Hey everyone! Remember me? Of course you do! Anyways enjoy this new story I'm writing. This story is in the Dragonball Z section if you want to look for it. My character can fly in this fic. XD if you don't hear from me….college has kidnapped me. XD
The girl no older than seventeen yawned as the sun's rays hit her face ever so gently. She groggily got up and went to her restroom. ( I know she's young and have her own place, but I'll reveal that soon enough.)
She took her a long warm 20 minute shower that instantly woke her up. She had a towel wrapped around her slender waist as she walked back to her lavender room.
She quickly dried herself off, and put on her undergarments and opened her closet to search for her clothes on her first say of school in Japan.
She finally took out a black fitting baby T shit that hugged her curves that grew in perfectly and baggy blue pants decorated with small chains that hung loose but not too lose around her gorgeous hips. She also took out black converses, and black fitting arm warmers that stopped at the forearm. ( I don't know I just love these. There like…in almost every story I wrote so far!^^)
She slowly looked at the time and sat that it was 7: 15.
" Good, school starts at in 35 minutes, plenty of time to get ready and talk to Trunks and Krillin." She said to herself.
She quickly put on her outfit and fixed her midnight black hair that stopped at the bottom of her butt. She brushed it some to get the tangles out and then brushed it some to frame her light tan face. She got her a black rubber band and tied it at the very bottom. (Think of Neji's hair from "Naruto")
She finally put the finishing touches on with her black hoop earrings, and her black Nike backpack. She glanced at herself in the mirror with her lavender eyes (It's not like Neji's and Hinata's. They're the real lavender color, like a light purple.) and them the clock and it read 7: 35.
" Dang! time sure does going fast when you're looking this good" She said as she twirled around in the mirror doing model poses.
She went to the kitchen and grabbed and apple and left her house locking the door in the process. She stopped at the middle of her side walk, and concentrated her energy through her foot, and slowly lifted into the air.
After that she took, of at neck breaking speed.
She flew in the air for a couple of minutes and saw two figures in the air as well, but they wasn't moving, like they were waiting for her. She finally realized it was Trunks and Krillin.
" Yo Trunks! Krillin! What's up!" She yelled as she flew to them.
" Finally you got here. You took forever. We almost went to school without you." Trunks said playfully. He had beautiful light blue eyes and whitish/grayish hair that stopped what complemented them. He wore a black muscle shirt with a short white rib jacket and white baggy pants to match with black shoes. He wonderfully showed off his verybuilt figure.
" Yeah, Banryuu. You always take forever. I guess girls got to take hours to get ready." Krillin said laughing. He had a cute face with a bald head and strangely…no nose. He was also very built as Trunks and had on a dark blue T-shirt and baggy black pants and blue shoes. He also had on a black wrist band.
" Oh, shut up! It's our first day at school. In Japan for shit's sake. Give me some dang slack." She said as she playfully hit both of them upside the head.
" Ok, ok. That hurts you know." Krillin said rubbing his bald head.
" Of course it does. With that bald head of yours it's gonna hurt. You ain't got not hair to protect it from my powerful blows." She said laughing her heart out with Trunks as well. Krillin pouted. She flew over to him and wrapped her arm around his shoulder.
" I'm sorry Krillin. I was just shittin' with ya. No hard feelings?" she said as she opened her arms for a hug. He looked at her and smiled and hugged her back.
" Yeah I guess."
" But! Be prepared for more bald jokes at school today."
" No! Don't you dare. Banryuu I'm serious." He said.
"Ok…lets get going" She said as they all started flying off but she stopped real fast. Trunks and Krillin looked curiously at her.
"Why'd you stop? Something wrong?" Trunks said concerningly.
" Yeah, Ban-chan" Krillin said.
She looked up, and then yelled at Krillin while pointing.
" !" She yelled laughing hard then she took of fast with Trunks laughing and screaming at the same time. Trunks couldn't hold it any longer and started laughing the hardest he'd even laughed.
" BANRYUU! GET OVER HERE!" Krillin yelled while chasing them to school.
How did you likie my story? Give me your opinions on it. If it's bad please keep it to yourself. I don't take shit well only constructive criticism.^^