clothes!"
I smiled and nodded as my mouth was full; he reached over and gave me a kiss on the forehead.
"I love you kiddo, and whatever comes out of you!" I laughed "thanks dad"
"Hey um dad what has Billy said about all this? And does he know I'm pregnant!" he frowned a little.
"He's not happy about the way Jacob treated you, but he is happy that you will have his grandchild and is happy that you didn't abort it, I told him you would never abort it you didn't have the heart to do that, he also asked if he could see the baby when it's born if not he understands." I nodded
"Dad, I'll call Billy and talk to him he can see the baby just because his son done what he did doesn't mean that I'm going to keep him from his grandchild!" dad smiled and then frowned again.
"I also talked to Rachael, her and her husband is moving back here and Billy called her and told her what had happened, she asked if I was there she said she had some info for me. She gave me a statement over the phone apparently her and Jacob had talked a lot over the summer and she said that he would say things like 'I miss her so bad, I want her in so many ways it isn't funny, sis I swear I'm going to bust a nut, she will be mine, why does Cullen get to be so close to her and sleep in the same bed and I can't' What was the last one to mean?" I wiped my eyes.
"He knows and you do to that me and Edward share a bed, but that's all we have ever done! you know one night you were on a weekend fishing trip it was Friday, I had a very bad day and by bad day, Newton was bothering me and the Jessica and Tanya had started teasing me and also tripped me causing me to fall pretty hard. I wanted to go home early so Edward took me home, Alice was in Seattle with Esme and Rose was in auto shop with Emmett you do not disturb them in that class, so Edward stayed with me well he put in the bed after we watched a movie he started back towards the door but I asked him to stay with me, the next morning when I woke up Jacob was standing there glaring at me and Edward he stormed out and didn't talk to me for a week!"
"Bella, why didn't you tell me about this? I had thought for a long time that Jacob had a crush on you and I just didn't think it would escalate to this, but stick with Edward he will take good care of you like he always has!" he said that last part with a smile he looked at his watch.
"I've got to go I'll see you tomorrow, after all it is the weekend." Dad said with a smile.
I laughed "Thanks dad, I'll see you tomorrow love you"
He kissed my forehead "love you too bells" at that he turned and left
Edward came into the room and ate we talked about school and a lot of other things he was cut off when I yawned really loud.
He laughed "I guess it's bed time?" I nodded "Alice said she put your pajamas on the bed so let's go on up you ready." I smiled at him and yawned again "I take that as a yes" he got off his stool turned and bent down in front of me" climb on spider monkey! I think you're too tired to walk up those stairs." we both laughed and I got his back and we went to bed.
Alright peeps what do you think? Review Please